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XxXAnimexloverXxX : Okay Levi, but supposing you had a child with... Petra, (just an example you tsundere.) would you hate that child?

Wha- What the hell is "tsundere"??

Anyway, that doesn't matter.

If I had a child with Petra...


If I had a child with Petra...

It's hard to say, really. Why do you guys keep bringing her up? Even hearing her name...depresses me. I don't know anymore.

Me and Petra had plans. Okay? Plans. For our future.

We had a plan to keep her safe, away from the titans.

I had a plan to keep her in safe custody in Wall Sina, and let her retire.

We had a plan to settle down...after this is all over.

And we had a plan to...

*closes eyes and sniffs*

If I had a child with Petra...I would protect it with my life. But, it's difficult. Almost everything is difficult for me. Because I'm expected to help rescue humanity from the titans,

Because I'm expected to carry all the weight,

And because I'm expected not to feel,

I'm just a standing rock. I'm not supposed to fall, or break. I'm supposed to just stand there, and be stiff. Sometimes I question the meaning behind the Wings of Freedom on our backs.

I've been wondering if it's just me, or everyone thinks the same. But...if you label someone precious in the legion, or your squad, if you feel something with that person, and if you have plans for that person, but knowing that it might not be achieved, it's difficult.

And if that precious someone, you want to have a child with...it's also difficult. I mean, if you're living a life like this, consider it impossible.

But if Petra and I had a child, I would protect it, I would live up to the end to see it grow, and I would cherish it with my life, just like how I cherish something precious to me.

But since she's gone, I try not to get my hopes up, because I lost something precious to me, that day. I lost something precious in my life.

So if anything, anything at all, that I want to cherish for something precious,  it would be her, and/or our child...

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