Chapter 19: Planning

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Art Above Belongs To Lolikuro

Sorry I didn't update! >.<  I've been really busy. Now on with the story :3


Ennard's Pov:

"DAMN IT!" I banged my fists on the table, growling angrily. "Damn Freddy..."

I froze hearing laughter, turning to face Springtrap, still chained to the wall. "What is so damn funny!?!" I growled angrily.

"Don't you see, Ennard?" He smirked at me. "You lost. It's over now."

I glared at him, before slowly smirking.

"Heh... Hehe. Hahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I started to laugh loudly, Springtrap looked at me shocked and confused.

"It's not over. Not yet. I still have more tricks up my sleeve." I looked at the monitor, Freddy and Foxy chatting with each other as my eyes glowed. "I will let them get closer again... Before I tear Freddy to parts."

Springtrap's Pov:

I woke up with a start hearing the door slammed open, Ennard walking in angrily.

"DAMN IT!" He banged his fists on the table, growling angrily, making me jump. "Damn Freddy..."

Did... Did Freddy manage to become friends with Foxy again...?

He froze hearing me laught, turning to face me. "What is so damn funny!?!" He growled angrily, but at this point, I don't care what he does to me, the plan is working.

"Don't you see, Ennard?" I smirked at him. "You lost. It's over now."

He glares at me angrily, before he slowly smirked.

"Heh... Hehe. Hahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ennard started to laugh loudly, as I looked at him confused and shocked.

"It's not over. Not yet. I still have more tricks up my sleeve." He smirks,  looking at the monitor, Freddy and Foxy chatting with each other as his eyes start to glow. "I will let them get closer again... Before I tear Freddy to parts."

"No! Don't you dare!" I growled angrily, struggling against the chains.

He just smirked at me. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you would be able to enjoy the show~"

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