Chapter 13- Age 23

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Chapter 13

Aged 23 

“So sorry I’m late, again. I promise tomorrow I will be earlier; I spilt coffee- we forgot her blankie- ran outta gas… I’m sorry.” I say putting Ivy down as we arrive in her classroom, I take off her coat and bag before giving her a kiss as she toddles to her peg to hang up her stuff.

“Gee it’s fine, I swear I leave you in bed for an hour and you are completely lost, made me wish I stayed in bed a whole lot longer…” Frank purrs in my ear as he pulls me close to give me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

“Daddy, go now.” Ivy tugs on my jeans looking at me irately.

“Why thank you baby. Love you too and all. Maybe daddy doesn’t want to go, huh? Maybe I want to stay all day…” I hoist her up in my arms again and over exaggerate how offended I was.

“Noo! Silly daddy. You gotta go to work!” she giggles hooking her arms around my neck and leans back to look me in the eye laughing weirdly compared to her usual giggle.

“I was thinking of staying till lunchtime so I could eat you all up.” I say as I pretend to eat her at the neck making her squirm and giggle loudly causing a big smile to pop up on my face at her beautiful innocence.

“Stop daddy. I love you. Have a good day.” She says as she kisses me giving me a final hug and I put her down, but for some reason I don’t want to let her go- I don’t want leave her, I just want to cuddle and kiss my baby girl all day… I had a bad feeling and I wasn’t sure if it was on leaving Ivy or what I intended on doing later that day.

“Bye bye sweetie.” I call after her as she runs to her friends who are sat in the corner drawing when she gets to them and she shrugs off her lateness and her embarrassing dad. “I gotta get going. I’m working in the gallery today then I’ve got a few tattoos late tonight. I’ll pick her up and drop her with Mandy; I’ve got something to tell you later by the way.” I say to Frank as I alter my backpack filled with new art supplies for the studio in the gallery.

“Okay, I’ll see you later, bye.” He gives me another hug and a short kiss on the cheek again before I walk out the door and through the small halls filled with children’s art work.

I get to my studio and empty my bag full of paint, brushes and random bits and bobs. On my canvas I start with neon green paint splattering it on the white canvas, then with red so the colours merge together; they make a sickly colour in the middle and I take a step back to look it over. The bright green droplets spray the canvas then drip down like a rainfall, then the crimson red covers over it like a spurt of blood from a fresh deadly cut as it fans the white fabric; the colours twist and turn in some points whilst in overs they blend to create a sickly green almost brown making it not look right, the colours clash and don’t look right- like it needs a equalising colour like blue, yellow or black. Then something hits me…


The last drawing of today was small and simple yet very significant, I drew it and left, but the woman it was for told me her story in a special way. She was one of seven adopted children to a big shot millionaire and his wife, she grew up pretty much cut off from the real world; she went to an academy status boarding school in the middle of New York where she learnt the violin and focused on literary skills and writing. She told me how she used to love to play violin, love how her heart synchronised with the strings and how the music captured her soul as she played; she got so lost in the music that one day the music lost her. She was playing in a school concert, her family hadn’t shown up and in her anger she was playing all the more passionately; then suddenly one of the strings snapped and coiled back lashing her in the throat severing some of the major arteries. She lost her voice that night and her passion to play; so in honour of her violin she wanted a white violin incorporated in her family crest. Her sister was there to talk for her but as she spoke the lady’s eyes held the emotion as if she was speaking them herself. Of course I decided to leave early in order to spend more time with Ivy before it was too late and to get to Frank’s.

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