Hello World: Introducing SEF

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️ So this is probably the update you've been waiting for! Ladyjenny13 this is for you! ❤️

❤️ So this is probably the update you've been waiting for! Ladyjenny13 this is for you! ❤️

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I feel like I'm being ripped in half. The pain of childbirth is excruciating and nothing I did was helping, not even the breathing techniques that I tried to master was going to be of any use to me in this state. The only way I was getting out of this alive was if someone put me into a coma or if I was drugged up to my eyeballs. 

"Isaac, this isn't funny anymore," I cried through the tears of pain. Another contraction had just passed and as exhausted as I felt, I wasn't in any place to savour this calm. My contractions were very close together and unfortunately, I was too dilated to receive an epidural. I begged for it, pleading with the midwife to give me anything and everything to ease this pain, going so far as to bribe her into giving me the drugs. She refused, laughing as she told me that it wasn't in my birth plan. "I am going to kill that hippy. She said that I didn't need drugs, that my body was a wonderful machine, that I could do this just like all those women did back in the dark ages when there was no thing as gas and air! She lied to me, Isaac."

For his part, my amazing birth partner- and partner in general- gave me a sympathetic smile and placed his forehead against mine. His lips brushed between my eyebrows and he whispered that I was going to be ok. As much as I wanted to believe him, I genuinely believe that I won't make it to see my baby being born. This was horrendous. 

"Isaac, I need the drugs," I tell him. My voice had become eerily calm as I stared him dead in the eye. I gripped his t-shirt while my other hand clenched one of his. When he shook his head, a solemn frown on his features. Sighing, I ask, "Fancy trading places? I'll hold your hand and you can push a watermelon out of your vagina."

My waters broke in the middle of the night, taking us all by surprise. I wasn't due for another fortnight. Martha had returned from her trip to Ibiza yesterday afternoon and we had spent most of the night listening to her stories about what she and her friends had got up to while away. There was nothing salacious about her trip but it was endearing that she would want to tell us all about it. Isaac was glad to have her back and wouldn't stop giving her hugs and saying that she wasn't allowed out of his sight again. I think he was just feeling protective of her; ever since Martha turned eighteen, he's been at a loss of what to do. Until Nugget arrives, he feels childless. It's complete crap but he won't listen to sense. 

Anyhow, when I went to bed, I never thought for a second that I'd be awake a few hours later, having a mild panic that I had just started labour. Yes, I'd experienced some discomfort earlier during dinner but when you're that heavily pregnant, you just think that the pain is linked to the fact that the baby is now pressing on a nerve or your bladder. I was awake for about an hour before I woke Isaac up and as soon as I told him what was going on, he freaked out. He shot out of bed, dressed, ran downstairs while shouting THE BABY IS COMING and disappeared somewhere. I think he ran out the door as he returned shortly after, screaming and asking where I was. 

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