5K Answers

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So like I said before in a different chapter, I reached 5,000 reads on this and I was going to be doing a Q and A for it. Only three people asked me questions, but that's okay. I think they're REALLY GOOD questions.

Anyways, here are my answers!

@bluem00nnnnz asks: First of all congratulations! Second of all, What was your reaction when you got 5k? Btw I love you.

First: Thank you. Second: My reaction is kinda pathetic. I saw it and was like, "Cool. What kind of special should I do? Q&A sounds cool. Yeah, lets go with that." But to be fair, I saw it in the middle of class so I couldn't get too excited or else people would think I'm super weird. Third: Again, thank you so much! That made my day!

@JazzyVail asks: When did you first become a SIO fan? And what's your favorite song from each Ep/album?

I hate to admit that I became a fan in the middle of March of 2017. I feel like a fake fan because I haven't been a fan for so long. So to make up for it, I have almost all of their albums/EPs and I stalk them on Twitter everyday. Also I read a lot of fanfiction. My favorite songs would be like this:

Baby You Don't Tripajaharda: I got nothing, sorry. The audio quality makes me cringe too much.

Calm Before a Storm: 143 or Pages and Paragraphs. But mostly 143

Horrible Kids: End in Tragedy. Love that song so much!

Cinematics: Dad's Song, You Are Loved, and Partner's in Crime. Partner's in Crime was actually the very first song that got me into the band in the first place so it holds a special place in my heart.

Duality: Ancient History and Why Worry

Upside Down: Diamond Girl, Life Afraid, Uncontainable, and Admit It. I'm thinking about using Life Afraid for my Senior Solo in dance!

@animeluver1998 asks: Who started/introduced your love of music? Who's your favorite band(other than SIO)?

Oh boy! If we want to talk about that we'll have to go way back (way back, way back, way back, way back, way back, way back) to when I was 11.

So I'm a huge hockey nerd and the Iowa Wild (AHL team) have just started their inaugural year. Their opening song is the best song I've ever heard, but I have NO IDEA who it is. So I look it up one night and it turns out it's The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. So I get hooked on their band and it all goes downhill from their.

In, I believe, 2014 or 2015, Fall Out Boy is coming to town and I get tickets for Christmas. I take my friends with me and as we're waiting for the show, they're playing music videos on the jumbo tron. There's this really freaky one that's got me so intrigued, but I forget about it when the show starts. A week or so later, I'm reading fanfiction (surprise, surprise) and someone has linked it in their story. I found Panic! at the Disco's Emperor in New Clothes music video. I tell my friends and we become fans. Then last year during Spring Break we get to see him in concert and we were SO CLOSE to getting a high-five, but no.

So how does Set It Off tie into this? Just wait! So I was getting more and more into YouTube and I wanted to find a new band that I liked, but I didn't really feel like looking. So I was watching animatics because those people are really freaking talented! I somehow find myself watching Septiplier ones and see one labeled, you guessed it, Partner's in Crime. I found my band I love more than any other.

Set It Off also lead me to bands like Our Last Night and Waterparks. Also one of my friends made me listen to an MCR song when I was like 10 and never thought about it until a few months ago for some reason. They then lead me to Black Veil Brides and there you go. My 7 Bands I Obsess Too Much Over.

Thank you so much for listening to my little rants but I loved your questions and I hope you liked my answers??? I don't know, don't worry about it! I'm so thankful I actually posted this, because I was so afraid it was going to do awful but boy do you all prove me wrong! Thank you for doing so! More updates are coming and I absolutely cannot wait to share all these great updates I have planned!

I love you all so much!

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