how we met

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Nash's POV

'I finally escaped from uncle Leo (Loki) and auntie aries' I thought as I ran deeper into the forest uncle Loki always has to come with me to make sure I don't pass the border or go to deep into the forest. then laughing and saw that I was deep in the forest near the border.I looked around trying to find  the person that was laughing and then the person stopped I looked forward to see a girl with blue hair and dark blue eyes running her running came to a halt as she looked at me and then she smiled at me after a few second a man with white came running with a women with pink hair were running towards her "Sylvia!!" the man called her name 'so her name is Sylvia huh' "Nash!!" I heard uncle Leo yelling my name but I didn't turn away from but she looked at the man the women the two stopped running and looked at me "hey long time no see" the man said "hey Lyon and meredy how have you two been?" uncle Leo asked I their presence behind me but I still didn't look away from the pretty girl. she reached her hand out and I did the same when I did she quickly pulled away the man named Lyon noticed "Leo meet Sylvia fullbuster" he introduced "hi" she said and smiled "hey and lyon this is nash dragneel" uncle Leo introduced to uncle lyon "hey" I said I looked back to where Sylvia was but she wasn't there she was playing with a pink haired girl then a raven haired guy came up to the two of them and "Lilith ... I .... lo ... um" the raven guy stuttered then I heard him take a deep breath in thanks to my dragon hearing anyways "Lilith I..I..I l-l-lo-" " just say it already storm!!"Sylvia said "I was about to before you interrupted me style ok *deep breath In * I love you Lilith vastia!!" storm said "I love you too storm fullbuster " Lilith said than I saw some fire that was heading for Sylvia before I could process  I already started running towards her I pushed her out the way we both fell on the floor "thanks, mister" she said giving that warm smile again making me blush the adults came running. we said our goodbyes and left it was night but I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about Sylvia the next day I didn't come out of my room I just lay there in bed. days past but I kept thinking about Sylvia it's like I was drawn to her. *knock* *knock* someone was knocking on my door  "come in!" I yelled "hey nash you haven't come out of your room for a while what up?" uncle sting said coming in with auntie Yukino, uncle Loki (Leo) and auntie aries the four of them came in and uncle Leo (Loki) and sting sat on the bed with me and auntie Yukino and Aries grabbed a chair for themselves and sat down "it's nothing sting" I said "it is something because you call me sting when your hiding something so spill " he said calmly I sighed and told them " well there's this girl that I keep thinking about when ever I think about her my heart skips a beat and I don't know why?" I admitted they looked at each other and auntie Yukino said "nash yo-" "I never thought I'd see the day a dragneel but nash my friend you're in love and that is with a fullbuster " uncle Leo said interrupting auntie Yukino "I am? wait how did you know she was a fullbuster?" I said confused "yes you are and I know because I saw the way you kept staring at Sylvia fullbuster" he said "wait your in love with a fullbuster?" uncle sting asked confusion in his voice "yeah he is-" "he can't help loving her and think about it sting maybe these two could get gray and Natsu to be friends again " auntie Yukino said interrupting uncle leo 'who's gray? what happened between papa and uncle gray? and why is it so wrong for a dragneel to love a fullbuster? ' I thought " nash if you're wondering why we can tell you if you want?" auntie Mira said coming in with uncle laxus "yes" I said curiously so they explained what happened 5 years ago.

*with Sylvia in the forest earlier*

Sylvia's POV

I tried to get out of the castle  undetected with out my mom or dad spotting me or anyone because then they'll send someone with me to protect me but I manage to escape them except for my protective brothers and my parents well mostly my dad  I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice someone behind me " and where do you think your going young lady?" I jumped a little startled I turned to see none other than my dad gray fullbuster "Oh hey papa how's it going?" I said nervously he raised his a brow "um oh it's mama " I said trying to distract my dad he looked behind him and I  ran for it but he stopped me "Sylvia do you really think I'm going to fall for that?" he said "well at least I tried" I said "you are only going outside the castle if you take someone with you for your protection" he said serious " but dad I want to go alone I promise I won't go too deep beside I manage to escape most of them anyway " I complained " but you can't get past me. ok you'll be taking your uncle and auntie with you since I can't come because I'm going to be busy" he said "Lyon Meredy!!" dad shouted "yeah what is it gray?" uncle Lyon asked "can you go with Sylvia to the woods?" dad asked  "yeah we would if we weren't looking after the kids dumbass" uncle said "why can't you just look after them while watching Sylvia in the woods" dad suggested " No that-" " ok that sounds like great idea we'll ask them if they want to come ok " auntie meredy said interrupting and covering uncle Lyons mouth with her hand 

*time skip to the wood*

so Lilith and storm ended up coming because he would look after me too I managed to escape them somehow. I laughed how easy it is to escape storm my big brother sometimes when there's Lilith with us and mum and dad aren't with us nor krystal. then I saw a boy standing there staring at me I stopped when I realized I was getting close to the border (A/N: I'm not repeating the whole thing again so deal with it readers that want me to repeat it)  

*Time skip to fullbuster castle*

when I got home my dad scolded me for going near the border then I saw uncle gajeel who was behind my dad and he gave me the look that he gives me every time my dad asks him to follow me. then suddenly I sneezed someone must be thinking about me I wonder who my aunties and uncle also grandpa silver came to my room that night and explained what happened 5 yrs ago between my dad and uncle Natsu.

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