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natsu POV

I saw nash's eyes pupils turn blood red and eyes black with an evil smirk and scales started forming with horns on his head "nash calm down!" I shouted but he didn't he was looking at ary and sylvia.

Gray POV

"Gray......" juvia said putting a hand on my shoulder I looked at her and she pointed to nash "end....." I said "natsu try and calm nash down" I said "I did but he didn't end will control him fully if this continues get ary out of here" he said I let go of sylvia and grabbed ary's hand and dragged him "ary let go of me" sylvia said I looked back to see him holding sylvia's "Gray!" natsu yelled "natsu keep sylvia with you?" I asked he nodded and dragged her to lucy but also dragged ary "ary let go of her?" I asked "no" he said "natsu!" I yelled he turned and looked down "fire dragon iron fist!" he said as he separated them.


I completely took over I made the church burn down but before I do anything else "sylvia!" nash yelled coming out as he saw her body laying their natsu and the others are probably fighting the other I ran over to her "nash?" she asked as she smiled at me then suddenly I came out I held her up by her chin "pretty girlfriend you got here nash" I commented "nash I know your in there somewhere if you can hear me you need to calm down" she said "sorry that won't work now because I already took over" I said "what?" she asked in disbelief "what's your name cutie?" I asked "sylvia.sylvia aqua fullbuster now dragneel" she replied struggling against my hold on her chin "oh so you're married to nash?" I asked she nodded "please can you let go you're hurting me?" she asked I let go "end could you please give nash back?" she asked "sorry no" I said and she frowned "but I'll make a deal with you" I said her face brightened up "if you beat me then nash and I will share and if you lose then I get can do whatever I want and you don't interfere" I said she nodded "ok".

*time skip*

this girl is interesting she actually got scratches on me but I can tell she's pretty hurt and I landed more hits on her I'm surprised she's still standing "1st, 2nd and 3rd origin sea queen, dragon queen and blood empress!" she called she had a white dress with wave-like things at the bottom she had a sword in hand with a crown on her head holding a red ruby "surrender" she said her eyes crystal blue pointing a sword at my neck "never but nice" I said she attacked "dragon slayer secret arts crimson lotus: dragon blade!" she called coming to me but I also used a sword to stab did the same blood came out of her mouth "thank you end" she whispered before falling on my shoulder I fell on hers "please keep nash safe and out of harm while your in control because I know nash won't take the news hard....." she said "and for releasing my demon I know it's evil" she whispered as her clothes changed.

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