Halloween special

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Sylvia's POV

"Sylvia are you ready yet?!" yelled storm "yeah just give me a minute!" I yelled  I heard footsteps "Sylvia why is it taking so long?" Krystal asked "hey sis could you please help me?" I asked "yeah sure what do you need help with?" she asked "could you tie this ribbon in my hair?" I asked "sure" she said as she grabbed the ribbon and tied it "done now let's go" she said we walked down Krystal was wearing a dark blue dress a which dress hat with her hair in two downward pigtails and she had on purple and black  knee-high socks "what are you supposed to be a shirtless boy?" I asked storm he was shirtless because off his stripping habit that he got  from dad he looked down "dammit" he said as he grabbed his costume and put it on mum and dad came down "everyone ready?" dad asked "dad/gray!" mum and I yelled "what?" he asked as he looked down he quickly put his clothes on we came out of the house and got in the car I was going to go trick or treating with luna while the others go with by themselves mum and dad will stay at uncle Natsu and auntie lucy's house.

*time skip*

we arrived I was first to get out and knock Luna opened the door "hey you ready?!" Luna asked she was wearing a white skirt and blue top which included a hoodie with blue cat ears she had white knee high sock and brown boots "yes!" I squealed we both squealed "stop screaming you're hurting my ears" Nash said coldly "nash" I said glaring at him he glared back we kept glaring at each other until luna pulled me out the door she shut the door and we left "luna where do you wanna start?" I asked "don't know" she replied we just went to a random house.

Nash's POV

there was a knock at the door Luna opened it and asked the person a question I looked at the person to see Sylvia she looked cute (A/N Picture in the media) I started blushing Sylvia replied squealing they both started squealing  I told them to stop Sylvia glared at me so I glared back luna pulled her out the door I followed them I was a vampire soon they met up with storm and Luna went with storm so Sylvia was alone but she still went on mines was already full so yeah.

*time skip*

after a while she was done she was got lost then she tripped she closed her eyes but I caught her Sylvia's eyes were still closed guess she was waiting for the fall than she opened her dark blue eyes she slowly stood up and moved away from me she started walking the wrong way "Sylvia that's the wrong way" I said she ignored me and kept walking I ran up to her and stopped once I was beside her "you want help?" I asked "no I can find my own way back" she said confidently but I could tell she was lost because she never really liked me or wanted my help she's always been like this if she needs help she never tells anyone she does and tries to work it out her self or when she's hurt she does the same Sylvia stopped walking and she turned towards me there was a blush on her cheeks and looked the other way "nash could you help me? I'm lost" she asked me I nodded without thinking I had kissed her cheek Sylvia's blush brightened we walked home but kinda ended up lost Sylvia suddenly held my hand "thanks" she said smiling at me we kept walking hand in hand. sylvia and I have known each other since birth I started liking her when we were 4 but I'm pretty sure she likes gale but Luna told me Sylvia does like me but I never really believe her she told me to just tell her and hear her response it's now or never. "Sylvia...." I whispered she looked at me I took a deep breath in "Iloveyou" I said quickly "what? repeat that but slowly?" she asked "Sylvia I love you" I repeated she smiled at me again "Nash I love you too" she said  I kissed her she was shocked at first but closed her eyes kissed back we pulled apart and walked back still holding hands.

luna's POV

storm and I were following Sylvia and Nash I knew he would follow us Sylvia tripped and fell storm was about to go catch her but I stopped him the both of them started talking after some time they started walking together and Sylvia held nash's hand and thanked him smiling at him. it was silent until Nash confessed Sylvia also confessed than nash.

Storm's POV

nash suddenly KISSED Sylvia she was but closed her eyes and KISSED back they  pulled apart that idiot how dare he kiss my baby sis I was about to go and punch him "Idiot!" I yelled but luna held me back and dragged me home.

next day

I walked into the guild to see Nash and Sylvia sitting next to each other talking and staring at each other there hands were intertwined in each other I was about to punch him when luna stopped me again "storm you've gotta let them be you can't always keep them away and protect her she has nash now" luna said I calmed down "it's going to be hard but try at least" she told me I just let them be it was hard but I tried.

I hope you guys liked this and happy Halloween everyone bye see ya.

Another Romeo and JulietDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora