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I want to thank everyone again for all the love for the book! I know 50k isn't anything compared to other stories on wattpad, but it means a lot to me. In fact, it means so much to me that I decided to show all the readers my appreciation!

I want to address something, before I wrote This Summer I was a fan of all the popular viners, such as the Paul brothers and Magcon boys. However, it being over two years since I began writing, I'll admit that I'm not anymore. I still love Logan Paul, but that's about it. So with that in mind, I wanted to let everyone in advance, because I don't want to disappoint anyone. Also since I wrote this awhile ago, I'm not as familiar with the characters anymore and my writing skills have differed.

I know what you're thinking, come on get on with the news. Well if you haven't guessed yet, I'm writing a SEQUEL!!! It'll be uploaded next weekend, so look for it then!

I don't know how long it'll be, at max 10 chapters. Honestly though, it'll probably be around 5 chapters. I know that's not very long, but since I just started college again I'm crazy busy. I'll do my best to upload once a week, but no promises. I'm trying to go back and familiarize myself with everyone to write the characters similarly. But people can change in two years, so there might be some differences.

The writing process has been some what difficult, because I never thought I was going to be writing a sequel. I'm also trying to finish writing my other story The Truth (which the first 5 chapters are uploaded on wattpad already, if you want to give it a look). I'm trying my best for you guys though, so bear with me :)

I added the cover of the sequel at the top, if you're wondering what it'll look like. Remember to check the sequel out NEXT WEEKEND!!

Thanks again, I love you all!

This Summer (Jake Paul and friends)Where stories live. Discover now