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The exhaustion had finally gotten to me, my legs carrying my enlightened body and soul back towards the creek.

I left the unfamiliarity of this new place behind, my heart softly yearning to one day return. I couldn't tell it no, for this was the place that marked my realization. It marked a memory of overcoming the waves of anxiety and learning to live and cope with these intrusive thoughts, not to suffocate them.

There was a thought in the back of my mind that had still remained. I was worried that I would be unable to truly conquer these thoughts and that one day they would return to further harm me and tear me further away from Him. I still feared that they would pull me away father than I already had been, to a place where I truly would be unable to return.

This was when I could feel the warmth returning to my body, my spirit fluttering and pulsing within me. I didn't hide my smile, the happiness causing my cheeks to ache as I returned to my initial sanctuary.

I was finally in control.

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