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"Get your things quickly we are leaving today for Monstra.", said my mom scrabbling for a bag.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was 3 am, and I wasn't leaving until Friday, "Mom? It's Wednesday, I have 2 more days, let me sleep.", I said as I flipped back down on my pillow.

She turned on my light, "They are here! And they are here for you! So get up and get dress you are going now!"

Damn it. I threw my sheets on the ground and went to my closet to get my already packed bags. I had a large blue and white colored duffle bag, a red backpack, and a black suitcase. I pulled the backpack over my shoulder and grabbed the duffle bag as my mom grabbed the suitcase. I was still in my pajamas, but I didn't care. Living was more important than me looking nice.

Dad was in the back with his lights off waiting for us to climb in. When we were exiting the house and getting in the car. You could hear them screaming from on top of the hill. They were loud. They were crazy. They want me.

Dad pulled the lever in reverse and backed up out of the driveway and onto the road. Some of them even got ran over by him while he was backing up. It was close, but we made it out. I turned around as we were speeding off, and you could see them change. From a normal looking human being to a red, purply, black creature with muscles and horns the size of my head. They stand on there back legs sometimes or just on all fours, and make a awful sound when they roar. It makes all glass shatter to pieces for miles. Especially when they pull out there wings with the claws, you were glad hell was a nicer place.

My parents were semi yelling, semi whispering at each other trying to keep their point across while trying to make sure I didn't hear it. I would get bits and pieces though,

"How'd they know!"

"It had to be Nick. Never should have allowed him in the pack!"

"But you did, and it's still not your fault. Nobody would have known who he really was."

"Just once we get there. We need to get to New York! Hide out there. Blend in with the rest of the Freaks."

"Ok, but we still need to keep Lupa safe! That's the main goal!"

"I know, I know."

It was all confusing in why any of this should be happening. Few years ago they didn't even exist!

Everything was perfect then. Angels, the peaceful group of Freaks, watching over everyone. Making sure good and evil was balance throughout us all. They made the laws and rules that we all have to follow.

We all live in secrecy from the normal human world. None of them know we exist. We blend in very well, and never tell anyone what and who we are. Those are the rules. Angels are afraid if they do find out, we will be hunted down and experimented on for answers that they won't find besides that we are just different. So our identities are forever hidden.

And Vampires are the ones how must enforce that to never happen on their side. They are the police force in their world. They hide as police officers, fire fighters, politicians who make sure that the rest don't find out about us. Otherwise, you can guess where they end up.

For then to make sure that we can still all live together while being that secret from within. The Angels formed 6 different groups. Vampires, Fairies, Shape Shifters, Specialities, Werewolves, and themselves. They didn't create any names, but the ones we were already labeled by in legends that the humans have created. They were probably created by sightings, but they never were brave enough to go after us like some of the humans today have. That's basically why the Vampires' job is that.

Each group have their own jobs to keep the balance Angels are so keen on keeping. We are separated by our born ability. We can't change or anything. What we get is what we stay with. It sucks if you don't like who you are. You're forced to live with it, or you deal with death.

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