Chapter Seven

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We walked along the perimeter of the school, where the force field ended. We stayed inside of it of course, but it was pretty how the shield shimmered in the light. You saw lined of color dash across the field as it moved.

Robin, Liam, Lucas, and I were all walking beside it. On one side it was the force field on the other was the school. Lucas picked up a stick and tried poking it, but it just took the stick and ate it. We stepped a little closer to the school and agreed not to step closer to the force field.

It was near the end of fall and beginning of winter, so there was already a little bit of snow on the ground. I forgot to bring a jacket and the school didn't have any warm enough in lost and found, so Lucas let me have his. It was a little big on me, but it was warm. I got over it. And when Liam saw Lucas giving me the jacket he did the same. Giving his jacket to Robin who accepted it and put it on. Its nice to know that we at least have friends that are nice enough to give up their comfort for ours. And if they are trying to impress us or something, it certainly has worked.

The bell rang telling us it was near curfew time, so we hurried back.

"Cya girls.", said Liam waving to us as he and Lucas walked away.

Right when they turned the corner I pulled Robin aside, "Liam totally likes you."

"What? Is Sarah really mind controlling you now?", she said raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm myself, but that's not the point. The way he looks at you and how you look at him. I'm getting him to break up with Sarah so you too can go kissing in a closet or something. I don't know, I've never had a boyfriend before.", I said jumping up and down. I have no clue why, but I was excited for her.

"When did you become a girl!? And yeah, maybe I do like him. But I doubt you'll be able to break them up. Its gonna take you to pry Liam out of her cold dead arms.", said Robin heading back to the dorms, I followed her like a sad puppy because she was right. How am I going to get them to break up?

"I'll get you guys together eventually.", I said with pride. It's going to happen, I'll make sure of it.

Bang. Robin and I whipped our heads to the doors on our right to see Nika rushing through the doors on a ocelot screaming, "My army is growing! You'll never stop me now motherhumpers!"

Of course we stopped and starred at Nika riding around in circles on that poor cat. The two man in white did the same, standing at the door with their heads in their hands ashamed at what they've seen.

"Weeee!", Nika shouted as the men picked up the pace and started chasing her again. On her cat Nika rode out the front doors and down the road, with the two men still chasing her.

Robin looked at me and I looked at her. Then we both looked back at the disappearing Nika. Then back at each other again. We bursted out laughing at this point.

"There really is a first for everything.", Robin commented.

"Yeah..", I said kind of trailing off at the end as we walked up the stairs to the girls dormitory door.


I opened my eyes to see a red messy haired Robin shaking me awake.

"!", I said with my voice kind of skipping a beat to speak from the amount of shaking she was doing.

"You broke the fucking alarm clock, we're late!", Robin said releasing me.

"We'll shit how late?", I asked jumping out of bed and running to my drawers.

"We missed first period. Second is starting in,", she looked down at her watch. Her watch is actually a quite pretty gold color, I might have to 'borrow' it, "seven minutes."

She pulled up her pants and ran across the hall with her tooth brush and her shirt. I did the same and ran across the hallway as well.

We both ran back and finished getting ready, grabbed our bags, and sprinted as fast as my little legs could carry me.

My room was closer, so I was standing in front of it by the time the bell rang. Robin was still down another two flights of stairs, she was gonna be late.

"Tell Mrs. Glacé that I had a bad headache and so being the good friend that you are stayed with me until I felt better!", I said shouting as she too disappeared off in the distance.

I walked in trying to slow my breathing down to not make it look like I just ran for my life.

Gold was whipping stuff off the chalkboard from last class when I took my seat up front.

"How's life?", asked Gold, still facing the board.

"Good, yours?", starting to twirl my pencil.

"Good.", he put the eraser down and moved to his desk to sit. He began grading papers.

He hasn't told us yet about what group he is from. Gold is a quiet man, he keeps everything to himself and doesn't reveal much. He's a cool teacher overall don't get me wrong, but I wish he would have you know. A personality.

People started coming in and class begun soon after. I sat there most of the time daydreaming of how should I break Liam and Sarah up. Death do them apart? Sarah kicked out? That's when the perfect plan went off in my head.

"This is gonna be good.", I whispered to myself smiling and laughing like a psychopath.

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