Chapter Nine

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"You're going down."

"Hardly. You're forgetting I got my dad's strength? Gonna take more then me not being able to see you to tackle me?"

"I told you, I've always wanted to sneak up on someone and shank them."

"If you two ladies are done, I kind of want to finish the game.", said Liam bending down next to us, "Ready?"

"Let's do this.", I said getting ready for that go long and take it to a touchdown.

I don't know football that well, but I can take a pig's skinned ball and run the sixty yard distance.

"One.", I can do this, "Two.", I can't do this!, "Three!", well shit.

Liam threw the ball twenty yards, but I was already there. I jumped up high in my wolf form and landed on my paws. I looked forward to see Lucas and Robin charging at me. I started running for the end zone.

Lucas even transformed. His fur even though, he had brown hair, was a dark grey. It almost looked like black, but he claimed he was a grey wolf.

I dodged him first when he jumped over me expecting to land on top of me. Robin went invisible when she got close, but I kept running. Then something grabbed my side and climbed into my back. It was Robin.

"Ride them cowboy!", she was screaming.

"Really!?", I said kind of muffled from me holding the ball in my mouth.

"Get you're mind out of the gutter Lupa!", she just screamed back still holding on. She would be close to sliding off, but catch herself before she even touched the ground.

We marked the end zone with two towels that were already on the open field. The end zone was about twenty-two yards away and getting closer. Robin realized we were getting closer too because she started kicking my sides.

"Hey! Un-sportsmen like conduct!", I said still muffled.

"Where's the referee? I don't see any?", Robin said leaning close down to my ear.

"They're on strike!", we both just started laughing. I almost even dropped the ball from laughing so hard.

"Ohhh? Is it hard to hold the ball while laughing dear Lupa?", said Robin starting to tickling me near the neck. That is the worst place ever to tickle someone.

The end zone was nine yards away, but my neck and my stomach was aching from the laughing and tickling. But I ran through to the end anyways. I bucked Robin off who fell on her back in the grass.

"You can't catch me motherhumpers!!!", I screamed transforming back into human to throw the football down on to the field.

"You're really getting your victory insults from Nika?", said Robin getting up to brush off the dirt.

Liam and Lucas started running towards us.

"Yeah!", yelling Liam pumping his fist into the air. He even ran over to me and picked me up in his arms. He lifted me up over his head and put me on his shoulders. I was tiny compared to him, so I looked like a two year old riding on his back. I just laughed it off with the rest of them.

The bell rang right on time as we started for the doors.

We walked inside and Liam set me back down on the ground. Then the two boys walked off once again towards their dormitory.

"Damn Liam has a nice ass!", said Robin leaning in to whisper that into my ear...

"Again REALLY!?!", she just laughed, "I think you and Lucas should be together. You're both crazy, weird, random, and are most likely

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