Chapter Twenty-Three

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We went to the infirmary immediately, and I was wrapped for my wrists, and Lucas's cut above the cheekbone needed four stitches. She said she heard we weren't at school yesterday, so Robin told everyone I wasn't feeling well and Lucas stayed with me till I felt better.

Nice to know I was gone for the day. An entire day I was out. And, just why me? I wore a long sleeved shirt so I could cover my wrapped wrists. It's I skipped class for the day, I don't want everybody to think I'm emo now. Lucas did the same, but you still saw the bruise on his upper lip and stitches on his cheek.

We walked to lunch together where Robin was sitting by herself.

"Where were you yesterday!", she kind if screamed kind of whispered at us.

"We'll, it was a pretty awesome first date to then only turn wrong. Mortems kidnapped us.", Robins eyes bulged at the word Kidnapped.

"Why? I understand you, but really?", she said stunned.

"I don't know, but they wanted information that we didn't have.", said Lucas.

"What kind of information?", she asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ever heard of The Rerum?", I asked whispering even quieter now.

"Only bits and pieces why?", she said.

"They kept wanted to know everything about that. Wanting to know where it is. Neither one of us knows what it is.", I said.

"Your Werewolves and you have no idea what it is?", she said with a stare like really. Her look made me feel embarrassed.

"What is it then.", asked Lucas.

"Okay okay geesh. It's almost our powerhouse. It's like a stone that was founded by five humans a long time ago. They picked it up I guess and it gave each of them a power. One, the ability to heal and fly or Angels. Next, was able to have speed, strength, and mind control or Vampires. Then, a wand was presented to the next and when he thought of something it would happen or Fairies. Then, the next could change form from a simple bird to a rock, or a Shape Shifter. Finally, the last guy could become a wolf when ever be wanted, or Werewolves. That stone gave them the powers. Without, our entire history and what we stand for won't exists. Our powers would begone for ever if that got destroyed. The Werewolves were in trusted to keep it safe, that's probably why Mortems are going after your guys first. For that stone.", said Robin all in one breathe.

It all makes sense. The killings. The questions. Why they are even here. They are trying to take over the Freaks.

"Then where is it?", asked Lucas leaning in closer.

"I don't know, after the population of us grew. The Werewolves hid it in a secret location only one person knows it. Then the location of it is moved when that person dies. Then it moves and moves as the person dies and does again. It's a weird system, but it continues to work till now. Especially, since last night they still have no idea where it is.", said Robin again.

We all originated because of that stone. You would think it would be something more, but no. We are easily created because five guys touched some magic rock.

"Then where do Specialties come in?", asked Lucas.

"They are mutations. An Angel and a Fairy mated giving the child the powers of flight and magic. Then other mutations like that happened with other couples. That's how you get a Specialty. Shall I go more in detail by saying when a mommy Werewolf and a daddy Shape Shifter are reaalllllly in love, magical things happen!", said Robin clapping her hands together.

"I was good after 'Specialty", I said closing my eyes.

"Are I was getting to the good par-", said Robin, but I interrupted her, "No, I'm glad I finished for you."

The bell ring and you could look out the window and see the flowers starting to grow, and the grass becoming greener from a dull gray.

Spring is my favorite season. It's when everything wakes up from that dreary winter. I like the winter to, but I like feeling the warmth of the sun against my skin. I could already see myself running through the grass on my paws.

But, Lucas pulled me out of that dream by dragging me up the stairs to my next class.

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