Chapter Three

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The rest of the day went without another hitch. It was quick and done, but I still didn't make any real friends. Nika and Liam may count as acquaintance, but not good enough. I got those two seconds of fame, but even that didn't get me any friends.

Once the periods are done we have about two hours before lights out in the dorms. I walked towards the cafeteria hoping people hang out there or I could just get something to eat. The two hamburgers weren't enough for lunch.

I walked down the stairs and turned right into the cafeteria and went up to the line. Since it wasn't dinner yet they only had one line open to stand in and wait.

The line was pretty long and just kept getting longer behind me. I was looking up at the menu for snacks wondering whether I should get chips or frozen yogurt. That's when the doors flew open and everyone in the like scattered, but me.

I looked back to see three girls looking like classic white girls with the big curls, fake hair extensions, and cups of coffee. They pitched the coffees and started walking towards me. I just stood there with my arms folded.

"So you're Lupa Fields. The one who threw a chair at Ms. Royce's head?", the one in the middle, I amuse the leader, said.

"I also threw a desk, but who's counting?", I said still standing my ground.

"Well, good for you, but I would like some frozen yogurt now.", she said with a smile while walking past me.

But I got in front of her blocking the door and her little group.

"Excuse me, I want my yogurt.", she asked again.

"Excuse me, but I was here long before you.", I said still standing and arms folded.

Then the two followers moved to the sides of me and grabbed my arms. I tried pulling away, but then someone hit me in the stomach. Then the two kicked my legs from underneath me and I fell on my back. I leaned back up to see the girl three inches from my face.

"Oops, you must have fallen out of line? I'm going to get a snack now.", said the girl, "By the way, my name is Sarah. Fear me.", then the little clique walked up to the counter.

There is a wall that separates the counter from the rest of the cafeteria, so I walked to the end of the line where you walk out when you got your stuff and waited.

When I saw Sarah just turn the corner, I stuck my foot out. And she didn't see my foot in time. She hit my foot and fell face first on the floor. She dropped her yogurt and when she hit the ground the yogurt exploded in her short pink shirt.

Her friends looked do confused. I could imagine was going on in there heads.

"Did the bully just really get bullied?"

And yes. Yes she did.

I bent down next to her face and spoke, "Oops, you must have fallen out of line, and by the way my name is Lupa. Fear me."

I stood back up and just snickered out loud as I walked out of the cafeteria. The people who ran out were waiting by the doors for Sarah to walk. So they were all crowding the door when I pushed my way through. Their faces were shocked once again by the fact that I came out alive.

I laughed again as I walked up stair to the dorms. I was tired. I was going to sleep.

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