Chapter Twelve

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Snow has completely covered the school yard. Not an inch of a blade of grass was showing. It was near the end of December and it was getting colder.

We were technically halfway through the school year and from what I've heard, finals for us is just like the human's. Have one week of review, then we have them.

The hole point of these finals is just to see if we deserve to continue learning here. Then at the end of the year we take them again to see if the reason why we are here, was worth it. For most people the reason is so the job they want in their group is what they really are. So it's a big deal for me.

Robin she told me is here because she wants to work as a government official for the Angels. She also hates her group, but if she can prove to the Angels she can help out, the Angels will select a few who are worthy.

Liam was just lucky enough to have famous parents to come here.

And Liam hasn't exactly told me yet? All he said is he was asked to come here and that's it. His entire past is a mystery to me, he hasn't shared any of it. Yet.

Liam asked me to meet him out front. Said he wanted to show me something. I don't know what, but I almost feel like it will be 'fun.'

I walked out through the front doors and walked to the fountain a few feet from the doors. Now, of course, it is not flowing water and spraying it everywhere. Instead, it sits there. Frozen to the core, with different patterns in the way it froze. Pink and sky blue swirls, moving in different directions. It was pretty and calming considering I was freezing my ass off, but it was nice.

Crunching of snow was behind me and I turned around to see Lucas coming towards me.

"Hey?", I said kind if puzzled because Liam was suppost to meet me out here. Not Lucas?

"Hey, uh. Liam wanted me to give this to you.", he held out a slip of paper.

I took it from him and unfolded it. It read:

Hey Lupa, I kind of pissed off my teacher, so I have detention. I promise I'll show you tomorrow! Sorry...I'll send Lucas if you want to hang out with him? See you later.


I sighed and Lucas took notice.

"What's wrong?", he asked.

"Liam pissed off a teacher, so now he said I can be stuck with you.", I said throwing the paper in the fountain.

"We'll if you're gonna be stuck with me, let's go do stuff.", he said walking away, with his hands in pockets, from the school and towards the entrance of the yard.

"What stuff?", I asked in pursuit.

"I don't know. We are just a few miles away from New York City, I'm sure they won't miss us for an hour.", Lucas said as the force field opened allowing passage without frying.

It closed behind us with a sizzle and Lucas walked over to a bush. Then he hopped over something? He wheeled out a motorcycle.

"Woah.", was the first thing to pop into my mind, "Where did you get that?"

"I came here on it. School didn't like having it on their property so here it stayed. Hop on.", he said patting the back seat.

I swung my leg over and moved up. Lucas handed me a helmet. It was bright pink.

"Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I like the color pink.", I said.

"I know.", he said turning the key. The motorcycle came alive. Roaring. Making my seat vibrate, "Hold on."

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