Chapter Eight

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The last period bell went off and I came shooting out of the room like a rocket, running to find Liam.

"LIAM!", I screamed running all around, "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUUUU!!!"

I wasn't even trying to, but I transformed into my wolf form and I started running even faster. Students were moving to the sides trying to avoid a head to leg collision with me.

I finally spotted him. He was at the end at the hallway. I sprinted even faster and when I got close I tackled him. Papers scattered everywhere.

"Damn it Lupa really?", he said trying to push me.

"I can get you and Sarah to break up.", I said transforming back.

"Wh-Wh-what? How?", he said, this time successfully pushing me off.

"Where does Sarah usually hang out during this time?", I asked

"Most of the time the cafeteria? Why?", he asked standing up.

"Follow me.", I grabbed his hand and started running for the cafeteria with him being dragged by me.

We reached the cafeteria in a matter of minutes. He was screaming ow the entire way. I was squeezing him so hard it must have hurt a lot.

"Text Sarah saying to meet you outside the cafeteria doors now.", and he did exactly as what I asked him to do.

"Now what?", he asked putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Do you love Robin?", I said grabbing his hand again, this time making sure I did break it.

"Yeah? Why?", he asked looking down at our hands.

"Kiss me.", I said. He let go and started stepping back. He had a stunned look on his face that didn't surprise me. I turned and looked at the doors. I saw Sarah coming closer and closer to open them.

"Now!", I said almost tackling him again when I ran forward and jumped onto him. Kissing him smack on the lips. He didn't move, but wrapped his arms around me to keep me from slipping away.

I heard screaming and someone grabbed my neck and pulled me away from him. I started falling and landed on back with a thud. Pain shot up my spine, but I've felt worse. It didn't hurt me that bad.

"I told you to stay away!", Sarah said screaming it into my face.

"Sorry, but you just lost your territory, bitch.", I said sitting up to wipe the mess of hair out of my face.

She scrunched her nose and made a fist. She was ready to punch me, but she held back because she knew I wasn't going down easy. She turned around to see Liam still stunned from my move and her's.

"And you!!", Sarah said while her face turned a bright red, "You're my boyfriend! You shouldn't be kissing girls like her, especially when you are with me!!!"

Liam was still stunned. He was scrambling for words, but Sarah made her move on him before he could. She snapped her fingers and he went flying to the back wall. He hit the wall with a thud and just slowly slid down it.

Sarah turned back to me and her face was still red with new tears forming in her eyes. I wanted to burst out laughing, but I held it in. She ran past me and you could still hear her crying when she made the turn to run up the stairs.

Liam was still sitting against the wall and he was rubbing his head where he probably got hit. I walked over to him and pulled him to his feet.

"That really hurt? Was it necessary to kiss me as well?", I was insulted. Was I that bad of a kisser? I must have had that face on because he realized he even made that mistake, "Th-that's not what I meant. I meant- No what I really meant was- You are actually a good kisser? I don't know what I'm saying anymore. I suck at apologies...", he was scrambling for words again which just made laugh. And for him turned it into a nervous laugh.

"No bigy, I always knew I wasn't the pretties girl in the pack.", I said shrugging my shoulders because it is true. I've heard it already so many times that it just goes over my head when someone says it. I've learned to ignore and move on.

We started walking back to outside where we usually meet during our two hours of freedom.

"No, you're gorgeous. You're the prettiest girl I've ever met.", Liam said stopping me just before we walked outside.

"Thanks, but I'm pretty good at picking up sarcasm.", I said going to open the door, but Liam stopped me again by grabbing my hand. I looks up at him and he was just smiling. His smile was actually quite nice. It was actually a perfect smile...Wait wait wait! I broke Sarah and Liam up so Liam and Robin could be together. Not me and Liam!

"I wasn't being sarcastic.", Liam said leaning in closer for a kiss. At first I backed away, but he was too fast and it just happened. It's hard to explain a kiss, but other then it was just weird? It was nice don't get me wrong, but defiantly a first for me.

We continued to stand there and kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and it all just felt romantic. Something you would only dream of that came out of a fairy tale. Yet again, we are all fairy tales.

Werewolves and our viscous slayings. Which is false! They attacked us first, so defense! Vampires and their blood sucking attacks. Angels and their god giving gifts. Fairies and their 'Good Nature' that brings happiness and rainbows. Lies. Shapeshifters and their hidden ninja skills. They don't have many tales, but they are there. Just hidden like exactly the assassins they are. Specialties which are all random people who just are random. Some of their abilities are more popular obviously, but they are all random.

Eventually I pulled away when I realized a lot of time between their break-up and our kissing.

"I broke you guys up for you and Robin, not for me. You've had your fun, now please make her happy?", I said backing away again because this is for Robin!

"Really, I was only hanging out with Robin just so I could get to you. When we first 'met' at the stairs, I knew then and there I wanted you as my girlfriend. Then you help me become a freeman from Sarah and I just can't let you go now.", Liam said grabbing my hand again.

"Liam...", I was at a lost for words. This is the first time a guy has ever told me he wanted to date me? Me!?, "...If we are going to date. I think we should keep this a secret for a little bit. Just until I can at least get Robin to get over you."

He nodded his head in a agreement, "Yeah totally. Whatever you think is best."

"Ok, well then Robin and Lucas will be worried where we are. It's been thirty minutes since we were suppost to meet them out there."

"Ok...", Liam said opening the door for me.

How was I going to get Robin to fall for someone else? I want to keep her as my friend, but how am I going to do it! It's will be a long and hard process and hopefully it will happen.

Hopefully is the key word...Damn I'm screwed.

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