Chapter Ten

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I opened my eyes to see a bright light shining above. I tried sitting up, but my whole body ached in pain. I just let it sink in, I wasn't trying to avoid it. I looked down at my right arm and tubes connected me to a machine that beeped once in a while. I wanted to reach down and rip them all out, but that would only make everything worse. I hate needles.

"Hey, so you are alive.", it was Robin she was in a seat next to my bed. I was in the infirmary.

"Yeah. Apparently I am.", I said my voice was kind of scratchy when I talked. I felt like shit, "How long have I been out?"

"Six days. I guessed you would wake up yesterday, Liam guessed two days, Lucas guessed seventeen because that's his favorite number. I'm glad it wasn't seventeen.", we both just laughed, that would be the excuse Lucas would give.

"Where are they? Liam and Lucas?"

"Last period ends in seven minutes, they should be coming then. We have been taking turns on who watched you each day. Waiting for you to wake up and we wanted to get out if class.", she laughed again.

Then it fell silent. I continued to look around, Robin looked like she was in thought. If was peaceful.

"Liam asked me if you liked him?", asked Robin. I looked up at her and I nodded my head and started smiling, "I knew it. You can have him, besides I already told you. Which ever boy comes at me first can have me, that was advice for you.", she smiled back reassuring like she gave me her blessing to be Liam's girlfriend. I gave her a high-five and she came over and gave me a hug.

I was finally going to have a boyfriend. I never thought anybody would ever like me. It was defiantly a nice thought to have considering I just got stabbed.

The bell rang and when I looked at Robin she had a mischievous look on her face.

"What?", I asked.

"I think this would be a perfect time for a little prank on you dear friends Liam and Lucas.", she answered kicking another seat over and putting her feet up.

"What kind of a prank?"

"One where you still pretend to be out, and one to where you wing it after that."

"Why am I only winging it?"

"Because I already have a few topics we could talk about.", she started laughing like a crazy person which just made me laugh.

We heard the doors open. I immediately closed my eyes and stayed still. I'm awful at acting and pretending to do anything, but I tried my best to look basically dead.

"Has she woken up yet?", I heard Liam ask.

"Nope, maybe Lucas would get his guess of seventeen days?", said Robin.

"I hope not, I can't wait that long.", said Liam sitting down in a chair that creaked when he sat. When I have my eyes close I don't see anything, but I can imagine pretty well what they are doing with sounds and vibrations.

"You'll have your girlfriend pretty soon.", said Robin.

"How can you be so sure she'll become my girlfriend?", asked Liam.

"Because maybe she was talking in her sleep?", oh here's the ideas she was coming up with in her head.

"What did she say?!?", said Lucas. I almost thought he wasn't there from how quite he was being.

"She was calling out for Liam. Liam! Oh Liam! She was crying for you.", Robin was loosing it, she started laughing.

That's when I picked up in my winging it part, "Liam...oh Liam.", I said it softly at first but was loud enough he heard it.

"Lupa? Are you awake?", he walked over to my bed side and held my hand in his. I continued speaking his name.

"Liam...Liam...Liam...I..", I couldn't take it anymore, I started smiling that turned into laughing. I opened my eyes to see them all starring down at me.

"Oh thank god you're awake!", said Liam hugging me. I kind if winced at him for hugging me so hard.

"I've been awake for at least thirty minutes.", said I pulling away to lay back down.

"So you...heard everything...", Liam started blushing.

Robin sat back down in the chair from how hard she was laughing. Then we all broke out in laughter at her laughing so hard.

"I'm so glad you are awake", said Liam.

"Yeah, I am too. And before anything else, yes."

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend.", I said reaching to grab his hand. He took my hand and smiled. He leaned down and kissed me on my forehead. Which made me blush.

"Do you know who exactly stabbed me?", I asked. Everyone's faces were serious.

"That's the worst part. We don't know. We were hoping you would have seen?", said Lucas.

"It was a Mortem, but they all look the same. I just remember the bright red eyes before seeing a knife in my liver.", I said.

"Yeah, good thing you were stabbing in your bed because your entire mattress is soaked in your blood.", said Robin. Every turned to look at her with shocked faces.

"How is that a good thing?!", I said kind of alarmed because just thinking about my mattress turning from white to red is horrifying.

"It means you get a brand new mattress! These mattress have been used for centuries, and now since your's is so badly damaged they have to replace it.", everyone still starred at her dumbfounded.

"Well then? How long till I can get out if this hospital bed?", I asked pointed down at my needle filled arm.

"Since you're awake now, you can get out of here tomorrow.", said Lucas pulling out a deck of cards, "Until then, how about go fish because I suck at every other card game."

We all laughed as he shuffled the deck together. I sat up and crossed my legs and he passed out the cards on my bed. Spreading out the picking pile as well.

"Got any eights?", asked Robin to Liam.

"Go fish.", said Liam.

In my dream I saw my friends laughing at me, my parents dying, and then me dying. Now my friends haven't laughed at me, but I was stabbed and right before it the Mortem said something. Something that made my skin run cold. 'Say hi for your parents for me.' I don't know if my parents are dead, alive, or being tortured.

But for right now I have a feeling my parents and me are in more danger then we realized.

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