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Ethan P.O.V
Yesterday just doesn't seem real it felt like I was dreaming..just the thought of her, I can't get her out of my mind, the she said my name, and how she smiled, AND let me not forget her gorgeous body she was so freaking beautiful
When I first saw her I wasnt expecting her to be a fan..all I remember is walking in best buy...and a crowd of girls came in closing me and Grayson which i dont mind I love all my fans I always be there for them my fans are always gonna be here for me and gray I just love seeing our fans..as I was talking to a fan she was telling me that she was so happy to see me as I was talking thats when i saw her ,a girl, she was of piece art that i can look at all day, then it hit me I remember following her on Twitter her profile picture caught my eye and i seen her like some of my tweets so i decided to follow her... after some fans leaving, i decided to go and find her I cant let someone that beautiful walk away i needed to find her even if that meant following her on instagram..thats when i saw her but she wasnt alone i see her with a guy and my heart dropped GREAT there goes my chance to be with her or even hangout with her
"wait let me not jump to conclusions" i didnt relize i said that out loud until gray said something
"bro what are you talking about" I look at him and told him that i was looking for this girl
"you see her over there with that guy"
"yea" grayson nodded
"Well this morning i followed her on Twitter and never thought for a second i would see her here..Gray have to talk i need your help.."
"Fine...but it better be quick before miss your chance because of crowd fans" see this is why i love this dude he's the man
"Okay by the looks of it her friend left and looks like she is turning our way so look at some tripods or something...i think she is a fan of us"
"And i thought i was a creep"
"Alright" soon as grayson said alright she scream our name and BOY WAS HAPPY ON THE INSIDE I WAS JUMPING AROUND..but on the outside I had to keep my cool...

I was interrupted in my thoughts by Grayson jumping on my bed like a dam monkey "Grayson WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM AND WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING"
"So i can wake you up bup...we to get ready for date with the Lovely Ashley"
"I cant wait i really do like her and just met her.."
"Well im going to go- why dont we bring her to the warehouse and get pizza then go to the movies and see IT or something if she not into scary movies"
"Actually Gray thats a great idea that is exactly what we will do...perfect"

Ashley P.O.V
I wake up instantly go to my phone and check my messages just to make sure everything was real because it still felt like a dream..I smile at all the texts ethan sent me then I look at mine and I kinda came off mean.."SHIT why would i say that he probably thinks im mean..who gives a dam thats how you are Ash..but then again you can stop assuming things..but if I didnt say that he was going to hit me with that same dumbass pick up line that every other guy gives me 'your name is so lovley haha Ashley Lovely'... but ethan is not like every other guy noone has ever called my name beautiful or noone has ever called me babygirl except for my dad...man do I miss my dad...anyways-"
I was interrupted by my phone ringing i look at the contact and it saids 'Riley the bestie💜' i pick right away, me and her haven't talked in a week because she was back in Houston because of her grandmother and her sister.. she is such a beautiful, smart girl and people take that for granted because they call her 'ghetto'... society look at black girls and assume which i hate..
"HEYYY GIRLL I MISS YOU SO MUCH im coming back to cali on Saturday I cant wait to see you BIITTCCHH im free right now so i wanted to call and see what you been happening while im gone i need all tea"
"Well first of all IM STARTING YOUTUBE BITTCHHH and my first youtube video is going to be on Saturday...and i met someone"
"First of all YASSS im so happy you gonna be poppin on youtube and I know it..2nd of all who you met because I've trying to get yo lonley ass out there girl you are so beautiful and if any man pass that up they one dumbass nigga....SOO WHO DID YOU MET!!"
"Remember those twins i showed you..oh and thank you im surprised you aint go no man which yo FINE ASS"
"Thats cuz im too good enough for them wack ass niggas AHAAAHHHH"
"girl you stupid"
"Anyways yea girl i remember them twins I watch they videos here and there they SUPPER cute and they hella corny but its funny how cute they are"
"Im sayin...but anyways one of them followed me on Twitter can you guess which twin did? ETHAN FUCKING DOLAN OMG..but anyways lets just say im hanging out with them today BITCHHH..when you get back im going to tell you everthing GIRL"
"Well i cant wait BITTCHH... so what my husband doing"
"Who brennen?"
"Yasss bitch with his fine ass you know im the only one that call him my husband"
"Mmmmmm he another story for a another day.. lets just say we not on speaking terms right now and dont want talking to him for a while"
"Now i gotta beat my husband ass for doing dumbshit....anyway im let you go but call me tonight and tell me how everything went on ya lil date or whathave you"
"Girl you silly BYYEE I LOVE YOUUU"

And Im Black Yall..... (Dolan Twin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now