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Riley P.O.V
We were all laying in elles big ass bed knock out..Ashely was laying next to me Dani was on the other side of me, and elle was next to Dani...Ashely was moving left to right she was all in my ear waking me up, so i sat up and move the blankets off of me and scooted off the bed i walk over to elle table and grab my phone..i then left her room and walk down her hallway and downstairs to go to the kitchen..i look at the time and it was 5:17am it was still dark out, i went in the kitchen to get me something to eat as i was in the refrigerator i felt a presence behind me i turn around and saw Elijah starring at me smriking "whats wrong why are you starring" i say puttung my hand on my hip he didnt say anything he just chuckles and walks over to me "i think you know what you are doing wearing these clothes" he say pulling on my shirt i push his hand away "yea i was sleeping in them dafuq" i say rolling my eyes "nah babygirl you wanted me to see them...you came down here to wait on me you know that i get up a 5 to go run" he say stepping closer to me "boy bye i came down here because i was of my own reasons not because of you so you throw that shit in tha trash..i dont who told that dumbstuff" i say turning around going back to look in the fridge..the only reason im mad at Elijah is because me and him you to talk or whatever but he played me telling me lies and shit i dont have time for that he wanting to talk to me is because he wanna get in my pants and thats not happening..sometimes me and him are cool but he be letting his cockyness get to him and i hate that shit "look dont act like you dont miss me" he say pulling me by my waist "STOP i told you how i feel last time i was here you now get off of me i have a boyfriend and if he was here he'll kick yo ass" i say pushing him off of me he smack his lips and grip my waist tighter and pull me on to his chest "baby come he not here now lets just do something real quick i know you miss me touching you" he say rubbing my thigh "GET OFF" i say as i smack him in the face he lets me go and step back rubbing his cheek "DIDNT I JUST TELL YOU TO STOP AND THEN YOU GONNA GO AHEAD AND DO IT ANYWAY" i say getting mad i wanted to scream at him but everyone sleep so i just whisper yell to him "im sorry ri" he say looking down i just scoff and grab a water and storm off he grabs my arm "please can we go sit on the couch real quick" he say looking at me i look away and then sigh "yea" i say quietly and walk over to the couch

He comes and sits infront of me and grabs my hands "look i know that what we had could have been more than what it was and im sorry for that..its just your such a different girl from all the others and your so mean and goofy...i just wanted to say sorry and that if we can start all over and go back to being close and stuff like that..i respect that you have a boyfriend" he say looking down at my hands the whole time "why are you saying all of this" i say looking at him he looks up at me "because i missed having the riley i know that isnt screaming at me" he say smiling i half way smile "i guess i can forgive but next time im not hesitating im gonna call him to come down here" i say looking at him rasing an eyebrow "alright alright" he say laughing "before we clear up everything when you hugged me yesterday and your little thing-" "it aint little" he say looking at me i roll my eyes "YOUR DICK was poking me you had told me i smelled like riley what tha hell does that mean" i say looking at him "oh yea i said that because you always smell so good like really good i cant explain it..i missed that smell" he say looking away and then back at me i playfully roll my eyes and let go of his hands i pull him in for hug "im glad you came to your senses" i say patting his back and laughing he laughs too i get up from the couch and i feel a slap on mg butt i turn around "what i did i just say" i say holding my fist "okay im sorry thats the last time" he say holding his hands up i just shake my head and walk away

Ashley P.O.V
I woke up and look around the room riley wasn't in here i only saw Elle and Dani..i got up from the bed and grab my phone off the table and headed downstairs until i ran into riley "zanngg" i say laughing and picking up my phone she laughs too "where are you going" she say picking up her phone "downstairs im super hungry" i say rubbing my stomach "ehh i guess i can eat something right now" she say laughing...me and her head downstairs into the kitchen we make us some cereal and sit at the table and eat while being on our phones "OH SHIT i freakin forgot to call grayson" riley say getting up and heading outside "ima be back" she say going upstairs

And Im Black Yall..... (Dolan Twin Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن