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So yea Ashley pregnant and I can't be any happier I finally know what to do with this book for awhile I was like I don't know what to do ima just end this book but then I was in my living room in talking to my nephew and it smack me WHY DONT I JUST MAKE HER PREGNANT and bam I did it now I can actually have a story.

Ashley POV
It's been two months and I'm five months and my belly is really big. I'm super happy everyone has been there with me especially Riley me and her have done everything together. And Grayson has been secretly sending me stuff for the baby. I haven't found out the gender of my baby I want to do it at the right time. But I do know that the second room I have was gonna be for when I film videos but my baby is more important so he or she is gonna sleep in there. I been taking pictures of my belly growing.

My stomach is very visible. I'm so happy.

The only sad thing is that Ethan hasn't once tried to contact me about anything. He still doesn't know I'm pregnant. But that's gonna change.

So me and Riley are going to jersey. We are on the plane right now Riley fell asleep while I was up rubbing my belly "mommy is scared" I whisper looking out the window. We finally land and Grayson picks us up. He hugs and kiss Riley and then hugs me and kiss my cheek. He then kiss my belly and talks to the baby saying that he is so happy and can't wait to find out what gender it is.

We stop and eat some pizza and I drink my shake. We then take some pizza for me. We get to our hotel and it's big and nice. I love jersey.

Riley and Grayson go out for a while and I stay behind and rest.

I wake up from my nap. "I need to tell him" I say sitting up. I get Ethan phone number from Grayson and text him.

Me: hey Ethan this is Ashley and I know it's been awhile since we talked but we need to see each other in person I have one the biggest new in your life

I wait and wait for him to respond

Ethan: okay I missed you too we can meet at the Tonys pizzeria

Me: okay see you there

I throw on my sweat and my over size hoodie. With my nikes I grab my phone and wallet and go in my Uber to the place.

I get there and sit outside at one of the tables waiting for him. "Mommy is so scared how do you think he will react" I say rubbing my belly. "I know you can feel my heart racing" I say looking down at my stomach.

I then see Ethan look around he spots me and comes over to me. I get up he stands right in front of me I hug him. "Your stomach" he say sitting down in the chair. "Yea about my stomach Ethan I'm going to tell you something that is going to change your life and that's fine if you don't want to be apart of it I will take care of it by myself" I say looking at him.

"I am pregnant with your baby I'm five months 20 weeks" I say bitting down on my lip. He starts breathing hard and looking down at his fingers "if you don't want to be in the baby life that's fine I just needed to tell you because I don't want you finding out by some strangers" I say letting a tear slip he just stays silent "I umm even have pictures of the baby I have all the prove you need and it is your baby" I say as more tears come down my face. He looks at me with glossy eyes "your pregnant with my baby" he say as his voice cracks "yes Ethan" I say taking out the pictures. He gets up and pulls me close to his chest "Ashley I'm so so sorry for everything I wish I was there for you" he say crying I start crying harder he lifts up my belly and starts smiling "I don't know the gender I wanna wait" I say looking at him. He starts rubbing my stomach "I know I messed up and I'm sorry nobody should ever feel that way I should have never let you out my arms" he say looking at me. "I understand if you won't take me back but can I please be in our baby life I want to be there for everything" he say looking up at me "you can be in the baby life Ethan your the father" I say looking at him.

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