27.0 part1

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Ethan P.O.V
Me and Ashley fell asleep well she was asleep. I had a good surprise for her well me and gray had a surprise for the girls we are taking them too New York but before we go to New York we are going to Houston for Dani birthday party. But for right now im going to get her a cake and all her favorite things since she hit 100k on youtube we gonna have a mini celebration im happy for my girl. I scoot from under her trying so hard not to wake her luckily she is a deep sleeper. I finally get from under her and go put on some clothes i sneak out the room and go wake up grayson. Him and riley were still sleeping on the floor "gray" i whisper in his ear "what" he say looking at me "were you sleep" i say getting up from the floor "no i was watching riley sleep...you and Ashley were freakin loud" he say moving over so he can get up from the floor "sorry i tried staying quiet" i say getting a little red "the bed keep bumping the wall and Ashley kept screaming" he whisper standing up "okay i get it now come on" i say getting up from the couch "wait let me put riley in the bed" he say bending down i stop him because if she wake up then the plan is ruined "GRAY STOP!" I whisper yell i step infron of him "WHY!" he quietly yell back "if she wake up the plan is over just put a blanket over her or something" i say pulling him away "hell no she sick she sleeping on the floor atleast let me put her on the couch" he say grabbing my face "no just put on your shoes and come on" i say walking towards the door "can i aleast put a blanket on her" he sah holding a blanket "hurry up" i say standing there waiting for him. "Okay come on" he say walking out the door, i carefully close the door lock it since i took Ashley key i lock it and follwed gray to the elevator "you know its only like 6am" grayson say looking over at me "i know even better" i say smriking. We get to the garage hurry up and get to the car "okay to the store we go" i say going on my phone looking for cake recipes

We get to the store and its not a lot of people in there. Perfect. We grab a cart and go down the sweet aisles "should we make cookies too" grayson say looking at me "Ashley more of a cookie person so" i say looking at him "riley more of a everything person so lets get it" he say putting chocolate chip cookies in there and some oreos "now cake ingredients" i say going down that aisle "get some flour, eggs, milk, butter, sugar, salt, cake mix, icing" i say looking at my phone "so ill get the eggs and milk, butter and icing you get all the rest and meet me by the bathroom" grayson say walking away "why the bathroom" i say looking up at him "cuz i have to pee" he say walking away. I go and get the stuff for the cake, as im walking down the aisle i see the girl i was talking to at the mall "ohh heyy umm peter" she say not sure what my name is "its ethan" i say walking away "oh so we never finished that conversation" she say putting her hand on my arm "first of all dont touch me i have a girlfriend second the conversation is done boom now can you get away from me" i say taking her hand off of me and walking away "why are you being so mean to me" she say standing in front of my cart "stop following me" i say getting from in front of her she grabs my arm and pull me i push her but i didnt mean too push her so hard "i said stay away why dont you fucking get it i have a girlfriend dam so thristy" i say brushing my clothes off and walk away. I get over ro the bathroom and see grayson waiting there for me "what took you so long i have to pee" he say moving around "sorry i lost track of time" i say looking around scratching the back of my head "oh" he say putting the stuff in the cart and running in the restroom i pull out my phone and get on it until grayson come back out. "Alright lets go pay" he say walking out "took you long enough" i say laughing "shut up" he say laughing. We get to check out and we put our stuff on the moving belt "grayson ethan" i turn around to see elle and her friends "heyy" she say looking at us all werid "hi" grayson say turning back around "oh so ethan you dont wanna talk now" elle say laughing "whats wrong with you" i say looking at her "nothing silly where my girls at" she say laughing "i cant tell you" i say looking at all her friends "grayson your girlfriend she is so fucking rude i tried talking her and said all this stuff she was in the hospital and shit and then she had the nerve to say fuck you" elle say looking at him "dont talk to Ashley, Riley, or Dani ever again when your 'so called friends' are done with you or talk about you dont come running to them you actually hurt them and for you to be friends with them for such a long time you wanna treat them like shit they love you and was always there for you i cant believe you elle dont come near them ever" grayson say grabbing the bags "anything you wanna add" elle say crying "dont hurt my babies...dont hurt the one you love because once you need them there gone" i say walking away elle steps in front of me crying "im sorry i never meant to hurt them" she say crying even harder i look away "im not them you dont need to say sorry to me...but knowing you that apology can be kept to yourself" i say walking out the store. I get in the car with gray "hey dont worry about her she is just bad news lets worry about our girls right now okay" i say patting his shoulder "yea come lets go" he say smiling "see thats what i like to see" i say sitting back. We get to our apartment and sit the stuff down on the table "hey E ima go take a quick shower but you acan get the stuff ready" grayson say going in his room "okay" i say going to the bags, i take out all the stuff and leave it on the counter i then go in my room "ehh i guess i can take one quick shower" i say going to my closet i get out some clothes and go in my bathroom. I turn the water on hot with a hint of cold. I get out and my mirrors are all foggy "dang boi" i say wiping the mirrors i take out my tooth brush and brush my teeth. I then go and put on my clothes and spray my favorite cologne. I fix my bed and go back out into the kitchen and i see grayson leaning on the counter hus back facing me i smirk as an idea pops in my head i walk up behind him and jump out "BOO!" I say laughing he jumps holding his phone close to his chest "thats not funny" he say turning around "you are so easy too scare" i say laughing standing next to him "yea imagine somebody coming up behind scaring you" he say in a sarcastic way "whatever just admitted your easy to scare" i say laughing "can we focus on the cake" he say looking at me "okay okay" i say laughing. "So what do we do exactly" i say looking at him "okay so get a bowl and then no scaryh that preheat the oven at 350 degrees and then take out a bowl" he say looking at his phone i go and turn on the oven and grab a big bowl "okay now get a cooking pan and two sticks of butter" he say looking at me i get out the pan and the butter "now we can start oh shit i forgot the milk and stuff get that out too" he say laughing "grayy" i say turning laughing. We take out everything "ok now we are ready" i say looking at him "yea" he say getting the flour he pours it in the bowl and and then cracks the eggs "okay i think we need water too" i say pouring water "get the butter and stuff" he say pointing to the things on the counter i grab it and put the block of butter i there and then add milk "sugar" we both say looking at each other i get the sugar and pour some in there and then grab salt and put that in there "ouuu what about sprinkles or chocolate chip" i say looking at him "yea put both" he say smiling i pour both of them in there andthen add more milk "okay ima stir" grayson say grabbing the spoon "let me taste" i say opening my mouth he takes the spoon and put a little in my mouth. It was pretty good if you asked me "i give it a B+" i say licking my fingers "let me see" grayson eating some "thats pretty good" he say giving me a high five "now lets put this in the oven" i say pouring the mix in there grayson opens the door and slide the pan right on in "perfect now for the actual surprise come" grayson say waving his hand for me to follow him we go in his room and i see a bag "okay what is it" i say standing at the door way "a gift for riley...i got her a necklace and a ring the necklace has me and hers initial and then the ring is kinda like a promise ring well one of them are the others are rings she wanted it was like a month ago when we first met them and we were at the Grove she showed me these rings she wanted and i promised her i get it for her so yea and i also got a gift for dani" grayson say going in his closet "its a bracelet with her name on it and her birthday me and riley also saw that she said it would be perfect for dani" he say holding the bag "i got dani something too" i say running in my room i grab the gift i got her the week they were in italy "its a hoodie and earrings" i say holding my gift "dope" grayson say smiling "well ima check on the cake" i say leaving the room i put dani gift up back in my room and go in the kitchen i check the cake and its not even close to done "GRAY" i yell he comes in the kitchen "its not ready" i say sitting in the chair "oh" he say going to sit on the couch. 30 minutes later i check it again and its done "okay its done" i say taking it out grayson comes over with icing "okay so we are gonna put congrats Ashley 100k subs like that" i say looking at him "pretty good" he say eating the icing "grayson" i say looking at him "oh sorry yea great idea" he say standing up i take the icing out his hand i spread it all over the cake and then grab yellow icing and put congrats ash 100k subs with a flower on it well i tried to draw a flower "how does it look" i say showing hin the cake "whats the blob" he say pointing to my flower "umm a flower" i say pointing to it "oh it looks like yellow icing blob" he say laughing "shut up" i say putting the cake in the fridge "E your phone is ringing" grayson say handing me my phone i look at the caller ID it was Ashley "hello" i say sitting back down in the chair "where are you" she say sounding so concerned "umm i went to the store yea to the store sorry i didnt want to wake you...but anyways you and riley get ready me and grayson wana take yall to breakfast" i say pacing the room "okay i just wanted to make sure you guys were safe we will be ready by time yall get back" she say sighing in relif "okay well see you then love you" i say looking at grayson "love you too bye" she say and hang up "Jesus Christ i thougt she knew" i say breathing out a thank god breath "how would she know if you never told her" he say looking at me "oh yea" i say laughing "so we should get going" grayson say laughing walking towards the door

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