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Ethan think he slick i saw that dance move he did on trl he be shady on the low thats one thing i can say about ethan he is more smoother and slicker than gray and is just all awkward and cute....anyways did yall see Quincy and Keke palmer on there YASSSS I LOVE THEM BOTH...now lets do that THANG

Ethan P.O.V
I woke with my mouth all dry and my body shaking from being cold i lift my head just a little off of Ashley head and hear her little baby snores "she still sleep" i whisper to myself i lift my arm off her back and she just shift around a little uncomfortably "can you put your arm back please its cold" she whimper to me and snuggle closer to me i look down at her i was gonna say no but i gave in she so cute "of course babe" i say putting my arm back her i lay on my side and lift my body a little so i can get my phone out my back pocket i open my phone and look at the time its 6:03am  "eth what time is it" she say opening her eyes again "its 6:03am" i say smiling at her she look at me in shook and jumps up scaring me "whats wrong?" I ask concerned "shit shit shit its 6 and i need to get to the agency" she say jumping out the trampoline and trying to find her shoes and phone i then get out and put on my shoes i grab her hand not caring if i left anything else behind and hurry to bring her to the car i dont want her to be late to her dream job this is her life right now "come ash you can put your shoes on in the car" i say getting her shoes and opening her door she look at me and half way smile and hops in the car i run over to my side and hop in and drive off "now where are we going" i say looking at her "ill tell you just keep going straight til then" she say putting on her seatbelt "how you know how to get there but dont know how to get back" i say laughing she look over at me and smile "i had a lot on my mind and i kinda forgot for a second" she say shaking her head and blushing "you are so adorable when you blush"i say glancing at her she blushes even more

Ashley P.O.V
Me and ethan were in the car and it was a silent ride but it was a comfortable silent well until i start talking "okay babe turn right here" i say pointing to the buliding he turns in and stops right in front of the entrance i start getting nervous out of no where and i guess ethan saw "baby its okay they already like you really dont have to do much...i promise you will be fine" he say smiling at me and rubbing my leg i just sigh and nod my head ethan right i should have nothing to be nervous about "now go get yo career girl" ethan say looking at me i laugh and kiss his cheek "i think a kiss on the lips would bring you good luck" he say pointing to his lips i shake my head and walk out the car i sneak over to his side open the door and kiss him i pull away and look at him "i thought you were just gonna leave me hanging" he say kissing me again i pull away and run to the door i turn around and wave at ethan he waves back and mouth 'i love you' i smile and mouth back 'i love you too' and walk in the buliding

As soon as i walk in i see cat look up at me and smile and get up from her seat "lovely i so glad you made it Ms. Sissy is waiting for you" she say hugging me i hug her back and take in her blossom flowery perfume "you smell amazing" i say to her as im walking to the elevator "you do to you smell like my boyfriend jordan" she say walking along with me i look at her and take a step back "whats your boyfriend name" i say looking at her she look at me in confusion "jordan" she say "whats wrong" she say walking up to me "its..just..ummm...i have a friend name jordan" i say looking her "really is he mix and got like greenish kinda brown eyes and curly hair" she say showing me her lock screen and sure enough it was jordan..elle boyfriend oh really jordan really you fucking with foreigns now i snap out my thoughts "yea thats him but we just friends i know him thru someone else..yall look good together" i say walking on the elevator "he is really sweet...but he is on a trip with his father right now so" she say looking down i feel bad for both of them how he gonna lie like that he dont even fucks with his father he hates his dad "awww i know you miss him" i say rubbing her shoulder "yea a little bit its ok ima see him in like a couple days" she say walking off the elevator i just nod my head "how long yall been together" i say asking out of curiosity "oh like a year now at first he was always with me now he is all distant and im thinking its more than just going with his dad or sister or whatever" she say signing a paper..dam her and jordan been together for a year thats longer than elle and jordan they been together for like a 8 months elle and jordan were friends at first but he never ever mention to us he had a girl now he a liar and a cheater this nigga dont even have no dam sister he got two brothers "yea but anyways Ms. Sissy should be here in like a minute she went to go get something to eat" cat say walking away "ok thank you cat" i say sitting down "no problem love" she say getting on the elevator

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