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Hi guys I been thinking of how I wanted this book to go and I thought long and hard. It's just I been having writers block. Like it was horrible I wrote a chapter in my notes and if you read it you will be confuse as fuck so I decided to keep it but not publish it ima just have it for a rainy day.

Ashley POV
so right now I'm in jersey with my favorite boys. And Riley is here too. And I couldn't be any happier.

Well except for this week. I been feeling sick. Like I been throwing up and my moods are all over the place. And I been hungry. So me and Ethan are at the store to pick up pregnancy test. I hope I'm not pregnant I'm not really ready for that but if it happens it happens.

We get out the car and we enter the store. I go to the section "Ethan" I say grabbing his hand "get it" he say looking at me I pick up the box I read it and then look at the other one. I pick up the one that look more legit {this is legitness}

We buy it and head back home. I run upstairs and go to the bathroom. Ethan goes with Grayson to film there video. Thanks for the support Ethan.

I pull out the stick. I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing Ethan hoodie and some sweats.

I put my hair in a bun but then take it down. I start pacing back and forth. I haven't even peed on the dam thing and I'm scared.

I open the door and go get Riley. "Riley" I say walking into the kitchen. She not in there I go upstairs into the room not there either. I find the boys "Grayson where is Riley" I say looking at him. "We're filming" Ethan say looking at me. "Shut up I wasn't talking to you" I say looking at him.

"She went to the store" Grayson say in confusion. I groan and close the door.

I lied about me being happy. Ethan and I have been arguing almost everyday. He would yell at me and get so angry at me. We were always fighting. And my dad haven't even talked to me since like I don't even fucking remember. And every time I tried to talk or hang with Riley she doing something. And Grayson just been distance I feel like a outcast I don't wanna be here anymore. And let me not forget I been finding other girls numbers in his phone. He been lying to me and just treating me so bad.

I go back in the bathroom. I go to the toilet and pee on it. I sit it down on the counter and wait. 5 minutes later it came out. Negative I slid down the wall in relief. "I'm not pregnant" I say jumping up.

I run up to the boys "Ethan I'm not pregnant" I say busting in the room. He looks at me and roll his eyes "Ashley really I'm filming just tell me later" he yell walking over to me.

I bite down on my lip and back away. "Sorry" I say walking away.

I go in the room and shut the door I go lay on the bed. I feel my cheeks becoming wet. And my throat starting to hurt. By this time I'm sobbing.

After a while I hear the door open and close following with the bed sinking down. "Baby I'm sorry I don't mean to" he say rubbing my back. I sit up and look at him.

"Sorry isnt gonna cut it Ethan all you do is say sorry and then go back to being mean I'm sick of it where is the old Ethan the one that would never yell at me or get mad at me for little stuff this is something serious and you tell me to tell you later how about I tell you never" I say as my tears fall down heavy.

My heart start racing I can't breath or think. "What do you mean" he say standing up. "I mean I'm done Ethan I can't take the fighting and arguing YOUR CHEATING everyone is like staying away from me and I feel alone and I just wanted my boyfriend but no your acting like them" I say getting up.

"Are you saying were done" he say grabbing my hand. "Yes let me go I'm tired of it I'm flying back to Houston or LA just somewhere far away" I yell wiping my eyes only for more tears to come down.

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