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Ethan P.O.V
I woke up next to Ash she was still sleeping.."she is so beautiful when she sleeps i could watch her sleep all day" i whisper to myself I continue to look at her while she's sleeping "i can't believe she is finally mine" after I say that I see her flutter her eyes and I quickly close mine so she wont see me looking at her "eth i saw you looking at me its okay" she say getting closer to me and snuggle in my chest i just laugh a little and blush from embarrassment "i didnt know you see with your eyes close" i say laughing and pulling her closer if thats even possible "I woke before you by the way when you starting waking up i just close my eyes again and i started falling back to sleep so..." she say drawing circles on my chest "so you down for breakfast or what cuz ya mans is hungry" i say drawing circles on her arm and looking down at her "ouuu our first breakfast together as a couple" she say laughing "your so goofy but yea i guess you can say that" i say looking up at the ceiling i then feel her sit up i glance at her and she standing in front of her window with her sliky blanket covering herself in blankets "im glad i have this condo i have a perfect view of LA when the sun is rising" she say leaning against the glass i get up and walk over towards her i grab her by her waist "i have even better view" i say looking out the window to and resting my head on her head "your so much shorter than me" i say pulling her closer "i can tell and thank you for the compliment babe" she say have the most biggest smile....after looking out the window for 10 minutes she gets out of my grip and put on some panties and a big white tee shirt with some socks "you gonna keep starring dolan or you gonna come with me" she walking towards me "i guess ill go with you" i say putting on my underwear and my pants

We walk out the room and see riley and elle looking at us in disgust and grayson look like he trying to contain his laugh "what the hell yall looking at you know if take a picture it will last longer" ash say grabbing a bowl and her cereal box i look over at the others in confusion the all start laughing "whats so funny i wanna laugh" i say sounding like a five year old "we laughing at yall dumbass you couldnt be anymore quieter last night" elle say laughing " 'oh ethan'  " riley say mimicking Ashely i guess "umm okay" i say walking away and walk towards ash "i hate you hoes i dont say nothing when yall bring someone over and elle you don't even live here and riley dont even say nothing remember that time-" she gets cut off by riley "bitch shut up i told you not to bring that up...and to be honest im happy for you" Riley say getting up and hugging ash "thanks sorry if we were loud its just that...my MAN PUT IT DOWN AHHHH" ash say high fiving riley and elle..me and grayson look at each other and just laugh "weridos" me and grayson say at the same time

Ashley P.O.V
After me being ghetto for a minute i walk back over to the counter i walk in front of ethan sit on the kitchen counter right in front of him i put my bowl in the sink next to me "wouldnt mind if I TOOK YOUR PHONE" i say grabbing ethans phone "give it here" ethan say reaching over me he then looks down at me and stop trying, he looks at me and smiles "you know what i dont care if you have my phone" he say giggle a little i just look down and blush "i dont even want your phone your so adorable I CANT TAKE IT" i say grabbing him and shake him a bit "so... you still down for breakfast babe" he say pulling me closer "yea let me fix myself" i say hoping off the counter as im walking i feel a slap on my ass i turn around and ethan winks at me and then go on the couch and sit next to grayson i just smile and walk in my bedroom as soon as i walk in i hear my phone ringing "shit shit shit where is my phone....OH HERE IT GO"  i run over to my nightstand and see its a call from my favorite person ever 'brandie💙😍' brandie aka my step brother i call him brandie but his real name Brandon...i hurry up and pick up the phone "HEYYYY" i scream through the phone me and him haven't talk in a bit because he is always in the studio and music stuff "HEYYY TO MY FAVORITE SISSY I MISSS YOUUU" he screams back "i miss you more when you coming back to cali" i say flopping on the bed "well tonight or maybe tomorrow moring since my birthday is this week" he say sounding kinda of tired "OH MY GOD your birthday is the 21st this month how could I forget" i say pacing around the room until i bump into something "ouch" i say looking up to see ethan "sorry babe umm who are you talking to" he say laying on the bed "hold on brandie....ethan im talking to my brother now shut the hell up and give me a minute" i say glaring at him "anyways what you say brandie" i say return to the phone "I was telling you that i have a surprise for you when i get back and that i wanna take you out on a dinner so we can catch up" "of course brandie I CANT WAIT TIL YOUR HERE and cant wait for the surprise either" i say sitting next to ethan "okay sis i cant wait til i see you love you so much i gotta go but see ya soon BYEEE" "LOVE YOU MORE BYYEEEE" i say and then hang up i look over at ethan he just laying looking at me "alright alright im getting ready its just that my brother called me actually i want you to meet him when he comes back you'll love him" i say grabbing my towel and bathroom things"i would love to meet him" ethan say standing up and walking towards the bathroom "seriously eth im about to take a shower and you dont even have extra clothes" i say running up behind him "i know but i just wanna take a shower with you ill put on the same clothes" he say spinning me around "mmmm.....fine and i think i have my brothers clothes over here from when he spent the night" i say getting on my tipy toe and peck his lips

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