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Guys i need to be honest...i feel like utter crap my grades are dropping and first semester is almost over and i keep failing my math test i feel like a complete dumbass...its like i do good on my work then i get the test and i know exactly what im doing but then i get results and a BITCH fails i dont know what to do anymore i really wanna past this stupid ass grade level so i can be in dumbass highschool and leave that bitchass middle school uugggskdjjsnd FML i guess i gotta try even harder jdjdndbdhd EVEN THO I TRY MY FUCKING BEST EVERY FUCKING DAY JDNDNDJDJJD UGGGGGG WHYYY

Ashley P.O.V
All remember yesterday is me, brennen, and riley hanging out at the mall all day and then going over his place and something scary happen and then colby came over and im guessing i fell asleep when he started calling people. But i still had a good ass time. I roll around what im guessing is a bed i feel around and its pillows and sheets i then feel someone bare back i open my eyes and look over to see ethan back facing me i can barely see him since his room is so dark, i shiver a little since its cold and i only have on ethan big tee shirt (im guessing ethan put it on me) i roll back over to my side i reach over to his night stand to grab my phone but it wasnt there so i roll back over again and tap ethan shoulder "baby" i say gently shaking him "are you awake" i say grabbing his shoulder rolling him on to his back he just groans and pull the blankets over his face "of course he is asleep why would i ask that" i whisper face palming myself i just lay back down starring up at the ceiling....about 30 minutes later im still awake cant sleep so i get out his bed quietly and walk over to his closet i look to my right and see my phone on the floor i grab it and turn on the flashlight i go back to his closet. Since im a noisey hoe i look thru his stuff and find a little notebook and it has my name on it i open it alittle and see a whole bunch of writing i was trying to read it but i couldnt it was sloppy handwriting the book get snatch out my hand "AHH" i yell alittle jumping i see ethan holding the book close to his chest "ethan you scared the fuck out of me" i say giggling holding my chest "sorry babe but you cant read it i made this book for you its a surprise" he say walking away from me "ouu a whole book for me" i say walking up to him rubbing on his arm he looks down at me smiling "yes but you cant see it and no you cant get a look at it" he say walking to sit on the bed "i wasnt gonna ask to see a sneak peek but okay" i say going to sit on his lap, i sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck "why were you in my closet" he say looking at me "one because i was bored and two because i can" i say getting off of him he pulls me back down and snuggle his head on my chest "im sorry its just i dont want you to find something that is a surprise for you and trust me i got a lot of surprises in this room for you" he say smiling i just smack his cheek lightly "yea yea whatever" i say getting up but he pulls me down again "no stay right here with me" he say whining "oh my god stop whining its so annoying" i say looking away i turn back to him and see him pouting i grab his face and kiss him "can i ask you a question" ethan say smiling "as long is aint dumb" i say smiling "all my questions are dumb" he say laughing "just ask me" i say laughing "why do you wake up at like 3 or 4 in the morning" he say gripping my waist i shrug "its either i had a bad dream or im hungry" i say moving his hair out his face "so are you hungry" he say pulling on the shirt im wearing "yea im really hungry and plus i couldnt go back to sleep" i say moving alittle trying to get comfortable on his lap ;) "i can whip a meal for you" he say as his hands go under my shirt i put my hands on his arms stopping him from going any further up top "well what are you waiting for" i say laughing he lifts me off of him and exit out his room i go and follow him and i dont see him anywhere "ethan" i whisper tip toeing around towards the kitchen i then feel some arms wrap around me "ethan" i say as i giggle he kisses my neck and cheek making me laugh he turns me around "wanna help me cook" he say pulling me to his chest "yea" i say laughing he lets go of me and walk in the kitchen i go and sit on there counter "so dolan what fabulous meal are you making me" i say emphasizing fabulous "mm well i can make some pancakes" he say taking out the pancake mix "im more of a french toast person" i say scrunching up my face "well how about i make pancakes and you make french toast" he say closing the cabinet "mm okay" i say hoping off the counter i grab the bread and eggs, and a bowl "do yall have cinnamon" i say looking thru there cabinets "you're so country...yea let me get it for you" he say stepping behind me he put his hand on my waist his chest on my back he reaches up and grab the cinnamon "thanks" i say turning around grabbing the cinnamon out his hand i get from infront of him and go back to making the French Toast i grab the milk i then turn on the stove so it can preheat. I grab a skillet and put it on the stove i spray some butter and start dipping the bread, i dip two and put it on there i look over at ethan and see him struggling a bit i step infront of him my back facing him "here take the egg crack and then add some milk" i say doing it for him i feel him come closer he wraps his arms around me i put my hand on the counter for some support "my shirt looks so good on you i just wanna rip it off" he whisper in my ear

And Im Black Yall..... (Dolan Twin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now