10} the habitual line steppers

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"Now, how the fuck did you get in my bedroom?"
Rubbing my eyes, I blink repeatedly, the two rookies becoming clearer each time.

They both exchange a look, before bursting out laughing.

"We're having a girls day." Mitch proclaims, smiling brightly and proceeding to grab my ankle.
He begins to back up, dragging me out of bed. About to fall onto the ground, I roll off the bed expecting a loud thump, but instead Auston catches me right before I'm about to land on the ground.

Helping me up, Auston scoffs over at Mitch. "A bit much no?"

Mitch rolls his eyes.

"A girls day?" Confusion fills my thoughts.

"A girls day, a boys day, a get to know Mitch and Auston day. All the same thing." Mitch shrugs, scratching his jaw.

Auston makes his way over to my open and small walk in closet. "Hey look Mitch, she has both of our jerseys. I'm impressed." He raises an eyebrow at me, snooping through all of my TML fan attire casually like he hadn't just woke me up at— I glance at the alarm clock, 7:38AM.

"Hmm. Interesting." Mitch holds a picture frame of Rachel and I, studying it closely. He looks up. "Where's Willy's then?"

"Not in here." Auston gasps, fake laced in his attitude. "Shocking."

"We're the real best friends now." Mitch laughs, pushing me by the shoulders .

"I did not agree to that." I shake my head.

"I thought you were a huge fan?" Auston looks at me confused.

"Fan. Not best friend." In all truth I guess I'm reserving that spot for William.

"Can't you be a fan friend then?" Mitch rolls his eyes, acting as if I just said something stupid.

"One does not simply be a friend and a fan at the same time..." I pull my hair up into a bun, walking into my closet.

Auston and Mitch talk to me through the door. Still apparently feeling the need to carry on the conversation.

"Why?" Mitch's voice is clear from the other side of the door.

"What do you mean?" Auston adds.

"You wouldn't understand. You're not a fan." Even though neither of them can see my actions, I smile crookedly, shrugging as they bicker with me.

"Whoa. Wait man. I think I get it." Mitch says slowly, a moment of realization hitting him. I laugh loudly so he can hear me.

"Well fucking let me know sometime soon." Auston groans with annoyance.

"Think about it. It would be so weird if me and Bon Jovi were best friends." Mitch explains to an impatient Auston.

What does this have to do with Bon Jovi?

Then it finally hits me. After watching so many TML funny moments videos I should have remembered Mitch's love for Bon Jovi.


Wait. Holy fuck. Mitch Marner and Auston Matthews were in my bedroom arguing

I let that sink in for a little.

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