24} crazy, stupid, uncontrollably in love

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"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET MY NUMBER?" I practically hiss into the phone, pulling myself behind a rack of pants. A rack of pants, you ask? What the fuck am I doing hiding behind a rack of pants?

I don't want William or anyone his family to see me talking on the phone. One, because it will only lead to suspicion and two, I'm really fucking mad at this point and I don't want his sisters to see me looking like a fiery satanic monster. In my experience, I don't really love the idea of fiery satanic monsters, therefor I do not want to be seen as a fiery satanic monster.

My foot taps against the grey carpeted floor of the random store that Alex had insisted we took a look around in.

"It wasn't that hard really, I just saw it in Annika's phone." Lucia laughs lightly, her voice crinkly through the phone on the other end.

And to think that I'm probably going to be charged for long distance calling after this...

"Did you just call to chat with me? Or did you want to tell me something that doesn't make you sound like a angry five year old girl?" Quirking am eyebrow, I peek my head through two pairs of pants.

Jacquline, Michael, and Alex are having a conversation with two men who I don't recognize, while I'm pretty sure that Camilla, Stephanie, and Daniella left to go get food somewhere else in the mall. William on the other hand is nowhere to be seen, he must have ran off somewhere.

"Actually I called to tell you for the last time why you and William will never work. If you're up for it?" Her voice just reminds me of those hyenas that try to eat Simba in the lion king— even though it's actually quite a high pitched soft girly voice I think my mind just perceives it to be screechy because I seriously dislike her.

I wrap my arms around myself, nervous to hear what she has to say, this so called ultimatum that she has in mind... I've been driving myself crazy over her tiny reminders each morning, every time I wake up to see a new insult thrown at me.

Hell I'm surprised that William hasn't seen any of the things she's been messaging me, I'm just lucky he hasn't. After that last breakdown of mine at the movie theatre I really don't need to embarrass myself anymore than I already have.

If I'm not careful I might just have a huge issue on my hands, because I'm sure that William doesn't want me to talk with Lucia. Although what's the worst that could happen?

"Shoot." Blinking slowly, I gulp and listen closely to what Lucia's about to say on the other end of the line.

"Break up with William." She spits. "He doesn't love you, you don't love him, What you two have is puppy love, it won't last."

God she's so bad at insulting. Every time that we talk Lucia literally only tells me the same things, how I'm boring, how William doesn't like me, all the basic unoriginal crap that I don't care about.

"No. I think that you're just mad because you lost such a great guy, and that he's with someone else who's obviously a lot better for him. If you were seriously concerned about William you would leave him the fuck alone and stop being such an annoying little pest." Laughing loudly, a small smile growing bigger on my face, I shrug Lucia off.

"You don't know how we feel about each other, he still has feelings for me!" She's yelling at me now, the frustration and anger crystal clear in her voice.

"I'm so sorry for you Lucia, that you actually think that he'd even be willing to take you back." Yes, maybe what I'm saying is a little tiny by mean, but still I have no sympathy left for this girl after everything she's tried to do to get inside my head.

"No!" Lucia doesn't even know how to respond, because she knows what I'm saying is in every way true.

An old lady passes by my designated rack of pants, shooting me an disapproving grimace noticing that I'm shoved up against a bunch of pants and yelling into my phone like I just got twelfth place in Mario Kart.

trust issues // w. nylanderWhere stories live. Discover now