chat : 6

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i fucjubg love this book so faaar, probably gonna hate it late

ryro: yo
ryro: it's ya boi
ryro: ryan

beebo: so that's your name

ryro: it is.
ryro: did you think my name was ryro

beebo: no
beebo: i just didn't know you're name was ryan

ryro: yes well my name is ryan
ryro: what about you
ryro: is you're name actually beebo

beebo: no haha
beebo: it's brendon

ryro: feels good to be on a first name basis
ryro: don't you agree?

beebo: sure?
beebo: i have a student named ryan

ryro: it's actually me

beebo: what?!

ryro: ahaha jokes
ryro: i don't have a teacher named brendon,
ryro: i have a brandon tho
ryro: i think
ryro: beyond the point
ryro: i'm not your student

beebo: okay
beebo: good
beebo: if you were, this would be v inappropriate

ryro: yeah but i mean
ryro: no one would have to know

beebo: idk if i would want that tho
beebo: i could get in a lot of trouble

ryro: oh cmon
ryro: it's not like we're sending nudes
ryro: unless you're into that, then i could consider.

beebo: yep
beebo: you're definitely 17

ryro: oh shut up
ryro: i was joking

beebo: yeah okay
beebo: whatever you say ryan
beebo: if that's even you're real name

ryro: you're annoying

beebo: as if
beebo: did you see elliot today?
beebo: he's like sooo cuute

ryro: are you mocking me?

beebo: ugh my english teacher
beebo: so hot

ryro: this is bullying

beebo: like bend me over your desk, sir

ryro: :(

beebo: you're fine

ryro: you're probably the rudest teacher out there

beebo: nah i'm a funny teacher
beebo: i'm a good time

ryro: i bet you are ;)

beebo: ew stop
beebo: you're a child

ryro: hnnng
ryro: stop with that, it's annoying

beebo: i'm not wrong

ryro: but you are
ryro: age of consent is 16 anyway

beebo: that only works in a 5 year age gap
beebo: and i'm 7 years older

ryro: i like older men ;)
ryro: i'm joking aha
ryro: but not really

beebo: i'm trying so hard not to roll my eyes

ryro: do it too often and they'll get stuck

beebo: yeah okay, sure
beebo: anyway its late
beebo: and i have a 1st period class tomorrow

ryro: ew school
ryro: forgot i had to go to that

beebo: get some sleep

ryro: night beebo

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