chat : 34

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i think my parents are gonna get a divorce
lmfao but idk for sure

when brendon woke up he felt a weight on his chest, nothing uncomfortable, but it was new. at first he thought he had gotten drunk last night and called sarah when he felt hair tickle under his chin. after that thought passed through his mind he immediately thought of ryan and that's when he remembered that his boyfriend spent the night.

ryan rested his head on brendon's chest, his arm laid across brendon's abdomen, fingertips just brushing the fabric underneath them. his lips were parted slightly, drawing deep breaths. his eyes were closed, his lashes brushing the top of his cheeks where brendon could see freckles hiding under skin if he looked close enough. brendon's hand was resting on waist, his fingers laying a warm imprint on ryans skin a wave of cool washing over the select skin once brendon moved his hand.

ryan rolled to the other side of the bed when brendon moved slightly to hold ryan more comfortably. brendon chuckled to himself and decided to wake ryan up, a young boy like that can't sleep his day away.

brendon followed behind ryan, staring at the strip of skin that peaked out from his white shirt. brendon saw ryans back flex under his shirt and decided that's where he would start. he sinfully placed his lips against the bend of ryans back, his warms skin burning against brendon's lips. his lips trailed slowly up ryans back, feeling goosebumps appear on his skin where brendon's fingers traveled. brendon couldn't help but bring ryans shirt up more. his skin mesmerized brendon that he couldn't help himself. soon enough though he brought his lips up to his neck, seeing a sneaky smile playing on ryans lips. brendon smiled as well, knowing that ryan was now awake. brendon straddled ryans hips, just below the curve of ryans back. brendon sucked a hickey into ryans skin, just under the point of ryans jaw, faint breaths coming from ryans parted lips. "good morning, ry." brendon whispered huskily before he gently pressed his lips to ryans soft cheek, blowing a raspberry into his squishy cheek.

ryan squealed and retired to turn over underneath brendon. he giggled once he landed on his back, looking up at brendon through innocent eyes. "g'mornin'" ryan said sweetly, as if honey was dripping from his lips. brendon smiled and leaned down to taste the sugar on his lips. with a hum he spoke against ryans candy lips, "i love you."

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