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Nova's POV

After Matty ate me out in the movie theater I noticed he was hard as a rock.

So of course me being the good girlfriend that I am ; I sucked him off.

He was a blushing and satisfied mess afterwards , and I was very satisfied as well.

Having my pussy ate and swallowing my boyfriends yummy cum?

Sounds like a good ass fucking time right!

We were currently in the car on our way to McDonald's.

I was craving a Big Mac so bad.

We pulled into the the drive thru and matty ordered a Big Mac and fries for me and two hot n spicys for himself.

He paid and we got our food and started heading back to my place.

I started eating fries and fed my nerd some since he was driving.

McDonald's fries are so freakin good man.

~skips car ride~

We pulled into my driveway and Matthew got out and came around to open my door for me.

"Thank you baby." I got on my tippy toes to peck his lips.

"Anything for my Queen." He said blushing.

I giggled at his cuteness before saying. "How about for now your my prince and I'm the princess? We can be king and queen when we're like old."

He laughs and agrees with me. "Of course princess."

I blushed a little and grabbed his hand to go inside, since we were just running out mouths in my driveway.

"Come on before the food is cold." He nodded and we went inside.


We were now on my bed watching spongebob (my choice) and munching on McDonald's.

Matt took out his second hot n spicy and I took it from him taking a bite before handing it back.

Not that he minded.

It actually made him smile as he started eating it.

We continued watching and I would occasionally feed him fries.

He is definitely the only person I'd share food with. Anyone else would die for looking at my food.

We finally finished up and I laid back on my bed and Matt laid his head on my chest , making pillows out of my boobs.

I of course, didn't mind.

He is my baby after all.

I cuddled him and ran my hands through his hair while he groaned enjoying the feeling of it.

I took my hands off for a second and he whined and put my hands back , making me giggle.

"You're so spoiled." I grinned and kissed his head.

"Yeah and so are you." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I just kept grinning. "Very true baby."

And with that we just continued to enjoy each other's company.

Nothing could be heard but the sound of the tv and Mattys occasional moans from me playing in his hair.

This was nice.

Being with him was nice and I was happy.

Happy spending time with my adorable nerd.

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