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*Bana's POV

Whew... that was some warm-up. Rather boring, though, if I may say so. I mean, I didn't even get to be anything but my normal self.

Oh well, meeting a cousin is something else though. This would be Mom's first time taking me on a visit to our nearest relatives. Couldn't blame her too much for it; still got lots to tend to back home.

Besides, she did not marry someone as distinguished as that woman whom I'd have to call 'Aunt Bulma' from now on. She is quite well-off; the name of Capsule Corporation seems to engender instant respect here in this planet. Pair that with Uncle's princely title...

Gosh, that kid Trunks is sure ahead of me by miles--wealth-wise, that is--and he appears to realize it.

In my case, Dad came from much humbler backgrounds, and we could rely only on Mom's being heiress-apparent to Planet Vegeta. However, as you well know, the planet itself had been destroyed by now; my grandfather the King Vegeta long gone; and here on Earth, being a Saiyan heiress-apparent meant little. Just a noise in the wind, so to speak.

Add to that Dad's former occupation of Saibamen keeper... Heck, the people here don't even know what 'Saibamen' means--less so 'Saiyans'! If anything, we're aliens to them!

I have lots to prove...

That aside, being able to display some resemblance of strength and resolve to a long-not-seen relative, did count as something to me.

"Oh, hi there. Aren't you the kid that is supposed to be training with the young master today? How may I help you?"

A young woman greeted me with a cheerful smile, holding her kneecaps as she did so.

Young master..? Ah, she must be referring to Trunks. So that's how he's called round here, huh...

"Yes, well... we decided to call it a day, so could you please reset the gravity level in that chamber back to normal?"

"Sure, buddy. See, I was just passing its control room. Wanna see how that's done?"

"I'll leave it to you, thanks. My mom should be waiting." I smiled.

"Okay then, little one. Pass her my regards, will you."

"I'll be sure to. Thanks again!"

Still smiling, I turned back and went to where Trunks is. Together we went back to the main building and into the living room where it seems Mom's getting ready to leave.

"Ah, there you are, Bana. The training took quite some time, eh?"

"Sure was--had a lot of fun, though. Right?" I nudged Trunks' elbow.

"Yeah! Let's do that again sometime!"

"Well then, Vegeta, we'll be leaving."

"But," Aunt Bulma added, "you did not seem to bring any cars, planes or any other vehicles with you? How..?"

"Saiyans don't bother themselves with such crap, wife--they fly. Right, Sister?"

Mom nodded.

"My, but this must be among Bana's first flights. Take care, okay?"

"Will try to, Auntie. Not many things to bump into up there, anyway."

She giggled. "Right you are~"

"Very well, if there's nothing else--Goodbye, all! Nice seeing you!"

We dashed off from the front yard at nearly the same time and were airborne in a flash.

"Race you back home, Bana?"

"You're on, Mom! Oh, and..."


"Some girl back there sent her regards. One of Uncle's hired ones, I think."

"How sweet. My brother's home sure is full of uncommon types... Hey!! Don't try to gain some headstart through this, you little..!"

We both were home before midday.


"Well, well, you seem to have been through a lot of fun, Bana."

"I guess you could say that again, Dad. We visited Uncle's house in the West City somewhere. Met his son Trunks too!"

"I see. Did they inquire about me as well?"

"Eh... I don't know. Mom did the talking."

"Yes," she joined with a giggle, "and in return I got a story about that vain guy's Earthen wife. Could've made a good front-page story, that one. Anyway, how goes your job, dear? Are you finding it nice?"

"Almost exemplary, they said," Dad reclined while letting out a low whistle. "In for a promotion in two weeks; though at first they're finding my 'talent', if it's that, quite hard to believe."

"What talent?" I asked.

"Recognizing the most appropriate soil type for any plants they could name. Tomorrow they will subject me to still another test of that kind."

"Eh, but tomorrow is a holiday..."

"Bana, I'm sure you'll understand when you get older. Those guys... plants seem to matter so much for them, I think. Increased sales in near future! Top-notch specialist! Blah, blah~"

"Oh, come on now..." Mom playfully ruffled Dad's hair, "that's not half so bad. Exemplary tester of soil type, eh? Well, they just don't know with whom they're dealing!"

I realized I was gaping.

"...I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, Mom."

"Oh dear, my Bana, don't you get it?"


"Simple! Your dad's been a former Saibamen keeper for a decent number of Saiyan years."


"It's a given he would instantly recognize just what types of soil would be suitable to make out decent Saibamen, don't you think? What worked with them, goes for plants too!"

As soon as the point kicked in, I joined in her laughter--quite long and loud--while between us Dad stayed silent with a red hue on his cheeks.

"...*Giggle*... Okay, that's that. Now then, if your father's not going to be home tomorrow, I suppose we could get to see more of this city. How does that sound, Bana?"

"Alright! We're going in to that brand-new shopping district, aren't we, Mom?!"

She in turn ruffled my hair. "Why not. Just make sure to do homework after that."

"Pinky promise!"


So it's from First Person this time, and now we finally have the father in the frame ^^ Again, any fresh opinions about Saui's family? :D

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