Visitors (1)

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Original scene: DBS--#20-23 (season 2)
*Trunks' POV

Two weeks after the spar.

Goten is coming to visit; he's kinda edgy at first at being snubbed during the spar. Even after I took him round the front yard, with a large fish-pond which I thought might delight him, he's still not calm enough to hear out my excuses.

"If you had come along," I told him, "you'd be beaten up so badly, I'm not sure your mama would be pleased to see. Then it'll be on me, or Bana, when neither of us had had any real part. It'll be your fault for refusing to listen."

He pouted in silence.

"We'd beat him easy as Gotenks."

"Not a good choice. Have you forgotten what happened to Gotenks when we tried to fight Buu? Besides, as Gotenks, we would have only one hour to finish him, or we're finished ourselves!"

"At least Bana is not a pink springy lump..."

"Goten, just cut it off. I'm telling you, you were just lucky not to have joined. Bana is as powerful as I feared, perhaps slightly more. He even managed to wound me--just imagine what he might do to you who is at least two years younger. During the Junior Tournament I went easy on you, but in this case my cousin might not."

"...You think so?"

I nodded. "See here, if not for anything else, maybe it's 'cause I... er, you know... because I love you."

Oh my. Wonder how Dad will react if he heard such a word coming from me. I think I'm gonna be sick...

Goten blinked.

"...What's that?"

"Ahh, no no no, nothing--forget what I said!!"

"No, not your words. Up there."

...Oh? It seems something in the sky is heading our way... More alien invaders?

Nah, it's just one ship... But better not get fooled by numbers!

This ship has an unusual shape, quite unlike the spherical type in which the first Saiyans arrived, many years ago (Dad said such kinds are only for emergencies). This one looked more like the kind that's driven around at long distances...

As it landed in swirls of dust, I could see only one passenger aboard and it is now getting out.

I believe Goten saw that too, and he's just as surprised.

"Greetings, Earthling humans," it--or rather 'he', by voice--said. "This is Bulma's dwelling, I believe?"

...Hmm? Now how come this alien knew Mom's name already?

"Er, yeah, my mom lives here. What do you want?"

"...Your mom, did you say? Fascinating... you're telling me you're Bulma's son..?"

Dude, you're really getting nowhere...

"Yeah, that's right. You got a problem with that, mister?"

"You think he's one of your mom's friends or what?" Goten joined.

"Are you kidding? There's no way she'll be friends with some geek who wears full body tights like this--"

"These are not tights, little larva," 'he' joined, "this is my skin!"


"Hey, where'd you buy that mask, then? I think it's pretty funny~" this time it's Goten's remark.

"...A mask? What are you talking about--it's my face!"


...So what, we're face to face with a uniquely clothed alien? Well, in that case--

Prank time!

"Wow, what a costume~!"

"Yeah, did you make this in school? What grade are you?"

I and Goten hopped on to this newcomer's back and started poking at 'his' outfit.

"--Would you both please get off me?! I'm not in school--I'm an adult!!"

At about the same time, Goten pulled something off...


Dahh!! O-oh no, it's...

"...You stupid, what did you do..?!"

"I... I didn't mean to, 'his' ear just came off..!"

"Relax," the alien put out 'his' hand, "it's not my ear, it's a radio communicator--the latest model! Now would you please hurry and get Bulma?"


"...You know, you're kinda bossy. What's your name, mister..?"

'He' then made several weird moves that ended with blurting the name 'Jaco, the elite space patrolman', or whatever. Guess this one wouldn't remain quiet 'til I get Mom.

So be it then.

"Mom, a visitor for you outside."

She's doing some housework. "Really, and does the guest have a name?"

"Taco-something. Can't remember. Weird guy came in a spaceship and wears full purple body-tights."

She stopped whatever she's doing.

"...Sounds more like a clown to me, or you should learn to describe people better."

"Thought the same, but I think you should know since 'he' mentioned you by name upon landing and I'm not sure I've seen 'him' before, or else you haven't cared to tell me that you're friends with such a geek."

"...Alright, I get it. I'll meet 'him', see if this'll get anywhere..."


"Oh, hey! So it's you, Jaco--no wonder you knew me 'by name'... that makes more sense. See, Trunks told me a 'taco' came in; which sounded odd, but I've learned to be prepared for anything..."

"Your child's a handful..."

Oh, good, Goten's still there.

Hmm... we have 'investigated' the passenger, so how 'bout searching the craft itself now? This we did by jumping straight in the plane.

"Hey!! No touching an elite galactic patrol car without permission!"

...Eh? Did that 'Taco' just blab that this craft is a 'car'? Oh well, we're in the cockpit now with me at the driver's seat, so duh.

"Hey, what do you think that big red button does?" Goten asked.

"Only one way to find out." I pushed it--and the cockpit window closed downwards, effectively isolating us.

"Hey, think your mom's trying to say something down there..."

"I don't know; can't hear anything in here. So which button to be pressed next, eh, Goten?"

"Hmm, let's see... this blue one!"

"You got it."

Pushed the button I did, and this time the 'car' jerked forward without any sound and plunged nose-first slowly down the large pond.

Oops... good thing we're just in time to open that cockpit again. Next thing, Mom and that Taco guy are looking at us with dawning disbelief.

"Ohh, this is the last thing I need right now! Get in the house, boys!!"

"Ookaayy~" we replied at the same time, sporting foolish grins. Can't help it... Sorry so much 'bout your craft, dude...


Fresh opinions? :D

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