Ground zero

32 7 48

*3rd POV
Focus: Bana

As he flew away from his uncle's place, Bana found himself quite unable to let off one of Trunks' remarks:

"...That's way too far, even for a full-Saiyan kid. He's [Vegeta] taking you to his own levels!"

I see... so Uncle really does care. Training me to his levels like that... could mean he indirectly wants me to prevail.

Well duh, guess he's motivating both ends. To Trunks he might blab about getting to contend with gravity levels higher than mine just now, or some other nonsense.

Oh well, like that's my problem. Time to look on how Mom and Dad are going.

Intensifying his Ki, Bana accelerated past clouds, birds and planes that happened to traverse that day. Once he even leveled himself to the windows of an airplane's cockpit and waved smilingly to any personnel within; but the pilots of this particular craft happened to be steel-nerved enough not to flinch at such a phenomenon. When they turned to look, the kid had seated himself cross-legged on the plane's top, enjoying the stratospheric breeze.

"Wow, the view!! Wish they could bring drinks up here... Nah, but this one's rather slow. Wonder how much they'll charge for a living cargo on top..."

By the time he decided to fly again on his own, the plane too veered to the opposite direction.

"Thanks for the ride!" he waved to no one in particular, and proceeded on. Soon he spotted another flying object, this time a small yellow cloud with a person sitting cross-legged at its top. The top part of his bag waved about in the winds.

"Oh, hey there!"

The person turned, waved back, and stopping the flight of his cloud, signaled to approach. At proper talking distance, Bana too hovered.

"Why, it seems you're Goten's brother..."

"Oh, and you must be that kid of Vegeta's sister. How you doing, buddy? Name's Gohan, by the way."

"Nice to meet you here, sir. Been a while since that party. Name's Bana."

"Nah, don't be too formal up here. Just going back from work, anyway."

"What's the matter," Bana snickered, "had enough of traffic down there?"

"I could ask you the same. I thought you and my brother Goten went into the same school."

"Nope, just felt like knowing of another Saiyan. If anything, Trunks must know a lot better of him. Besides, we live in different cities--I the East, he the West."

"Ah, so your family lives there, huh? That's where I work too, so I guess this wouldn't be our last meeting."

"Sure, appreciate it. And while we're at it, you're friends with the girl of that dandy, right? The one calling himself Hercule?"

"Oh, you must mean Videl. Yes, it happens I am. Videl's father even got a city named after him."

"Such a goofball..."

"I won't deny it, in private," Gohan snickered, "but you better guard your tongue around him."

"Come on, mister. Need I fear anything from the one Trunks 'nudged' out of the Tournament arena with just one palm?"

"Wha... you were there too?! I didn't see you among the juniors then..."

"Didn't get such a chance, I s'pose, 'cause my fight was not with Trunks nor Goten. All the same, it's not likely I'd miss the one they call 'Super Saiyaman'." He winked.

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