Trip (1)

136 10 46

*Trunks' POV

"*Sigh* Well, there they go..."

Mom commented as we gazed upwards, seeing our Saiyan guests off.

My, it sure looks like they are not ones to be taken lightly, mother and child alike...

I've seen how Dad seemed to hold so much respect for the mother, Aunt Saui; and I've seen how Cousin Bana could well afford to laugh at the gravity test, even when it's set to a level I could hardly contend with... and still in his normal form, eh?!

There just has to be something else with that Bana--I'm sure of it. Gosh, and he has not even met Goten yet; or so I hope.

"So how come did we not hear anything about them until just now?" Mom inquired, echoing my own thoughts. "Wait, don't tell me you're only interested in Goku as some sort of sparring partner and chose to neglect all the others?"

"I-it's not that, Bulma! I..."

Oh, boy. Dad sure seems to have a hard time when confronted with ladies 'stronger' than himself--and yet to me he's so strong!

"Well?" Mom pressed, putting on her signature hands-on-hips. There is another that I rather not mention here without making you cringe.

"I, uh... it's the first time she visited us, so..."

"It's your own sister! How come you knew about Raditz, Goku and Nappa but not her?"

"...I don't see how this purely Saiyan affair should concern you, woman."

"Oh, don't expect me to fall for it! I am your wife, I have every right to know more about our relatives. Sometime we ought to visit them in turn."

"What the--be in one league with a Saibamen keeper?! No chance!"

"Hah! Look who's talking. Promised to me you'll blast away that 'wench', then you groveled before her like none other." She put on a triumphant smile.


"At that, Dad, you still owe me a picnic--"

"Oh, shut up, Trunks! We're too late to go for it now, see? Past midday already. Tomorrow! Geez, these half-breeds..."

"What was that?" Mom pouted. "So you do think that 'pure' Saiyans are better, yet you refuse to even shake hands with them? It's hard to comprehend your thought-process, really. Let's just go inside, son, let him cool his head."


I assure you, that 'shut up' was really typical of my dad, or even in this family; with that he didn't mean to offend me or make me cry--and that's perhaps how I got the 'smart mouth' trait as well. I wonder if Saiyans then and now are witty talkers...

Indeed, from Aunt Saui's example, they do seem to be.

Leaving him contemplating in the sunlight, I walked while arching my back, hands behind the head.



"They say we Saiyans get stronger with every fight."

"That may be, or it's just him. What of it, though?"

"Would clashing like this everyday with you make Dad stronger, I wonder?"

"In a way, perhaps. How did your training with Bana go?"

"Awesome. He did not even flinch or turn Super Saiyan, even when the gravity level was making it hard for me to tread."

"I see."

"Oh, and there's more--I think I know why he is named such."

"Tell me."

"Well, original Saiyans are named after vegetables and fruits, right. Just like Dad's 'Vegeta'; 'Nappa' comes from pineapples; 'Raditz' from radishes; 'Kakarot' from carrots--seems to me it's only when you had me that you decide to name members of our family after clothes; maybe because I'm only half-Saiyan."


"Yes, well, I thought the same thing might be applied to our guests' names."

"Ah, indeed?"

"In their case, 'Bana' comes from banana, I think--must be another reason for that oh-so-blond hair; and his mother's comes from... some foreign vegetable."

"Really, Trunks, that's close to brilliant--haven't thought quite as far myself. Who taught you this?"

"Bana allowed me some time to ponder as he went to reset the gravity level."



Dad had called quits with the sulking, and is now prepared for a family supper.

"So where are we supposed to go for that stupid picnic, huh? I rarely see this city except for training."

"Yup, the main thing that dominates your thick skull." Mom sighed. "Leave it to me, then; and we're going to get there my way."

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

"Why, by airplane of course. I'll drive, since you won't know how anyway."


"Oh, and don't forget to drop in for a shopping spree afterwards~ I'll make the list tonight!"

"Yeah!" I chimed, "I could use some new toys too! Might be I'll spare Goten some of them."

"I promised it's only for an hour, Trunks; don't you forget it."

"Oh, we'll see, Dad. Who knows, you might come to enjoy this trip after all. Even Saiyans might have need of some fun."

"O ho ho, good one, son~ Now then, here's another portion of Earthen dinner. Help yourselves, my loves!"


What would you think Vegeta might have thought of during his time-off? Do put them all forward! :D

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