Old fiend (1)

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*Bana's POV

Two weeks later--or technically speaking, party time.

For some reason both my parents had been acting rather strangely these few days. While Mom was so hyped at the very idea of being invited to the party, Dad broke cold sweat when he learned Uncle might be there--so much so that I had to chime in on how he might not give any more banter on how Dad used to be one of the men under his watch.

After all, were Uncle still to gloat about being a prince... just what does he have to preside over? A long-lost planet? Come on!

"...Trust me, son, you wouldn't want to speak like such to his face!" Dad wiped his brow for the seventh time three nights ago as he conversed with me alone.

"Oh, I would if he asked. If not, well, I won't spoil for a fight. Trust me, Dad--more people would be more than happy to greet you than not. His would just be one voice!"

"He's right, dear. At worst he wouldn't attack you under everyone's watch; and even then we both would stand by your side."

Thus, after considerable efforts of sweet-talking, Dad grudgingly took the offer.

By this time we are at the seaside where the party is to take place. Neither that halfling Trunks nor his mom said anything about the party being held on a ship, nor even a cruise-liner; so we were arguably surprised when one of many ladies in navy-blue clothes came on and greets Dad:

"Good day. May I be of assistance?"

"Well, yes. My family here and I are invited to a party somewhere around here, but we don't seem to know the place."

The girl smiled. "It's not uncommon to hold such events aboard some ship nowadays, sir. Perchance do you have the tickets?"

"Invitation cards, you mean," Mom butted in. "Yes we do, and our benefactor's name is Mrs. Bulma Briefs. Mind showing us where she is?"

"Please follow me; you might be expected. She is already seeing to the presents now," she added, beginning to walk away.

Dad gaped.

"A party on a ship... and you are saying," he turned to me and Mom with a weird look, "that we're part of it?! T-that Bulma..?"

"Well, yeah," Mom smirked. "Kinda forgot to tell ya, that Earthen strumpet's been your Prince's wife for a good ten years now; her own words to me."

And that was how we got here. Now I'm just looking to spot Trunks to spout off some more choice words for not elaborating about the actual venue from the start. I mean, how hard could that be?!

"...There you are, buddy!"

"Why, Bana! Good to see ya; though I had expected Goten's family to arrive first..."

"Don't sidetrack me! You failed to tell that we'll be cruise-lining, and now you'll pay for it..!"

"Hey, sorry, okay~ Ahahaha..."

In the background, of course, there are our parents greeting each other, complimenting, saying how it's nice being here, etc. But my present business is with this half-pint--at least 'til Goten arrives, which I hoped would not be too soon.

"Then again, that was quite a surprise..."

I chased Trunks to a fairly secluded corner of the ship, when he brought that up.

"What was a surprise, hmm?"

"I mean... why did you not choose to show off your skills to Goten back then? Might've won an admirer, you know."

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