Trip (2)

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"Hey, come on now, Trunks--are you going or not?! Hang on a little while; you can sleep it out once you're inside!"

"Urgh... None told me we'd be going this early~"

I groaned, still half-asleep and with some drool by my lips, as Dad half-dragged me while carrying whatever we may need for the trip in three large bags. Mom was already hefting two of these into the yellow airplane bearing the mark of Capsule Corporation; a white capital 'C' in a black circle. Some say it was one of those in which design she herself took some part; all the more reason to be proud. During normal days, the airplane is stored in some pill known as the Hoi-Poi Capsule, invented by my other grandpa, Dr. Briefs--Mom's father.

If you think of safekeeping vehicles in pills as something unusual, then you're all welcome to try coping with some Saiyan brat whom on the other day just barged in, said hi, then put my years of training to shame in that Gravity Chamber.

Right, back to the present!

"Well, you're lucky we're going to try this Bulma's way! I don't imagine for one second you'd fly even a quarter of the journey with all that drool..."

"Aw, just spare me your quips, Dad! I wanna sleep... Let me just get on with the futon, then..."

"Suit yourself."

I took my place on the futon as soon as it is spread near the cockpit where Mom would be. Just before sleep overtook me, I heard Mom bickering again about where Dad ought to take his place during the journey.

*Sigh...* Knowing Dad, this likely won't be over in a minute or two, so... bye for now... *snores*


*Original scene: DBS--#2 (season 1)

"We'll be there soon, Trunks!" Mom's voice. "Better wake up!"

I yawned while balling my fists in the air, then sat up while scratching the back of my head. It's already morning, so we had had several hours' journey. Then again it's not at max speed.

But honestly...

"Flying like this takes too much time, Mom!" I protested. "If you'd just learn to fly like me and Dad, we could get to places a whole lot faster, you know--"

Ooh, she must've frowned at that. So what?

"Well, excuse me, young man, but my human body's not built for mock-speeds!"

"Eh, whatever... Dad's still at top, then?"

"Yeah, you know--training. He's been standing on top of this craft since we started, and still refuses to come inside. Real Saiyans are hard beings to comprehend sometimes..."

"This isn't anywhere close to proper training." Dad's voice.

"I'm sorry? If you wanted me to make it more like a challenge, you should've just said so, dear!"

...Oh, crap!


As soon as that 'challenge' was uttered, Mom began fiddling with the controlling sticks and levers, sending the whole craft whirling and spinning through forests and even into the sea for some time, before stabilizing again as our destination--the East City--came into view.

Dad's fate up there may be imagined: if he survived, good for him; if not, good for us.

"Woo hoo, some ride, that was! Hey Trunks, you okay back there..?"

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