[Special: Junior Tournament]

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(This is a what-if scenario. It is also to be assumed that Bana and Goten are strangers at this point)

(Cut-scene from Chapter 2 'New family')

"So?" Bana winked. "Give up?"

"Ugh... I guess so, for now. Man, and I [Trunks] haven't even seen you fight--at this rate you could Ki-blast me easily. It's really getting hard to breathe..."

"Stay there, then; let me handle this one." The Saiyan child went away while arching his back. "Nice display of fortitude by the way, Trunks; my [Bana's] dad would applaud it."

"...Say, Bana, why don't you try joining the Junior Tournament? It's gonna be held fairly soon, you see!"

(Cut-scene from Chapter 3 'Prince')

"...*Giggle*... Okay, that's that. Now then, if your father's not going to be home tomorrow, I suppose we could get to see more of this city. How does that sound, Bana?"

"Uh... I'd love to, Mom. But while we were training in that Gravity Chamber, Trunks said something about a Junior Tournament. Sounds like a challenge, and I haven't tried honing my skills for some time now... Will you allow me to be there?"

"Well... I don't see why not. Just don't overdo yourself."

(A/N: Italics are what-if lines added exclusively for this special part)

*3rd POV
Focus: Bana

So it was that, though we are still attempting to settle in this planet, I sought to participate in--or at least snatch a look at--the said Junior Tournament. From what I figured out through asking here and there, it seems this event is where what passed as 'fighters' in Earth gather and strive for the price money--the usual kind of thing.

However, what attracted me is the fact that my own long-lost cousin had mentioned it--which means he'll be there too, for much the same motivations as mine.

Somehow I'm inclined to believe that he will actually take part in it... Oh well, either way, it's gonna be interesting.

Since we were still quite unfamiliar with the ways around town, we had to take a taxi. Its driver informed us that the event is held in turns amidst the four cities of this continent. This time it just happened to be around our East City, but there's always the chance that the event after this is gonna be in the West City--that is, where Uncle's family lives--as there seem to be a good supply of better-quality brawlers in that quarter; including Hercule, someone credited to have saved this very planet from a foreign threat.

"There are also two categories to compete in: the Junior and Adult Divisions," the driver explained. "The Junior one is open to participants from seven to sixteen; the Adult one, for higher."

"Why, then that makes me eligible! I'm ten! For you guys in here, that is..."

"Well, young man, why not try your luck then? Not for the money, I say, but the fame and recognition--now that's quite something else."

"For a common driver, though," Mom put in, folding her arms beside me while Dad took the seat next to the driver, "you sure seem to know a lot already."

"Eh, I make no apologies, Madam. Events like this are our harvest time, so to speak, so we gotta learn a thing or two from them. Who knows if there are others willing to be taken in a common cab, eh, and they'd appreciate good info just before the main show?"

From the rear-view mirror, I could see Mom's slight smile.

"Good info indeed, that was; and do you usually expect an extra tip for it?"

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