In-between (2)

37 6 41

*Bana's POV

...Is it just me, or Trunks looked slightly paler just now? Hmm, better not surmise. I suppose I'll tell you what passed between me and Piccolo back there then.

Apart from letting me know of his name and origins, once things appeared to have calmed a bit, that guy also told that he's been mentor to Trunks and Goten for a considerable amount of time. He was there when they stood against Majin Buu (yep, that fat pink blob you saw having the guts to annoy Beerus--but back then Buu was 'someone' much different). Piccolo's also the one who taught the Fusion technique that I saw already.

When I inquired if I could someday perform a Fusion myself, it took quite a while before the answer came.

"Now, that might be difficult. The ones that I've known to have had a successful Fusion are Goten and Trunks, and they are both only half-Saiyans."

"Well, what does that make of me?"

"For a pure Saiyan like you to perform a Fusion with somebody else... well, not that it's impossible, but for that you'd need to have an exceptional partner--maybe one of your own class or with the same level of strength as yours. Then there is the matter of your Fusion name."


Okay, this is tough. I am among pure Saiyans, but not one whom I could fuse with? Let's see...

My uncle Vegeta had marked my power level to be 'of little help' (which might be true to such an elite as him); both Goten and Trunks are still lukewarm about it, and are even on the point of merely gauging it... Whether they'd be willing to actually fuse with me later on is still a huge question-mark.

Then again, like it or not, they're halflings. A fusion with a pure-blooded Saiyan might not end very well for both of us.

So, how 'bout my own parents then?

From casual daily observations, Dad is practically at Mom's bidding either because of class or power level--could be both. Fusing with someone with lower power level, as Uncle said, might be of little help...

That is to say, Dad who was but a former Saibamen keeper could be inferred to have a much lower power level base than Mom, who was a Princess. Moreover, she had gone so far as to train me all this time--so that I might expect her power level to be constant if not rising still.

Indeed, she might be a perfect candidate for my Fusion partner--but then there is the matter of Fusion name.

Saui + Bana = 'Sauna' or 'Baui'.


...The heck. I don't think I want those kinds of name, 'specially the first one. Then again, I still have absolutely no idea of what sex this 'Sauna' would have. What if it's a sassy blond green-eyed female?

Yikes... Fusion or not, Mom alone fits such descriptions. Don't you dare tell her, or you're toast, got it?!

...Well, not that it matters very much anyway. Guess I'll just have to strike solo for the time being.

What do you know, it might also make the upcoming spar with Trunks much easier. If they're gonna fuse again as Gotenks and face me in that, let them--see if I care. I'll just take him on with full power, as Saiyans usually do.


Nightfall. The cruise-liner had docked an hour ago, and the details seen to. Everyone is now dispersing home by the means they used when gathering on this spot; as for us, well, we took flight.

"Bana, what seems to be the matter?"


"See, your flying speed is not what it normally is." Dad slowed down, drawing up beside me. "Is it what that Namekian said?"

"Well... basically yes."

"You're worried about finding a proper partner?"

"Not so much as that; I believe such a partner will present itself someday. What's bugging me is the results of such a fusion. If I do it with halflings..."

"Well... I might not be as powerful as Saui, but why not try fusing with me and see how it goes--just for looks, if you want? I am still a full Saiyan, at that."

...Not a bad idea, Dad.

"Fusing with Bana, are you now, husband?" Mom giggled, "and what name will come of it, I wonder? 'Seina' or 'Baika'?"

"Wow, Mom, I kinda like the first one."

Mom too hovered mid-air now.

"It's good--name-wise," came the remark, "not sure about powers, though; unless our son could master his Super Saiyan form to allow him an hour's decent fight. Then you might stand a chance. Wait, scratch that--you too could use some more fresh training, Seika, to at least match his current power level. Wouldn't be fair to put all the hard work on Bana, ya know."

"Now we're talking," Dad clenched his fist with a smile. "Would be an honor to have you train me again, Saui; just like old times."

"In that case," that fearless smirk again, "be sure to prepare yourself well, dear."


Saui, you sure are taking the job seriously there XD
Any opinions how Bana's likely Fusion with his dad may look? :D

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