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Beast Boy let out a shaky breath of frustration. "I was joking, Raven." Beast Boy said, darting his green eyes in her direction.
"Well, I didn't find it very funny did I?" Raven said coldly.
"You don't find anything funny..." Beast Boy mumbled under his breath.
"You are such a pain Beast Boy. I didn't find it funny, deal with it." Raven slammed her book closed and jumped off the couch, speed walking to the dungeon she calls her room. Starfire flew in between Raven and the direction of her room.
"Friends! I wish not to see you fight! Why can you not be happy?" Starfire asked in her lively voice.
"I'm happy! Very much so. You, are the one whose gots to chill." Beast Boy yelled. Anger filled him quickly. "Why do you have to be so weird Rae? S-so creepy! Why can't you just, be, normal?"
Raven eyes widened a bit at the word "normal." She straightened up as tears flooded her soft eyes.
Robin and Cyborg entered the room to see what all the yelling was about.
"Hey what's going- Raven?" Robin asked, concern flooding his face.
"Normal, Beast Boy? Is that what you said? Creepy?" Raven said, turning towards her green "friend." "I am a demon. A being who shouldn't even be here. But I am. Whether I want to be present or not, I am. There's nothing I can do about it. I am not, creepy. Do you understand me?" Raven said, choking and bit as tears came out in rivers down her cheeks. Beast Boys ears went flat like a dogs does when they're guilty. "I'm different." Raven said before turning around and running to her room.
"Raven! I didn't mean to- hey!" Beast Boy pleaded. She ignored his call, slamming her door shut sending a chill down his spine. The room fell silent, and all of the Titans eyes were on him.
"What did you do dude?" Cyborg said, raising an eyebrow.
Beast Boy began to feel uncomfortable as the staring continued. Tears stung the back of his eyes, and started to brim a bit over the edges. He let one tear escape, but swatted at it quickly and let out a sniff.
"Beasty?" Cyborg asked, worried about his best bud.
"I'm... a really bad friend." Beast Boy hung his head low and his ears lower. He drug his feet as he walked slowly out of the room. Starfire put a hand on his shoulder affectionately, but he kept walking.
"I'm checking on Raven." Robin said, a bit of anger filling his voice. He pushed past Beast Boy to get to her room. Beast Boy let out a small whine and jogged to his room, tired of Starfires and Cyborgs endless staring. He messed up and he knew it, but every little thing seemed to make the whole thing worse. He ripped open his bedroom door, and slammed it, only to catch it before it made the bang. He just needed to calm down. He closed the door gently and paced around his messy room. "God I'm such and idiot!" Beast Boy thought, running all his fingers through his floppy hair.
He clenched his fists, finding that he's really struggling to calm down. He yelled in anger at him self and grabbed his favorite pillow by the mouth, transforming into a tiger, and ripping it to shreds. "Ah man." He said after turning back to, sort of human form.
He let the pillow fall to the ground as he stumbled back into his bed. He looked at the clock on his dresser which read 4:34. He clenched his teeth together, still not fully calm. "I just need a nap." Beasty said, flinging himself down and closing his eyes tight. He just wanted everything to be okay. He messed up big time and he's never felt more guilty in his life.

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