Since day one

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"Why didn't you just tell us you saved that little girl?" Robin asked as a puzzled look appeared on his face.
Beast Boy scrunched his nose. "I was just kind of out of it I guess. I was scared and wasn't thinking straight."
"Oh, well... you're a hero." Robin said.
Hero. Hero... Beast Boy has never been called that before. It made him feel all warm inside to know he earned that title. Especially from Robin.
Beast Boy scratched the back of his neck and let out an awkward laugh. "You gots to do what you gots to do." His intentionally bad grammar made Raven smile.
"Well, Star and I are going out for lunch. Will you guys be good?" Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy all nodded simultaneously.
Starfire took Robins hand and smiled. "You are forgetting something." She said.
Robin chuckled and took off his mask, placing it on a lamp table.
"Feel the better friend Beast Boy!"
"Thanks Star." Beast Boy said, giving a half smile.

Cyborg rose an eyebrow in Raven and Beast Boys direction. Beast Boys head rested in Ravens lap and she ran her slender fingers through his hair. Cyborg shook his head and retuned his attention to his video game.
SHLING. The sound of Cyborgs characters blade filled the room. The tip of the blade shined a luminous glow as the pixilated sun hit it. Beast Boy jumped and the horrifyingly familiar sound. Raven threw her hands up, surprised by his sudden movement, and Cyborg quickly paused his game.
"You okay B?" Cyborg asked in a concerned tone.
Beast Boy sat up and rubbed his temples with his shaky fingers. "Y-yeah. Yeah man, I'm fine." He stuttered. He quickly stumbled to his feet and began to limp weakly to his room as fast as his injuries would allow him.
Raven frowned. "Gar! Don't your gunna hurt yourself-"
"I'm fine." Beast Boy said without looking back, cutting Raven off.
Beast Boy slowly sunk down on his bed and let his head face rest in his hand. Silky inched in through the door and nudged his foot. "Awww. Hey Silky Silks." Beast Boy picked up the pink creature and lied down with him, petting Silkys head. Silky let out a gargled purr and snuggled Beast Boys check affectionately. Beast Boys trembling hands came to a rest. Animals, and whatever Silky is, always makes everything better when it comes to Beast Boy.
"Am I interrupting?" Raven said with a smirk as she walked into the door war.
Beast Boy rose an eyebrow. "Did you just joke around with me?"
Raven walked over to the bed and picked up Silky, giving him a pet on the head, and gently setting him down.
She took Silkys old spot and rested beside Beast Boy. Beast Boy stared into her beautiful purple eyes, silently admiring them.
"Are you really okay? Mentally I mean." Raven asked. "Because if you need to talk, I'm here for you."
"No, I don't really want to talk about it. But thank you. I'm still just a little spooked, you know? That's all." Beast Boy said with a a reassuring smile.
Raven nodded, remaining quiet.
"So..." Beast Boy said, breaking the ever lasting silence. "Are we...?"
Raven gently placed her soft lips on his. Beast Boys eyes widened in surprise. His stomach began to fill with those same butterflies again. But this time, it felt more intense. He closed his eyes and kissed her as if tomorrow didn't exist. Their lips parted to allow a quick breath, but instantly met again. Ravens mind was racing. This was a feeling she never new she desired to feel. He made her feel warm and special.
Raven pulled back, and Beast Boy bit his bottom lip, smiling.
"May I escorts you to a date tomorrow?" Beast Boy asked.
Raven giggled. "As amazing as that sounds, you need to rest Garfield."
"Aw c'mon. I walked all the way from the couch to my bedroom by myself, didn't I?" Beast Boy pointed out.
"With a lot of struggle I may add." Raven argued.
"I'll be fine Rae. Please let me treat m'lady." Beast Boy said with puppy dog eyes.
"If you'll be okay, than I'd love to go on a date with you." Raven said.
Beast Boy closed his eyes and smiled. He snuggled up against Raven and let out a happy sigh.

Robin and Starfire quietly walked through the elevator door hand and hand.
"Your date lasted all day." Cyborg said, his eyes glued to the tv as he continued to play his video game.
Robin looked at his watch. Which read 8:45 pm. "We went the shopping!" Starfire screamed, raising two hands full of shopping bags.
"What'd you guys get?" Cyborg asked, his eyes still not lifting from the screen.
"I got a pack of gum. Starfire got the entire mall." Robin chuckled.
"Where is friend Beast Boy and friend Raven? Have they already engaged in the slumber?" Starfire asked.
"Oh, B went to his room a long time ago, and Raven went to check on him. I just thought she went back to her ro... wait." Cyborg said as he set his controller down, prying his eyes off the tv. He looked over his shoulder at his two friends with wide eyes,
Cyborg got up and started heading for Beast Boys room.
"Wait, you can't go in there!" Robin yelled at him in a whisper.
"I'm just... checking on him. I- I uh... Raven is probably in her room okay? I'm checking on Beast Boy."
Robin shook his head as he a Starfire slowly traveled behind Cyborg. Cyborg placed his finger tips on the door and lightly pushed, causing the door to creak.
All three of the curious teens poked their heads cautiously into the door way.
"Whoa..." Robin said.
"I knew it." Cyborg grinned.
"The romantic!" Starfire shouted.
Beast Boys ears perked up and he let out a soft snore. Robbin placed a gentle hand over Starfire's mouth and smiled.
"Remember what an inside voice is?" He joked. Starfire blushed and whispered, "The romantic."
There they lay together, fast asleep and in each other's arms. Ravens head rested on Beast Boys chest and his good arm draped over her. Ravens body lay to the side, probably because she didn't want any pressure on his wound. Raven was wearing her favorite sweater with sweatpants, while Beast Boy was wearing his "meat is murder" shirt and basketball shorts.
Coke cans and books where sprawled out all over the floor, as well as video games and controllers.
"Raven played video games with him?" Robin questioned.
"Looks like she showed him half of her book collection too. BB hates books." Cyborg added. Cyborg smiled mischievously and looked at his two friends. "I've shipped it since day one." He smirked.
Starfire returned the grin. "As did I Cyborg. As did I."  They both smiled and began to silently giggle excitedly like two teenage girls who just got asked out to a school dance.
Robin let out an over exaggerated gag. "You guys can continue stalking Raven and Beast Boy in their sleep. I'm going bed now. And if I find out you where watching me while I sleep, you'll both be doing dishes for a month." He joked before heading towards his bedroom.
Starfire yawned. "Good night Cyborg." She whispered so quietly he could barely here her. Cyborg took one last look at his best bud. "I knew it." He said once more under his breath before venturing to his own room.

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