Pocket full of jokes

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"Oh, Beast Boy. Please come eat." Starfire pleaded, holding a salad.
"I told you Star, I'll eat when Raven wakes up." He said before resuming his cat form.
"It's been two days dude, you stink. You need some food in you and you need a shower. You haven't left her side once. Plus you should really be changing your bandages more often. Aren't you really uncomfortable with those same gross bandages on? I get your worried about her, but you also need to take yourself into consideration. Let's go get you some clean bandages, all right?" Cyborg insisted. Beast Boy simply shook his tiny cat head. Cyborg grumbled and turned towards the door.
"She really will be alright. I am sure of it. So please come and eat soon, you need it." Star said before leaving as well. Beast Boy let out a tiny meow and rested his head on Ravens arm.

"He's becoming as stubborn as her." Cyborg told Robin at the breakfast table.
"He's just worried about her Cy, you know that." Robin said as he took a sip of his orange juice.
"Yeah, well I'm worried about him, okay? I drop a pan and he flinches like a dog whose been beat. He's not okay. He says he is, but he's not. I try to talk about it to him, but he somehow pulls a joke out of his pocket and changes the subject."
"Cyborg, Beast Boy is showing the affection towards Raven. He cares for her, and he is worried, just as you are worried about him. We are all a little hurt on the inside, and that is okay. We learn to live with the pain. Our friend will be the okay. Both of them." Starfire said, joining the table.
"Yeah okay." Cyborg said, unsatisfied.

Raven stirred and started to groan. Beast Boy reverted and quickly stood up. "Raven?"
She opened her eyes, but quickly closed them when they were exposed to light. Beast Boy flicked off the lights and put a hand on her shoulder.
Finally opening her eyes, she frowned at Beast Boys appearance. The bandages that wrapped around his head was blood stained. A streak of blood lined his eye which escaped from the bandage. His hair was extremely messy and he was wearing the same clothes from the last time she saw him.
"How long was I out?" She asked as she came to a sitting position.
"A couple days." Beast Boy said quickly.
Raven looked at him with soft eyes and rose her eyebrows. "You stayed with me the entire time, didn't you?"
"Of course I did. You where hurt." He stammered.
"So are you, Garfield." She said, placing a hand on his face. Beast Boy frowned and looked down, but she picked his face back up and forced him to look at her. She smiled and narrowed her eyes. "Thank you. I'm okay now. Go get cleaned up, okay? Your probably exhausted and hungry."
Beast Boy smiled and nodding slightly. He fixed his hair a tiny bit before limping out of the room. Raven frowned and brought her knees to her chest.

Cyborg shifted his gaze to Beast Boy and he limped through the kitchen.
"Is she awake?" He asked.
"She's awake." Beast Boy beamed as he grabbed an apple. He tossed it between each hand as he made his way to the bathroom.
Starfire signed. "He did not partake in the salad." She placed her forehead on the table and rose the salad above her head. Robin laughed and took the salad from her hands.
"We'll save it for him. I bet he'll love your salad." He chuckled.
Raven slowly wobbled into the kitchen and let herself fall into a chair.
"Raven, are you okay? Can- can we get you something, anything? We where all really worried." Robin started, quickly getting up from his seat.
"Chamomile tea, please." She said, rubbing her temples. "God, my head hurts. And my powers aren't working." She lifted her hand to her face.
"They are probably just weakened. Beast Boys wound was really deep. It must have taken a lot out of you to heal it and then partially heal his shoulder." Robin said as he set some water to a boil.
Raven frowned. "I didn't heal it wall the way?" She asked in frustration.
"Your did what you could." Robin said, placing a cup of tea in front of her.
"Thank you." Raven said, taking sip. She inhaled the beautiful fragrance of the tea and let out a small breath. "He really sat there beside me for two days?"
"Yup. Didn't leave once. He didn't even have to pee 'cause he wouldn't get up to get a drink of water." Cyborg said.
"Yes, I believe something is wrong Beast Boy. Something is upsetting him. I was awaken last night to the sound of Beast Boys sobs. He was worried about Raven of course, but I could tell it was not just that. Beast Boy is not the okay, is he?" Starfire asked.
"You didn't tell us that." Robin said, turning to Starfire.
"I wished not to embarrass him."
"Was he really, Starfire?" Raven sadly asked. Starfire nodded her head. There they sat, not saying a word and quietly munching on their toast. The silence buzzed Ravens ears, making her uncomfortable.
"Wassup wassup my Titan crew?" Beast Boy cheerfully asked as he entered the kitchen, shattering the silence. His leg slowed him down as he tried to make his way to the table. He plopped down in a chair and ran his fingers through his wet and shaggy hair. His bandages where changed and he looked much better. He wore washed out jeans that he rolled at the bottom and a black t-shirt.
"I'm surprised you guys are still here, I left like an hour ago." He laughed. No response. He uneasily lifted his head to see all of his friends eyes glued on him. "Uh... you guys okay?" He finally asked.
Raven stood up and walked right up to Beast Boy. Beast Boy stood up so that she wasn't towering above him. But when he stood up, it didn't make much of a difference. "What's going on?" Raven took him into a hug and put her hand on the back of his head. Beast Boy scrunched his nose in confusion, but hugged her back.
"You know you can talk to me... any of us about anything, right?" Raven asked, still holding him.
"Uh... yeah, of course Rae. I know that. Is there anything wrong?" He asked.
Raven released him and held his hands. Beast Boy looked at their hands and then back into her eyes.
"No. I just wanted to make sure you where okay."
"I'm fine." He replied with a bright smile.
"Okay." She sighed.
"Beast Boy! I have made the salad for you!" Starfire excitedly shouted. Beast Boy smiled.
"Thank's Star. It sounds delicious." He said, sitting back down.
"Joy! I shall go fetch the-" Starfire was cut of by the thunderous crime alert. "But, the salad..." Starfire sadly said as Robin pulled her into the main room.
Robin grumbled in annoyance. "It's the H.I.V.E." Robin dryly said.
"What are those creeps up to?" Raven asked, crossing her arms.
"Robbing the jump city bank, because that's all they know how to do when they're not playing someone else's puppet." Robin scoffed.
Beast Boy entered the room dressed in his uniform.
"Why are you wearing that? Your not coming." Raven said.
"Neither are you." Robin said to Raven.
"I'm okay, see?" She pointed her hand at a table and lifted it up and down. "Those two days I was out I was recovering. I'm fine now."
"I can fight too. It's just a couple of scratches." Beast Boy argued.
"Your shoulder isn't working and those "scratches" are barely allowing you to walk." Robin sternly said.
Beast Boy flattened his ears and clenched his fists. "I'm coming with. Let's go." He said as he exited the tower.
"What is he trying to prove?" Cryborg angrily asked.
"Doesn't matter any more, we need to get moving." Robin ordered.

Jinx shot a pink ray at the bank tellers feet. "Keep filling the bag with the money!" She screamed angrily. The poor woman let out a whine and continued to fill the bag.
"Chill, will you? Your voice makes my head hurt even when your not screaming!" Gizmo hissed.
"Yee-haw! Well we'll be eatin good tonight!" Billy Numerous howled.
See-More and Mammoth watched the entertaining scene with smirks on their faces.
Jinx jumped back as the doors crashed open. "Titans!" She yelled.
Gizmo, Mammoth, Billy, and See-More got into a fighting stance.
Robin rolled his eyes. "Look, I'm really not in the mood for this. None of us are. So would you do us all a favor and just turn your sorry butts in, or are you going to continue ruining our night."
"How about you do me a favor and shut up!" Jinx ran at Robin and threw a punch. He swiftly dodged it and targeted Gizmo. Mammoth gave a strong blow to Cyborgs back, sending him flying into the wall. Starfire frustratedly battled the never ending Billy's, while Raven dealt with See-More. Their reflections danced along with their footsteps on the beautiful glass floor.
Jinx slowly walked up to Beast Boy and crossed her arms. Beast Boy took a step back and slightly held out his arms, ready to transform. "Ew. Is that you Beast Boy? I didn't think you could get any uglier. You look terrible!" Jinx said, mocking him.
"I'm just glad I don't look like you." Beast Boy said with a grin, lowering his arms. Jinx frowned and ran at Beast Boy, knocking the unprepared teen off his feet. Beast Boy hissed and grabbed his shoulder. He quickly turned into a powerful tiger and pounced. Jinx growled and put her hands on his chest. "Get off of me!" She shouted as she shot him with a powerful ray. Beast Boy flipped back and grabbed his shoulder once more. He lowered his head and sat on the ground in pain. Jinx smiled and replaced his hand with hers.
She grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it as hard as she could. Beast Boy let out a scream and fell back. Jinx held it tighter and tighter until he felt like he was going to pass out. His vision started to darken and the sounds of the commotion began to fade. But one sound stood out and rang in his ears like a fire alarm.
"My powers!" Raven panicked as See-More shot her in the wall.
"I got you now." See-More smirked as he prepared to zap his target.
"No!" Beast Boy transformed into a gorilla and punched Jinx off of him. He tackled See-More football player style, and sent him out cold with a single punch. Beast Boy reverted and stumbled over to Raven.
Starfire blasted Billy to the ground, while Cyborg finished business with Mammoth. Robin grabbed Gizmo by the collar and threw him to where the other beaten villains where. Robin placed all five of them back to back, and tied a strong grappling line around them. Jinx woke up and tried to wiggle free. "Idiots! You guys can't and never will be able to do something as simple as beating the Titans! This was a simple job, and you couldn't handle it!"
"You failed too you hypocrite!" Gizmo shouted back.  
"Both of you suck." Billy barged in.
"Are you okay?" Beast Boy asked, holding a hand out to Raven.
"Yeah, just a little shaken up." She answered as he hoisted her to her feet. Beast Boy smiled, before falling to his knees. Raven put a hand on his back and kissed him on the head. "Let's go home."

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