Pizza Corner

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The intoxicating hospital smell that Raven despised, had no effect on her due to being there for three weeks. She sat in the same heavy chair next to Beast Boy, his light snore filling the silent room.
She couldn't help but slightly smile as she flipped through Beast Boys sketchbook Cyborg brought him a few weeks back. It was news to her when Beast Boy asked for the sketch book. She had know idea he liked to draw. He was really good at it too.
He liked to draw realistic cartoon characters. She slowly flipped through every page, admiring his work. Her flipping stopped short as she came to one page in particular.
Raven looked down at her sleeping boyfriend, and back to the page. "That's... me?" She asked under her breath. Beast Boy drew her in her uniform, her cloak long and flowing. Her hair was soft and he got the shade of purple just right. He drew her with a smile she's never even used before.
It was so happy and care free. The exact opposite of her usual emotions. Maybe she had used that smile before without realizing it. There's no way you can just draw a smile like that. He had to have seen her use it some point. Maybe she used it when she was with him? That is when she's the happiest...
"Ravin!" Starfire boomed, flying into the room as Cyborg and Robin trailed behind.
Raven jumped at the sudden approach and clenched her teeth. "He's sleeping, Star." She angrily and coldly said as she shut the sketchbook. Beast Boy tiredly rubbed his eyes, but remained asleep.
Starfire sunk to the ground and darted her lively eyes down. "Apologies. I just wished to inform you that we have the wonderful news." She timidly said.
"He can come home today!" Cyborg yelled in excitement, making Beast Boy jump and regain consciousness. Cyborg flinched and fiddled with his fingers. "Ooh... good morning Beasty. Sorry, man."
Beast Boy yawned and stretched his stiff arms above his droopy head. He tiredly smiled and looked in Cyborgs direction, his eyes still closed. "I can go home?"
"You heard right. The tower is waiting for you." Robin said with a grin.
Beast Boy happily smiled and leaned over to Raven, taking her waist into a hug.
The next month consisted of sleep, lots of salad made by star, and physical therapy. Which usually resulted in pissed of screams or the occasional passing out when something didn't feel right, scaring the shit out of Raven.
Nights where the hardest. Beast Boy usually would scream so loud that even Robin, who was on the other side of the tower, would arrive in his room first.
The drill was consistent. "Beast Boy! Wounds or nightmares?" Raven would ask. If it was nightmares, Beast Boy would apologize through sobs, telling them they could go back to bed. Raven never listened, and she would hold him throughout the night. If it was wounds, they'd give him his medication and comfort him for a bit.
The healing process was taking longer than they all expected. And the doctors would not allow Raven to heal him herself. They had talked to doctor Rose about small details. She's the first person they've really ever talked about this sort of stuff to.
Doctor Rose informed them that it was just too dangerous for Raven, and they should let Beast Boy heal naturally.
It sounded like bs to Raven, but for some reason, she listened...

*beep* *beep* *BEEP*
Raven softly tapped the off button on her alarm clock, and let her legs swing over her circular bed. She threw a tank top over the lace bra she had slept in, and replaced her pajama pants with shorts.
She tiredly trudged to the kitchen, and made herself a hot cup of herble tea. Silence filled the air, the other titans never up at this time.
Raven closed her eyes and took a long sip from the cup Beast Boy had got her.
Her sipping stopped short as guitar strums filled the silence. A small smile creeped on her face, and she gently set her mug down. Tip toeing most of the way, she peeked into Beast Boys bedroom. His intoxicating voice swam into her ears.
"I want you by my side
So that I never feel alone again
They've always been so kind
But now they brought you away from here
I hope they didn't get your mind
Your heart is too strong anyway
We need to fetch back the time
They have stolen from us"
Raven closed here eyes, waiting for him to sing the chorus of her favorite song.
"And I want you
we can bring it on the floor
You've never danced like this before
We don't talk about it
Dancing on do the boogie all night long
Stoned in paradise shouldn't talk abo-" "Raven!" Beast Boy said in a panic as he heard the door creak.
Raven bit her lip, her face flushed from embarrassment. "Hey..." She croaked.
Beast Boy slowly turned his body around, his guitar in his lap. He smiled, flashing his pearly fangs. "Hehe, it's cool if you want to hear me sing. You don't have to stand behind my door all stalkish like." He joked as he let out a small yawn.
Raven took a seat in front of him and played with the ends of her short hair. "Yeah, but I like how you sound when no ones watching. I don't want you to feel pressured in front of an audience."
Beast Boy giggled and strummed his guitar. "If I did a solo in front of Robin, I wouldn't sound the way I do." Beast Boy let out an exaggerated gag, cringing at the thought of ever doing that. "I'm comfortable around you though."
Raven tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and gave a one sided smile, but dropped it quickly. "So... Have the nightmares stopped?" She hesitantly asked.
Beast Boys eyes widened, before pulling on a convincing smile and shakily standing up. "Yeah, actually. Glad those are over..." He lied, slightly stubling towards his window to open the blinds. He winced a bit as he slowly plopped back infront of Raven.
Raven shot him a look, and crossed her arms "How long have you been up?" She asked.
Beast Boy played with the bottom of his gray t-shirt and let out a mumble. "I dunno, since four maybe..."
"They haven't stopped. Don't lie to me." Raven said, annoyance in her voice.
Beast Boy let out a sigh. "Sorry, but I don't wanna make you guys more stressed or worried than you already are." He said as he scratched near a scar on his arm.
Raven thoughtlessly stared at the wide variety of scars covering Beast Boys arms, gifted to him but Slade.
Beast Boy caught her stare, and put his hand over one. "Yeah... I'm not sure why I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt either."
Raven widened here eyes and quickly took Beast Boys hands into hers, upset she made him feel insecure. "You look great in that shirt. And every other short sleeve you have. Don't let Slade take anything else from you. The scars aren't bad at all. And your right. I am worried. I can't help it. I mean, this is the first time you've actually talked talked since we got home from the hospital. I just... I don't know... It kills me that you went through all that." Raven explained, her hands still holding his.
Beast Boy took her shoulder and pulled her in, his bad arm shortly joining the hug. "Your right. You've told me for the last couple of weeks that its over, and your right. I think we can both stop worrying. And if I need to talk, I know who to talk to."
Raven gave him a soft squeeze before pulling away. "I was going to tell you earlier, but Titans East have been wanting to visit you for a while. Kid Flash too." Raven said.
Beast Boy furrowed his eyebrows. "They know everything that happened?" He asked.
"Don't worry, not everything. Just that your recovering."
Beast Boy scrunched his nose. "How long is a while? Why didn't you guys tell me they wanted to see me earlier?"
"I told you... It's been a month and this is the most I've heard you talk for a while. Your cooped up in here most days too. Just didn't know if you where up to visitors." Raven said.
"Raveeen?" Beast Boy said in a sing songy voice with a mischievous smile. Raven rose and eyebrow and grinned. "Yeeees?"
"Would you do me the utmost pleasure of joining me on a date at pizza corner?" Beast Boy happily asked.
"... Right now?" Raven questioned, not sure of why the conversation got off topic. Beast Boy bit his lip and nodded. "It's 7, Gar."
Beast Boys ears went droopy. "Aw, c'mom Rae, I used a fancy word like utmost. And besides, pizza corner wouldn't be open right now if they didn't expect people to want pizza at this time. Also... We never went on that one date a while back."
Raven cocked her head to the side.
"Remeber? We planned on going out that day after I asked you, but my stupid cut on my stomach got infected... And shit kinda hit the fan from there." Beast Boy explained.
Raven widened her eyes after remembering. "Oh my god your right. I totally forgot. Well... I guess you can walk now, with a tiny limp. And your shoulder is getting much better. And you did use pretty fancy words. And-"
"Raven, stop stalling." Beast Boy jokingly whined.
"Yes. I'd love to go on a date with you." Raven smiled as she hoisted him to his feet. Beast Boys eyes lit up as she left his room.
He dug through his closet and threw on his white nasa t-shirt Star gave him for Christmas a while back. He pulled on a nice pair of jeans that he folded at the bottem, followed by some beige vans. He snatched his wallet off his dresser and stuffed it in his back pocket before making his way to the bathroom to freshen up.
Ready to leave, he made his way to the living room to wait for Raven. Starfire drowsily floated into the kitchen, her eyes half way closed.
"Morning Star." Beast Boy said in a lively voice.
Star put her hand over her mouth and yawned. "Morning friend Beast Boy. How are you feeling today?" She asked.
"My side is killing me, but other than that I'm actually feeling really good. My shoulder is finally getting better." Beast Boy explained.
"That is the wonderful news." Stafire rubbed her eyes and looked away from the fridge over to Beast Boy. "You are going somewhere?"
Beast Boy grinned and drapped his arms over the back of the couch. "Me and Rae are goin onna date."
Stafire slammed the fridge closed and excitedly giggled. She darted through the air to where Beast Boy sat and threw her hands in the air. "Oh, the romantic!" Star cheered as she took the sides of Beast Boys face into her hands. Beast Boy pushed against the back of the couch, startled, as Starfire continued to hold his face.
"Oooh, you look great! Remember to tell friend Raven she looks great as well! Be the gentleman you are and pull her seat out for her! Flowers! Give her a flower! The moment please." Starfire said as she sped to her room.
Beast Boy shook his head and laughed as he rubbed his cheek. Raven entered the room wearing a tank top that came down in points at the bottom. She wore dark skinny jeans and her favorite boots.
Beast Boy quickly pushed himself off the couch and stared at Raven in aw.
"You uh... L-look beautiful Raven." Beast Boy nervously said. Raven smiled and looked at her feet.
Beast Boy felt a tap on his shoulder and quickly turned around. Star held a small purple flower she got from one of her plants she has in her room. Beast Boy smiled and nodded at Star as he took the flower.
"For you." Beast Boy said, handing the lavander colored flower to Raven.
Raven inhaled the beautiful fragrance. "Thank you. Lets go?" Raven asked, holding out a hand. Beast Boy gladly took it and walked with her into the elevator.
Star began to giggle once more as the elevator doors closed. "Star? Your doing that thing again where your so loud you wake everyone in the tower." Robin called from his room.

Beast Boy munched on his veggie pizza as Raven looked around the calm area. "It's beautiful today. The silence is nice." Raven said.
"Yeah, I know right. I guess we never see Jump City this quiet cuz we're never out her this earl-" Beast Boy was cut off from the sound of glass shattering behind him. Everything slowed down, as his mind trailed. He could see the pieces of glass shards dancing around him as he fell closer and closer to the ground on that deadly summer's night.
He could feel Slades strong hands gripped around his neck, his feet dangling in the air. It felt as if he couldn't breathe from all the air he had lost that night.
He could see himself attacking his friends. Attacking and injuring Raven.  He could feel the blade being plunged into his side over and over, and the fear of the doctors putting him asleep.
"Gar? Garfield?" Raven asked as the waiter behind them cleaned up the broken glass from the fallen cups.
"Huh?" Beast Boy asked.
"You kind of zoned out there for a second... Are you okay?"
Beast Boy put a hand on his eyes and ran it down his face before shaking his head. "Y-yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I just... I needa use the restroom. I'll be right back, okay?" Beast Boy stumbled out of his seat and quickly walked away.
"Okay..." Raven said, concerned.
Beast Boy walked past the bathrooms and down the sidewalk into the city, his head spinning.
"Watch it!" An angry stranger yelled at Beast Boy for running into his shoulder. Beast Boy ignored the man and kept walking.
A terrible feeling swirrled in his stomach as he past the alley way by the bank. He turned down the alley way nearest to him and roughly slumped on the brick wall. He put his face in his knees, feeling overwhelmed. He began to feel those instincts of a beast he had the night he attacked his friends.
"No, no, no, no, n-no... Stop..." Beast Boy mumbled under his breath, his knees still hugged to his chest.
"Look what we have here. A little troll is lost." A nasty stranger said as he crept down the alleyway to where Beast Boy sat, two other guys by his side.
Beast Boy rose his head, tears streaming down his face.
"The troll probably misses his mommy too!" Another one of the guys hissed.
Beast Boy rolled his eyes and used the back of his hand to wipe away his tears. "Not in the mood for this guys. Just leave me alone, alright?" He angrily said.
"Well that wouldn't be much fun." The man in the middle said, pulling out a pocket knife.
Beast Boy stood and began to back up, prepared to transform. A heavy rock launched into the man's stomach, making him gasp for air.
The two other guys ran as fast as they could, only to be hit in the back with heavier rocks.
All three men picked them selves up and pathetically ran from the scene.
Beast Boy scoffed in annoyance as the men ran off.
"Hey you!" Beast Boys ears perked up as he quickly turned around to face the voice. "I've been wanting to talk to you."
Beast Boy slightly opened his mouth in shock and backed up. "Terra?"

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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