Forever in the clouds

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Beautiful and mesmerizing strums lingered through the hall way. Raven smiled. "Garfield."
She silently tip toed to his room. The door was halfway open, and the sounds of the guitar where flowing out. Beast Boy was on the ground with his beautiful acoustic in his lap and his back facing the doorway.
He wore his plain maroon sweatshirt and light blue jeans that he folded at the bottoms, holes in the knees. His favorite Nike high tops were scattered on the floor near him.
Raven closed her her eyes and placed her hand on the door frame. She adored his music, and she hadn't heard him play in forever.
Beast Boy closed his eyes, and began to move his lips. His voice slowly filled Ravens ears and forced her eyes open. The corners of her mouth began to rise, and it felt as if the world had stopped spinning. All sound was lost, except the vibrations of the strings, and Beast Boys unique and captivating voice.
The words he sang struck her and sent her to an entirely new universe. "Dry away your tears don't fret I am here look up at the stars we'll chase after the cars running side by side I can see it in your eyes my little Garfield we are safe now forever in the clouds"
The singing stopped, and the world began to spin again. Beast Boys strumming hand fell to the ground, and he focused his eyes outside his massive window that was now repaired thanks to Cyborg.
Raven softly knocked on the door frame. Beast Boy quickly turned his head to the sound and rose his good shoulder. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Can I come in?" Raven sweetly asked.
Beast Boy let his body relax and smiled. He nodded his head and turned back to his window.
Raven lowered herself to sit next to him and admired the view. "I've uh, I've never heard you sing before." She stammered.
He chuckled and scratched underneath the gash in his arm from the incident a couple nights ago that was now stitched up. "Yeah, I don't usually. I hate my voice."
Raven rose an eyebrow and cocked her head towards him. "What? Your voice is gorgeous Garfield! And I'm not trying to sound like a mom who tells their kid they sound great even though their kid sucks. I mean it, I could listen to you sing all day."
Beast Boy looked at her and smiled, placing a kiss on her lips. Raven happily closed her eyes and kissed his soft lips back. "Thank you Rae." He said as their lips parted.
Raven tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and blushed. "Who wrote the lyrics you where singing?" She asked.
Beast Boy let out a happy laugh as his face brightened up. "My uncle Jake."
"You have an uncle?" Raven asked.
"Had an uncle." He sadly said as his ears went flat. His ears quickly perked back up as his smile reappeared. "He was my best friend. The only person I knew who truly loved me. He was also a geneticist, so he traveled with me and my parents a lot. He used to scream at my parents for the way they treated me. They would always get into these huge fights. I usually ended up running away crying, and Jake would come find me and give me a hug. He didn't say anything, he just held me. And somehow that made everything better. One day my dad was working on this serum thingy. I don't know what it was for, but I helped with it. He had me hold this tube filled with a purple liquid. Me being as clumsy as I was, it slipped out of my fingers and shattered on the ground. I flipped out and instantly apologized. My dad screamed at me and slapped me across the face, hard. I fell to the ground and my uncle ran to my side. I got up and ran as far as I could from the camp. I could hear my uncle yelling at my dad as I ran away. I stopped and slumped against a tree so I could cry. My uncle found me not too long after and gave me that same hug. The hug was nice, but that time it didn't take the pain away. He had his guitar with him and told me he had a surprise for me. He started singing this song he wrote just for me. I wasn't sad or hurt anymore. That song made me feel so special, and the lyrics have never left my head. He was an amazing guitarist, and I'd do anything just to hear him sing, one last time."
"Your uncle sounded like a great guy." Raven sweetly said.
"He was an amazing guy. He's the one who taught me how to play." Beast Boy said, lifting his guitar. "This is actually his guitar. It's the only thing he left behind when he disappeared. He disappeared a couple weeks after I became what I am. I don't know where he went, why he left, or what happened to him. All I know is that I miss him."
They sat in silence, both unaware of how long it had been. Beast Boy turned his head towards his clock and let out a sigh, shattering the silence. "I gotta go."
"Where?" Raven questioned.
Beast Boy bit his lip. "I need to... go run some errands."
Raven narrowed her eyes. "What? Are you just going to limp around the supermarket? You should really be on crutches. I'm coming with." She said, jumping to her feet and holding a hand out to Beast Boy.
"No. You don't have to. I think I'm just gunna go... run my errands alone, okay?" He said, taking her hand and allowing her to hoist him to his feet.
Raven crossed her arms. "Fine. You can go alone if you tell me where your going."
Beast Boy rose his eyebrows. "I told you Rae, I'm just running some errands. You don't believe me?"
She rolled her eyes. "Your a terrible liar. Why won't you just fucking tell me? You haven't even said a word about what happened a couple nights ago. I tried to give you your space but your becoming too secretive. Please, Gar."
Beast Boy kissed her forehead and pulled her into his arms. Raven closed her eyes and placed the side of her head against his chest. "I'm not going to do anything stupid Raven, I promise. There's just something I want to go do, okay? I'll be back soon. And look, I'm not limping as bad anymore." He laughed, trying his hardest to walk in a straight line.
Raven smiled and hugged him tighter. "If your lying to me, I'll kill you."
"And I believe you." Beast Boy said, hugging her tight before releasing her. Beast Boy gave her a warm smile before limping out of the room. Raven frowned and sat back down on his bedroom floor. She picked up his guitar, and strummed it's satisfyingly tuned strings.

Beast Boy walked uneasily into the vast space. The air was cold and tasted bitter. Slades well hidden lair made his stomach drop to his feet. Last time he was here the attention was focused on Robin, not him. Rain pounded on the metal roof, making a satisfying sound that echoed in Beast Boys ears.
He swiped at the wet clumps of hair that where blocking his sight. There it was again. That feeling. That sick, terrible feeling that made him wish he wasn't conscious. His mental emotions began to sculpt itself into his physical form. His hands began to shake uncontrollably and he began to hyperventilate when reality was starting to hit him, and he fully acknowledging where he was.
He felt himself inch closer and closer to the exit as his feet took control of his mind. But he stopped in his tracks and closed his eyes.
"You need to do this. For your friends... for Raven."
"Leaving so soon?" 
Beast Boy began to sweat as he slowly turned around. Slade stood above him on a ramp like surface on the second floor. His figure was straight and his arms where behind his back. "Let's get this over with." Beast Boy barely chocked out.

"Gah!" Beast Boy cried. Slade continued to slide the slender blade down Beast Boys torso. The cold medal bed made Beast Boys bare back ache. His wrists began to hurt from the shitty leather cuffs that wrapped around them.
"Shut up, will you?" Slades voice began to become a distant whisper. The corners of Beast Boys eyes starting to become a smudgy black, until darkness consumed them, sending him into a questionable nothingness.
"Beast Boy?"
"Raven?" Beast Boy watched himself creep up to Raven. His claws where out and his teeth where bare. His pupils looked like little slits in the whiteness of his eyes. Eyes that belonged to a beast.
"Beast Boy, snap out of it! Get away from her!" Robin screamed, putting himself in between their bodies.
"Do not make me hurt you." Starfire cried with tears in her eyes, her hand out and engulfed in a fiery green.
"Hey, buddy. It's us. Come back to us. Please Beast Boy." Cyborg screamed.
Beast Boy watched himself get closer and closer to his friends. "That's me." Beast Boy thought in terror.
Beast Boy clawed at Robins throat, sending him plummeting to the ground. "Robin!" Starfire screamed as she opened fire at Beast Boy. Beast Boy roared and dodged each and every star bolt, tackling her to the ground, and slashing at her stomach. Cyborg shot a strong blast into Beast Boys back with no hesitation. Beast Boy quickly got up and ran at Cyborg. He grabbed Cyborgs head and bashed it against his knee, letting Cyborgs body fall. Raven screamed and began to run. Beast Boy grabbed her by the neck and held her in the air. He held his claws out, ready to strike. Ravens eyes filled with fear as she stared down at Beast Boy in disbelief.
"Don't do this." She pleaded as she began to lose air. Beast Boy took a slash at her stomach.
Beast Boys eyes shot open. He breathed heavily and rubbed his temples, recovering from the terrible nightmare. He slowly sat up and shivered as the rain poured down on him. He wasn't too far from Slades lair. He uneasily looked down at his torso. A giant cut lined his right side which was now stitched up. Blood was smeared across his chest and big, black, smudged letters where written on his his arm which read, "I expect to see you back here tomorrow. If you don't come, there will be consequences."
Beast Boy let out a sob and put his face in his hands. He took in a wavering breath and forced himself to stop. He staggered to his feet and picked up his soaked sweatshirt that sat beside him. He threw on the uncomfortable sweatshirt that made him itch, and walked towards Jump City. As he ventured painfully through the dark city, Ravens favorite shop caught his eyes.
It was a cute little store that had an antique like appearance. It consisted of books, an endless variety of tea, and lots of tea mugs. "I bet Raven would love a new mug." Beast Boy thought as he walked up to the small shop.

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