Green Boy

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Ravens eyes fluttered open. She let out a small yawn and looked around the room, confused as to where she was. A smile crept on her face when she felt something under her hand. Beast Boys strong hand remained softly holding hers from when they fell asleep.
Raven kissed him on the forehead and gently moved his injured arm off of her. She stumbled into a sitting position, and made a sound of disgust. The front side of her was soaked. "What the fu- oh my god which one of us wet the bed?" She whispered.
She touched the substance on her shirt, and lifted her fingers to her face. "Blood...? Oh no." She turned around and lifted the covers off of Beast Boy. His shirt was soaked with blood as well. "It must have bled through the bandages." Raven thought.
Raven put her hand on Beast Boys face and caressed his cheek. "Hey? Gar? You have to wake up." Raven whispered gently.
"Mmm." Beast Boy groaned, not fully awake. "Huh? Raven?" His eyes slowly opened and he looked up at her.
"Good morning Beasty." Raven said in a low tone with a smile. Beast Boy cocked his head to the side like a cat would when being pet. Raven took him into a hug and lifted him into a sitting position. Beast Boy slouched and gazed blankly at his shirt, than at Ravens.
"Oh... sorry." He said, cringing at the sight of the blood.
"It's okay Gar." She said with a reassuring smile. "We'll clean you up, than we'll go make some tofu bacon and waffles."
Beast Boys eyes lit up with excitement. "Wait... no more rubbing alcohol right?" He asked in a panicked voice. "No more rubbing alcohol. Can you walk?" Raven asked.
"I think so." Beast Boy slowly and shakily stood up, Raven guiding him the entire way. He squeezed his eyes shut and stood there for a while.
"Take your time." Raven said as she put her arm around his waist. Beast Boy took a step, but fell forward. Raven caught him by the chest and helped him straighten up again. He let out an aggravated whine.
"It's okay Garfield. Here." She had him but an arm around her. His steps where shaky, but he was moving. "See, there you go."
Beast Boy laughed. "Thanks mama, but you're probably doing most of the work." He said in a playful voice. Beast Boy has the most unique voice Raven has ever heard. It's a bit high pitched, and it naturally breaks a lot. He's come to terms that his voice cracking isn't a puberty thing, it's done that for as long as he could remember. But right now, his voice is even more broken than before.
Raven started a bath and let Beast Boy clean himself up. "Be careful with your cut." Raven said before leaving the room and preparing breakfast for him. After Beasty was done, he slipped on a pair of boxers and allowed Raven to come reapply his bandages.
She helped him into another baggy shirt and some sweats.
She helped him up once more and led him into the kitchen. Beast Boy grinned in the direction of his favorite breakfast. "Thanks Rae." He said before sitting down and eating.
"Wow, this is actually really good." Raven said, munching on a piece of tofu bacon and sitting next to him. Beast Boy flashed a mischievous grin, almost proud that someone else said they liked tofu.
"Soooo, Rae?" Beast Boy asked.
"Mhm?" She replied.
"Tell me a lil about you."
"Oh... um.. let's see." Raven stammered.
"Nothing too personal, just the basics."
"Well, my favorite color is purple..."
Beast Boy stared at her blankly. "Hehe, yeah I got that much. What else?"
"Um... Oh! I don't think you know this, but I'm half Demon, not full."
"Your Mom is human?" Beast Boy questioned.
"Yeah, not sure why she was into satan, but it happened I guess. Speaking of my parents, where are yours?" Beast Boys ears went flat. "I mean, you're only sixteen."
"Uh... they're gone." He mumbled.
Ravens eyes widened. "Oh my god I'm sorry Garfield, I didn't-"
"No, it's okay. It was a long time ago. We didn't have the best relationship, but that's in the past now."
Raven stared blankly at a wall, ashamed she even asked. Beast Boy wiped his fingers from grease and locked his eyes on Raven.
"Your eyes... are really pretty." Beast Boy said with a smile, staring into her beautiful purple eyes.
Ravens cheeks blushed a rose pink. She smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Beast Boy slowly leaned in, not one hundred percent sure if this was okay or not. Raven stayed where she was, not backing away. Their lips where half an inch away.
Raven covered the half inch and gently placed her lips on his. Beast Boy closed his eyes and put a hand on her cheek, butterflies fluttering around in his stomach. He had no idea she wore lip gloss. He could taste the sweetness of strawberry and kiwi. Beast Boy already concluded that this first kiss will also be the best kiss he's ever had.
"Frien-" Starfire cheered before silencing herself. Beast Boy and Raven where unaware Star was in the room, and continued their moment.
Starfire smiled and put both of her hands in her heart. "This... is... the adorable." Star said out loud.
Both Beast Boy and Raven jumped, startled by Stars abrupt interruption. Beast Boy hissed and grabbed his bad shoulder.
"I am the sorry! I did not wish to frighten you." Star apologetically said.
Beast Boy rubbed the back of his neck and awkwardly looked up at Star. "You're fine Star, good morning." He laughed. Raven kept her stare glued on Beast Boy. "That did not just happen." Never in a million years did she picture herself wanting to do that.
Beast Boy caught her stare and gave her a sweet smile. Her cheeks turned that pretty rose pink again and she quickly looked away.
Starfire looked like a little girl in Christmas morning. "Oh, that is the romantic." She sung under her breath. Starfire was a sucker for romance.
Robin marched into the kitchen already in his uniform, Cyborg drowsily stumbling in behind him.
"Good morning everyone." Robin said in a professional tone. "Hope you slept well, Beast Boy, we need to talk."
Beast Boy rolled his eyes, annoyed that Robin just woke up and was already nagging at him. "Okay..." Beast Boy said, pretending not to know what Robin was about to say.
"I almost lost a team member last night, Beast Boy. I'm glad you're okay... but what the hell where you thinking?" Robin said, rage seeping into his voice.
"Look, Robin-"
"He robbed a bank! He was kicking a trash can! And you decided that was so terrible that you had to challenge him one on one? You should have waited for us like I ordered you to. Do you not realize how.. how... how foolish that was? How stupid? What where you trying to prove?"
"Robin, you don't under-" Beast Boy shouted before a ring echoed through the building. Star jumped at the loud noise, and Cyborg rose an eyebrow, confused as to why anybody would be here.
Robin sighed. "I'll get it. But we're not done with this conversation." Robin said before heading to the elevator.
"Whatever." Beast Boy said dryly.
Two minutes passed before the silence was finally broken. "Did you attack him, or did he attack you?" Raven asked putting a hand on Beast Boys shoulder. Beast Boy looked up at her with this pain in his eyes. He opened his mouth to explain, but he closed it when the elevator opened.
Robin walked into the room, holding a little girls hand while a woman trailed in behind them. "Uh, she said she wants to talk to the green boy." Robin said.
"I'm so sorry to come here, especially so early in the morning. I chased my daughter all the way down here and she kept shouting the green boy lives here. She really wanted to see... you." The woman said, her gaze shifting to Beast Boy.
Raven, Starfire, and Cyborg backed up, puzzled as to what was going on.
The little girl dropped Robins hand and ran as fast as she could towards Beast Boy. Beast Boy flinched, scared she was going to jump on him.
"I knew it! I knew you where one of the titans!" The little girl cheered. Beast Boy recognized her right away. He smiled and let out a sigh of relief, thankful she found her way back home last night after he helped her get away from Slade.
"You where right." Beast Boy laughed, playfully petting her long messy hair. The little girl giggled and took Beast Boy into a hug. Beast Boy giggled as well and hugged her back tighter.
"Emily?" The woman asked.
"This is him mommy! This is the boy who saved me!" Emily said, her face in Beast Boys chest and her voice muffled.
All of the Titans let out a gasp and locked their eyes on Beast Boy. "Beast Boy... you saved her?" Robin asked.
The woman clasped a hand over her her mouth and let out a loud sob. Beast Boys smile faded at the sight of the sobbing woman.
She walked over to Beast Boy and smiled at him brightly, before taking him into a warm hug. Beast Boy sat there, unsure of what to do. He closed his eyes and hugged her back with his good arm. Her hug was so familiar. It almost felt like those warm hugs he used to get from Elasti-Woman.
The woman pulled back and put her hand on Beast Boys cheek near his swollen eye. Now she definitely reminded him on Elasti-Woman. "You saved my baby girl?" The woman asked.
Beast Boy smiled. "I'm glad she's okay."
"Your name is Beast Boy? Oh, I was so worried about her. She was gone for hours and... oh look what he did to you. You're so brave. Is there anything we can do for you, anything at all?" The woman asked, scooping up her daughter and brushing away her tears.
"No ma'am. Knowing that your daughter is well and safe is rewarding enough." Beast Boy said.
Emily broke from her moms hold and hugged Beast Boy once more. She kissed him on the cheek. "Get better soon." She said, handing him a card. On the front was a picture of him holding her hand. He laughed a bit to himself. She got his shade of green just right.
The inside read, "Dear Green Boy, thank you for saving me from the meen man. That was reely scary but it was okay wen you came. You look reely cool as a lion. I've seen you befor in the city with your other titan friends fighting the bad guys. You are my favrite! I love you! You are my hero! Love, Emily. :) :) "
Beast Boy let out a cough, almost wanting to cry at the thoughtful note "Awwwww. This will definitely be hung up on my wall." Beast Boy said. Emily smiled and grabbed her moms hand.
"Thank you Beast Boy, take care." The mom said before exiting through the elevator.
Raven stared at Beast Boy for what seemed like an eternity.
"Raven?" Beast Boy asked.
"You saved that little girls life?" Beast Boy nodded his head slowly. Raven let out a sob and took Beast Boy into a hug.
Edit: Yes, it has now occurred to me that they pretty much live on an island. Oops. Shh.

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