Pain meds

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The faint sound of his heart monitor stirred Beast Boy awake. He slowly opened his heavy eyelids, but quickly closed them due to his pounding headache.
Beast Boy let out a long groan and let his arm rest on his forehead as he tried to relax in the rock solid bed.
Beast Boys eye shot open before he scanned the room. "I shouldn't be here..."
He planted his hand that belonged to his good arm on the bed, and began to sit up. The excruciating pain in his stomach send him falling right back. He let out a gasp, and tried again as a nurse walked into the room.
The nurse rushed to his side and put her hand on Beast Boys chest, gently making him lay back down.
"Hey hun, it's okay. Your safe, but you can't get up quit yet." The nurse said sweetly.
Beast Boy looked down a his beaten body. A lot of his green skin, was now a nauseating purple. His cuts where stitched up more professionally, and his stab wound was covered by this seal thing.
"It's a miracle you survived." The nurse said, noticing Beast Boys horror filled look. "I'm Dr. Len." She said, holding her hand out.
Beast Boy bit his lip and tilted his head to the side, avoiding the hand shake. He doesn't care much about his appearance, but for some reason, he gets really insecure when he's in front of any sort of doctor.
Dr. Len frowned. "It's alright." She simply said. Beast Boy looked at the wall in the opposite direction of her gaze.
"I uh... I'm not a monster or anything. In case you and all the other doctor dudes where thinking you where gunna have to cure me of a weird disease I may have or something. This is just how I look. In case you uh... where wondering." Beast Boy said, still not facing her.
"Look at me Mr. Logan." Dr. Lee instructed. Beast Boy didn't move a muscle. "Please?"
Beast Boy sighed and slowly turned to her.
"Are you a good person?" She asked.
"I try to be." Beast Boy responded.
The nurse folded her arms. "Well, then why should I care what you look like? I don't care if your white, black, pink, purple, or green."
Beast Boy laughed. "But if I was red, you'd definitely judge me."
Dr.Len giggled at his sarcasm. "Bottom line is your a good person, and that's all that matters. Same concept with everyone else."
Beast Boy smiled and held out his hand. "Thanks. It's nice to meet you."
Dr. Len shook it before taking a pen and clipboard. Beast Boy slightly shook his head and shut his eyes tight. "I don't feel good."
"Your on a lot of pain meds. You may be a bit loopy."
"So, on a scale of one to ten, what would you rate the pain your in right now?"
Beast Boy rose an eyebrow and gave her a one sided shrug. "I dunno, a five? Six?" He half heartedly answered, even though everything hurt.
"That's all?" Dr.Len pressed, prepared to write on her clipboard. Beast Boy nodded. "Okay. I apologize, I am aware you most likely do not want to talk about this right now, but I have to let you know. It will take time for you to recover physically. So after you are set, we will set up an entire plan for your get togethers with your future psychologist."
Beast Boys ears went droopy as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Excuse me?"
"A young lady in the waiting room informed us that it was you who stabbed yourself. I didn't catch her name. Something Fire I believe." Dr.Len explained.
"Star is way too honest sometimes." Beast Boy thought in annoyance.
"No, no! It was nothing like that. It was dark, she must have saw what happened wrong. This guy was trying to mug me, I wasn't having it, and it turned out he had a knife on hand." Beast Boy said, stuttering most of the way.
"Uh-huh." Dr.Len responded to the lame cover up story. "I'm sorry Mr.Logan, but this seems like an odd situation to see incorrectly."
"Star is an odd person. She saw it wrong. I'm perfectly fine. I would never do something like that to myself, because I'm okay. I don't need a psychologist." Beast Boy said with a convincing smile.
A fresh morning light cut through the small patient room, silhouetting the particles of dust drifting in the air.
"What time is it?" Beast Boy asked, making Dr.Lee pause her scribbling on her clip board.
"Around eight a.m."
"Shit... my friends have been here all night, haven't they?"
"Would you like to see them?" Dr. Len asked.
Of course he wanted to see them. But he was afraid of what they may think or say. They saw a side of him last night that he didn't want to be seen.
"I'll go get them." Dr. Len said before letting him answer.
A few minutes later Beast Boy could hear footsteps out side his door, and near silent chit chat that he could barely make out. "Please be gentle with him. His shoulder is terrible and we had to perform and emergency surgery on him last night..."
"They had to what?!" The thought of doctors working on him while he was unconscious made him woozy. He looked back down at his stomach, even more horror in his eyes.
"Thank you so much doctor." A voice said before his friends entered the room.
A wave of sickness washed over Beast Boy, and his body was begging him to fall asleep. He started to feel weird, and almost dizzy. Raven was the first to approach the foot of his bed, and she looked pissed as ever. Her injured arm was neatly bandaged and her face was dirty.
"Hey...." Beast Boy quietly said, filling the silence. " your arm okay?"
"Don't ever do that again you jackass." Raven said, almost an annoyance in her voice as she marched to his side and softly hugged him.
Beast Boy weakly hugged her back, but furrowed his eyes brows when her felt streams of tears lining his cheeks.
"What the- Why am I crying?"
Soon he found himself sobbing. Starfire nervously fiddled with her fingers, hating the sight of anyone crying. Robin and Cyborg just looked at each other, equal amounts of shock and concern on their faces.
Raven quickly released Beast Boy, shock masking her face as well. Beast Boy squeezed his eyes shut, and put his hand over his mouth and nose.
"Whoa... h-hey. It's okay Gar. Are you- what's wrong?" Raven stuttered, fully aware she was terrible at this whole comforting thing.
Beast Boy grabbed his right ear and glided his finger across the point, another nervous habit besides biting his lip.
"I- I... don't know. I'm just really happy that you g-guys are okay and that I didn't rip you to shreds. And my stomach hurts. And my head hurts. And that painting hanging in here is freaking me out. And I'm on a l-lot of medication or something right now so I'm loopy. And you l-look very nice right now by the way Rae. A-and..."
Raven widened her eyes and pinned them on Robin, Beast Boy clinging onto her hand. "Is he serious?" Raven lipped.
Robin shrugged his shoulders as Beast Boy continued listing nonsense.
Cyborg held up the plastic container he's been holding in his hands and slowly parted his lips. It killed him to see his best friend like this. Not even best friend, his brother. "Hey Buddy. I uh, I brought you some tofu. I picked it up last night." He explained with a smile.
Beast Boy started to cry even harder. Cyborg opened his mouth in surprise and quickly hid the tofu behind his back. "Yeeeeeees. Thank you Cyborg. How'd you know Tofu is my favorite?" He sobbed.
"I believe Beast Boy has lost it, yes?" Star asked Robin.
"I think he's just tired."
"Yeah... tired." Raven echoed, gazing down at Beast Boys soaked face and quivering lip. "I think you need a nap." Raven said, realizing how rude it sounded after she said it. But it was also true. Beast Boy seemed to agree.
He nodded his head and closed his eyes. Raven bit her lip, and very slowly constructed her sentence. "We uh... all l-love you... get some rest." She sheepishly said, love not usually being in her vocabulary. She hesitantly kissed his forehead and began to turn.
"Please don't leave me." Beast Boy said, fear creeping into his voice as he latched onto her hand.
"It's okay, I won't." Raven dragged a heavy chair to the side of his bed, and picked his hand back up.
Cyborg lightly hugged Beast Boy, a small smile forming on Beast Boys face. "Love ya dude."
Star happily hugged Beast Boy as gently as she could. "Ooo, feel better friend Beast Boy."
Robin put his hand on Beast Boys shoulder before hugging him as well. Beast Boy was surprised Robin hugged him, but he remained quite as his friends shuffled out of the room.
Raven put her hand on Beast Boys cheek and wiped it from tears. Beast Boy smiled and let out a yawn. "Good night Raven." Ravens gaze shifted to the clock. 8:16 am. "Heh, goodnight Gar."

Authors note:
I am super sorry for the crazy slow updates! Writers block is killing me. I just really wanted to thanks all of you who have been keeping up with this story, it means a lot dudes. So do all the likes and comments. 980 + reads isn't too bad. :) Thanks again, I love your faces.

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