A deadly summers night

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The wind blew softly and filled up Beast Boys room. He shivered and wrapped his heavy blanket around him tighter, not wanting to get up and close the window. The beautiful smell of the sea lurked in the room, making him smile. The sea was his favorite smell, right next to the smell of freshly cleaned laundry.
The silence was pleasing, and the moon beautifully lit up his small room. Though his eyes where closed, the light of the moon gave off a comforting glow that hit his eyelids. A small shuffle disturbed the silence, and send a chill down Beast Boys spine. His eyes flickered open faster that a bullet being released from a gun.
He sat up quickly and studied the alluring space. Nothing. He silently laughed at his paranoia and sunk back down on his comfy bed. "Go to bed Silkie." He said as he looked up at his ceiling.
He smiled at the plastic stars that covered the top of the room. He put them there when he was fourteen, when the Titans formed two years ago. Maybe he was a little too old for glowing stars at age fourteen, but he loved the way they looked in the pitch blackness. That same shuffling sound filled the room once more.
Beast Boy ignored the annoying sound, wishing Silkie would just go to sleep. He continued to stare peacefully at the bright green plastic stars. Beast Boys eyes widened as a strong hand wrapped around his slim neck, disturbing his star gazing. The figure ripped him out of bed, and held him in the air by the neck, his face even closer to the glowing stars. Adrenaline flowed throughout body as tried to scream for help, but nothing would escape his lips.
Beast Boy began to gasp for the air he desperately needed as his vision started to fade. He thrashed his legs violently at the attacker, but the grip just got tighter. "Help..." he faintly gasped as his legs and arms began to break down.
The strong stranger pulled his arm back, and launched Beast Boy at his massive glass window effortlessly.
Beast Boys back hit the glass first. It shattered and danced in circles around him in the air. That satisfying sound of glass breaking when it hits a cement floor chimed in his ears. It almost felt as if he was falling in slow motion, allowing him to capture every second of the deadly situation.
The wind whistled in his ears, and weaved itself in and out of his fluffy hair. The glass of the window cut his cheeks and arms, but he could barely feel a thing.
He looked at the beautiful stars above him. The glass and the deep, dark blue sky almost matched perfectly. His arms and legs remained above his body as his limp body fell through the air. He closed his eyes, and thought of her. Her beautiful purple hair that matched her purple eyes, and her pale skin. He imagined her soft lips, and her hugs. He wanted to kiss her again.
He opened his eyes and came to his senses. He let out a batttle cry as his body took the form of a pterodactyls.  His left wing barely cooperated, but his right wind managed to barely get him through. He flapped is wings as hard as he could, desperately trying to soften his fall.
The ground was getting closer, and he finally began to slow down. He reverted, hitting the ground with a thunderous, blood curling bang. He let out a cry in pain, panicking at his bloodied chest and arms. He tried to stand, but his injured leg buckled underneath him, causing his to fall once more.
He steadied himself, and forcefully got up to his feet, only to be put back down with a hard blow to the side of his head. He wiped the blood from his face, and stood up with his fists out. "Who-" he screamed before dropping his fists and backing up.
"Hello Beast Boy. I just wanted to stop by and check up on you." Slade said, the waves crashing on the rocky shore behind him.
Beast Boy fell back and used his good arm to scoot himself backwards. Fear sculpted itself onto his face as he noisily gulped. "Get... the hell... away from me." He said, his voice breaking.
Slade cocked his head to the side. "What? I thought we where friends. Is this about our little play date last time? I apologize, I was a little too rough, wasn't I?" He asked in a sarcastic voice.
Slade walked slowly over to Beast Boy, pulling out his long shiny blade. "I said get away!" Beast Boy shrieked, turning around and trying to scramble away.
Slade grabbed him harshly by the wrist and yanked him to his feet. It hurt, but Beast Boy was grateful he grabbed him by his right arm.
Slade kept his grip tight on Beast Boy, holding his thin green arm above his head, his leg not wanting to be stood on.
Slade circled around to the back of Beast Boy, pinning his arm behind his back and holding his blade to his neck.
Beast Boy let out a shaky breath and instantly took it back in. His entire body trembled violently, and he was afraid he was going to slit his own neck by shaking so much.
Slade put his face uncomfortably close to Beast Boys, making his blood run cold. He wanted to transform into something, anything. But he didn't want take the chances of feeling that cold blade inside his flesh again.
"What do you want from me?" He managed to let escape his lips.
"What do I want? Well that's simple." Slade said, loosening his grip. "I want you and your Titan friends dead, and I'm going to make you do the dirty work." He said in a horrifying voice.
Beast Boy clenched his fists. His blood started to boil, and he wanted to punch the monster known as Slades face in.
He turned into a kangaroo and kicked Slade back, his blade barely missing his long ears. Slade groaned in annoyance and got back up. He took blow to Beast Boys kangaroo nose, and kneed him in his now human form stomach.
"Look kid, let me finish and maybe your little friends will live to see another day. If you do not do as I say, I will use you to slaughter your teammates, one by one, slowly, and painfully. Starting with the demon one." He threatened.
Beast Boy narrowed his eyes, still trying to control his breathing from Slades hard blow. "You... will not touch a hair on her... f-fucking head." He said as he shallowly gasped for air.
"Oh, it won't be me touching a hair on her head."
"What do you want from me?! I'll do anything you sick bastard, so long as you leave my friends alone." Beast Boy said, using braver words then he was meaning to.
"Your powers." Said Slade.
"My powers?" Beast Boy echoed.
"Your stronger than I thought you where. You proved that the last time I saw you. But yet, you where still no match for me. If I had your powers I'd be an unstoppable, deadly threat. I don't want Ravens demonic magic, or Cyborgs tech. What I need, is you. You have a gift, and it be a shame to let it go to waste, so I plan on putting it to good use."
Beast Boy stumbled to his feet and stepped back. "As much as I'd love to help you, I can't just grab my powers and hand them over to you."
"Ah, that's where the experiments come in. I will figure out a way to get your powers. I don't know if you'll be dead or alive in the end, but it doesn't matter to me. So, do we have a deal?" Slade said, holding out his hand.
Beast Boy backed up even further. "I swear to god, if you double cross me, I will kill you."
Slade filled the space between them and grabbed Beast Boy by the neck again, holding him high in the air, Beast Boy holding on for dear life. "And if you double cross me, the monster you are will be the death of your friends. I except to see you this Saturday, you know the place. Come alone."
Slade threw the shaking body to the ground. Beast Boy grabbed his neck and began to violently cough. Slade took a small green chip, and stabbed it behind Beast Boys ear. Beast Boy hissed and slapped a hand over it, leaving a trace of blood on his hand. He opened his eyes, and Slade was gone.
There he sat on his knees in the coldness of the night, trying to process what just happened. The wind hit his bare chest and made the hair on his arms stand up. He couldn't tell if he was trembling from how cold it was, or the fear that still coursed through him.
He stared blankly at the sea, and the bright city beyond that. Usually he came out here this late at night to gaze at the gorgeous scenery, not receive death threats.

"Look, there he is." Robin said, pointing out the window to where Beast Boy sat, unmoving. "Does he usually go out there this late?"
"Yes. He loves looking at the ocean when the moon is out, but he usually does it with a shirt on and a blanket. He must be freezing." Raven said, curiosity forming on her face. "I'm going to go check on him, thanks for letting me know Rob."
Robin nodded his head, and began to fiddle with his fingers. "Uh, sorry if sounds weird, or like something I'd never say, but... you guys are... really cute together."
Raven rose an eyebrow. "Yeah, that is something you'd never say. I don't think I've ever heard you say the word cute." She said, giggling a bit.
Robin scratched the back of his neck and smiled, surprised that she giggled. "Goodnight."
Raven straightened the top of her white spaghetti strap tank top, and replaced her shorts with thick sweat pants. She draped a huge furry blanket over her shoulders that would be big enough for her and Beast Boy. She slipped on her slippers, and ventured to where Beast Boy sat.
She scrunched her nose as she walked behind Beast Boy. He sat awkwardly on his knees, and didn't move a muscle. Blood ran down the side of his arm, but he didn't seem to notice.
Beast Boy jumped and lunged forward, trying to get away from the voice that was behind him. His injuries didn't allow him to get very far.
Raven dropped her blanket as she ran over to the timid boy.
"Garfield! Your okay, it's okay. See, it's just me." She soothingly said as she hugged him from behind, trying to let him calm down. Beast Boy felt her short, soft hair rest on his bare back.
He turned to her, and allowed her to stare into his emerald eyes. He breathed heavily, the fear in his eyes still present. Ravens eyes shifted to his neck and the glass shard sticking out of his arm. Blood grazed his face, and streamed down his neck from behind his ear.
She softly touched his neck, and ran her fingers over the red marks on his neck left from Slade's strong hold. He didn't flinch once. He knew he was safe. "Who did this?"
He remained silent, pulling the glass shard out of his arm.
"Here." She held her slender hand out, and helped him limp closer to where the big rocks where so that they could sit and watch the ocean. Raven studied his body. He had very defined abs, and toned arms. She looked away quickly, catching herself staring. Beast Boy didn't seem to notice.
Raven grabbed the heavy blanket, and draped it over the both of them. Beast Boys icy skin pressed against her body, causing her to shiver. But the blanket heated him up quickly.
Beast Boy stared silently at the sea, still not uttering a word. Raven looked over at her silent Boyfriend. "What happened?"
Beast Boys lip began to quiver. "I can't tell you." He whispered.
Raven narrowed her eyes. "Beast Boy, I need to know. Answer me. What happened?" She asked in a more stern voice. "Look at you, you can't just tell me that your not going to tell me. You can tell me anything, I thought you knew that!"
Beast Boy bit his lower lip as his eyes filled with tears. He let one escape before sobbing uncontrollably. "I r-really can't t-tell you Raven!" He cried. Raven widened her eyes in shock. She felt her own eyes start to fill with tears as she took Beast Boys chin into her fingers and had him look at her. A strong guiltiness washed over her as she stared at his broken expression.
Beast Boy bit his lip harder, assuming she was going to get an answer out of him no matter what it took. Instead, she simply took him into a hug, and caressed the back of his neck.
Beast Boy placed his head on her shoulder, letting all his emotions escape his body in the form of salty tears.
"It's okay Gar, I've got you. It's okay..." Raven said, kissing his head.

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