Kidnappings and bank robberies

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"Kidnapping little girls and robbing banks huh Slade?" Beast Boy laughed. "You my friend, are at an all time low."
"Did your leader Robin not tell you to get out of here and not do anything?" Slade spat, turning around to face his enemy.
Beast Boy cursed under his breath, upset that Slade had heard their conversation. "Get away from her." Beast Boy hissed before turning into a lion. He growled at Slade as he circled around him, putting himself in between Slade and the little girl. The girl screamed at the sight of the lion. Beast Boy shoved Slade back and quickly transformed.
"Hey hey! It's okay I'm not gunna hurt you!" Beast Boy said as he untied the the rope that was restraining the girl.
"Thank you!" The girl cheered, giving Beast Boy a kiss on the cheek.
"You're welcome. Now go, run!" 
The little girl ran as fast as her small legs could take her. Beast Boy stood in front of Slade who was still on the ground, not wanting him to attack the girl again. When she reached the end, Beast Boy faced Slade who was beginning to stand. Beast Boy swallowed and took a step back.
"Oh come on, I was just having a little fun." Slade chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.
"Dude, you're supposed to be a skilled evil mastermind. Not a... a jerk. You did not seriously rob a ba-"
Beast Boy let out a cry of pain as Slade punched him in the stomach, sending him flying back. Beast Boy grabbed his stomach and spit on the ground, trying to control his breathing.
Slade than kicked Beast Boy in the stomach, causing him to lose more air. Beast Boy held himself on his hands and knees, gasping and panicking at the same time.
He staggered to his feet and locked his gaze on Slade. "What are you going to do, green one?" Slade laughed. Beast Boy clenched his teeth and morphed into a cheetah. He let out a hiss as he pounced on Slade. Slade effortlessly kicked Beast Boy off, making him go back to his original form. He skid on the ground, burning his shoulder.
Beast Boy slapped a hand on his hurt shoulder, which caused it to hurt more. He sat on the ground helplessly. Slade let out that chilling laugh as he pulled out two shiny blades.
Beast Boy widened his eyes. "Why are you doing this?" Beast Boy breathed.
"Because it's fun." Slade has truly gone mad.
"I'm going to die. Oh my god I'm going to die." Beast Boy ran those terrifying words over and over again in his head.
Beast Boy didn't like the idea of running away from a fight, but at this point, he feared for his life. He jumped to his feet and began to run. The flickering lights made the scene more dramatic than he would like it to be. He didn't transform into any animal to help with speed. His mind wasn't working right. Tonight he learned what the true meaning of fear was. He wish he hadn't learned it.
"Leaving so soon?" Slade asked. Beast Boy picked up speed, but it was too late. Slade threw his elbow into Beast Boys back. The strong blow forced Beast Boy face first down into the ground. Blood gushed from his nose and trickled onto the ground. 
Slade used one blade to slash the back of Beast Boys thigh. Beast Boy hissed at the pain, and began to crawl.
"Pathetic." Slade said harshly as he targeted Beast Boys right calf. Beast Boy let out a howl. The pain was becoming unbearable.
"Robin, Starfire! Cy.. borg. Raven!" Beast Boy cried. Slade wasn't holding back. He slashed at Beast Boys upper right arm as well as one of his ankles. Beast Boy threw himself onto his elbows. Slade slashed at Beast Boys stomach, making a deep cut.
"Slade, you psychopath stop!" Beast Boy cried. Slade responded with punch to his left eye and forehead. Blood gushed from the top of his head. There Beast Boy lay on his back, a bit dazed.
"This is way more fun than kidnapping little girls." Slade yelled as he pointed a blade at Beast Boys left shoulder. Beast Boy closed his eyes and let out a low whine.
Slade drove the blade into Beast Boys shoulder, but not all the way through. Beast Boy gasped and grabbed Slades hand where he held the handle of the blade.
"Please pass out, please pass out please pass out..." Beast Boy said to himself.
Robin approached the scene, not even close to ready for what he saw. He shook his head and snapped out of it, finally getting a word out. "Slade!"  Robin yelled as the rest of the Titans followed behind him.
"No... Beast Boy." Cyborg gasped at the sight of his bloodied friend.
"Oh my... Beast Boy!" Raven screamed, tears filling her eyes.
"Well, this was fun Beast Boy. Let's do it again some time." Slade put all his weight on the blade, causing it to fully impel Beast Boys shoulder. "Good to see you guys too." Slade nodded at them and disappeared into the night. The Titans looked around the alleyway, confused as to where he could have gone, but that didn't matter.
"Garfield!" Raven cried. She flew over to his side and grabbed his hand.
Beast Boys ears perked up, a bit surprised Raven used that name. He was surprised she even remembered that was his real name. The only time she heard his name was a long time ago when they last saw the Doom Patrol. "R-Rae..." Beast Boy got out.
"Oh Beast Boy! I am happy you are alive!" Star said.
Raven squeezed his hand tighter as Robin walked over. "Just close your eyes okay?" Raven said softly. Beast Boy did as he was told. Robin grabbed the blade handle and pulled up quickly. Beast Boys body went limp as he fell into a deep sleep.

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