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The waves started to crash more violently. The sea in Ravens mind shook the entire earth until finally, the dream ended, and her eyes shot open. Her body rocked back and forth as two strong, yet weak hands gripped her arm.
She turned to face the boy causing the sea storm in her dreams. "What is it Gar?" Raven yawned as she puts hand over her mouth.
Beast Boys eyes remained shut as he began to move his lips. "I don't feel good." He said in a raspy voice.
Raven sat up and reached her arm into the pitch black space, planting her hand on his forehead. "Your really hot." Raven said with a bit of concern.
"Yeah, I know I'm hot, but how is my temperature?" Beast Boy joked, his eyes still shut. Raven never admits to it, but she has always found him and his jokes funny. But the way he said this joke made her sad. There was no enthusiasm. He just seemed weak and broken.
"If I'm running a fever, than why am I so cold?" Beast Boy said, shivering. Raven thought for a moment, then let out a sigh.
"Sit up please." She kindly ordered. Beast Boy slowly sat up, and slumped against the back of the bed. Raven took off his shirt as well as his bandages that wrapped around his stomach.
The tissue from his wound appeared... black. Beast Boy finally opened his eyes to look.
"Ew-huhuuuuw." He said in disgust. "I don't have to go to the hospital, right? Last time I went to the hospital, they looked at me really funny."
Raven smiled and put her hands together over his wound. She closed her eyes and focused. Beast Boy tilted his head in confusion, but it hit him fast and his eyes widened. He's seen her heal people before, and their screams still ring in his head.
"This is gunna hurt." Raven said as a bright black matter emitted from her hands. It poured itself into his wound and grew brighter. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos... Azarath Metrion Zinthos..." She quietly repeated under her breath.
Beast Boy breathed into his nose and out of his mouth slowly. His hand began to ache as he clenched his covers tighter. Those people where screaming and crying for a reason. He bit his bottom lip and started to whine. The pain was unbearable, but he was taking it better than he thought he would. Tears drizzled down his cheeks as Raven repeated the chant.
Raven started to sweat from how much energy she was losing. She clenched her teeth and focused even harder, and with one last Zinthos, the cut on Beast Boys stomach was healed. Beast Boy let out the gasp he's been holding on, not wanting to throw off her focus. He put his hands on his face, panting as if had just run for miles. "Thank you." He said with a muffled voice.
Raven shook her head, feeling a bit dizzy. "Sorry I didn't do that sooner. I only have so much power to give, so I wanted to see if you could heal a bit by yourself first so I could be sure I had enough energy to heal you all the way. But with it infected, I had to do it now. N-now your shoulder." Raven said as she rose her hands again.
Beast Boy bit his lower lip and placed a hand on hers, realizing how much that took out of her. "No. You've done enough for now, I don't want you to get hurt." He didn't want her to get hurt, but he also didn't want to feel the agonizing pain again.
"I can handle it." She hissed through her teeth, swatting Beast Boys hand off of hers.
"Shut up!" Raven yelled as a faint glow began to emit from her hands. Beast Boy frowned and squeezed his eyes shut as Raven closed her eyes softly.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos.... Azarath Metrion Zinthos..."
It felt like a thousand more swords where being driven through Beast Boys shoulder. Her black magic weaved itself in and out of his flesh. He clenched his fists and began to sweat. Not being able to hold his sound in any longer, he let out a dreadful scream, but quickly clenched his teeth.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven stood up and focused all her energy on his deep wound. "Azarath Metrion!" Raven screamed as tears ran down her face. A wind picked up in the room, papers and coke cans skidding across the floor.
"Raven stop!" Beast Boy cried out as Raven continued to scream out in pain. The wind grew even stronger and Ravens hair floated up as if she was underwater. Her sweater was flowing and tears where floating off of her face. "Please, you're hurting yourself you have to stop!" Beast Boy tried to get up, but he was being forced down. The door crashed open with a loud bang.
"What's happening?" Robin yelled as he ran through the bedroom door. Starfire and Cyborg filed in behind, Cyborg's rockets where loaded and Starfires hands where glowing a faint green.
"S-stop her! She's gunna get hurt!" Beast Boy cried.
"No! Don't touch me!" Raven screamed as her black magic continued to light up the room. "I can do it, I'm almost... Azarath Metrion Zinthos! Azara-"
Robin wrapped his arms around Raven without any hesitation and pulled her back with all his strength. Raven passed out before she toppled on top of Robin. The wind settled, and the room grew dark again.
Beast Boy let out a choked gasp and grabbed his shoulder. He bent his chest to the bed and placed his forehead to his covers, groaning in pain. His wound was only halfway healed, but it was better than before.
"Beast Boy!" Starfire gasped as she flew over to her friend and placed a hand on his back. Beast Boy shook his head and quickly stumbled to his feet. Getting up too fast, he lost his vision for a second and fell forward.
Cyborg caught him just in time and directed Beast Boys arm over his shoulder. "B, take it easy! It's okay man, you're are gunna be fine."
Beast Boy gave Cyborg a cold glance and snatched his arm back. "It's not me I'm worried about!" He yelled angrily as he dropped to his knees. He slid over to Raven and studied her face. He lifted his head and narrowed his eyes at Robin. Robin lightly laid Ravens body on the ground and backed up, giving Beast Boy space. Even though Beast Boy was the light hearted jokester of the group, all the Titans knew how angry he could get. And when he's angry, it's wise just to leave him alone.
Her breath was light and soft. It reminded him of a cool summer breeze, grazing the flowers, and giving them the chance to dance.
He placed a warm hand on her soft cheek and tilted his head. "You'll be okay." He gently whispered, planting a kiss on her forehead.
He picked her up and brought her close to his chest, forgetting about his shoulder. He winced, but didn't once show any sign of the possibility of dropping her.
Starfire stepped forward and hugged her arms. "Um... I can take friend Raven to her room Beast Boy. Your shoulder appears to be impaired..." She hesitantly said.
"My shoulder is fine." He lied. He walked out of the room, leaving Robin, Cyborg, and Starfire cemented to their spots.
He slowly walked into Ravens dark, but beautiful room. He's never been into this part of their home before. Her bed was circular, and the sheets where a gorgeous dark shimmery purple. The walls where painted black, with abstract white lines here and there. On her lamp stand were two skulls with black roses coming out of them. Her tilted pentagon mirror looked nice above her dresser. Countless books littered her massive book shelf.
He walked over to Ravens bed and set her down. His shoulder was throbbing, but the sight of her beauty took his mind off the pain.
He morphed into a cat, but hesitantly reverted. "Will she kill me if she finds me in her room? Her room?... she'll probably find another reason to kill me though." Beast Boy tuned into a  cat once more and hopped onto Ravens lap. He wanted to fall asleep, but his racing and crowded mind wouldn't allow him to.

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