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The cold air made Beast Boys teeth chatter as he sprinted through the night. The full moon lit up his path in the most beautiful way.
He reverted to his human self when the pain of his wounds became unbearable, but he kept a steady pace. The silhouette of Jump City tempted Beast Boy to stop in his tracks and appreciate the view, but he didn't have the time to stop.
The sound of Robins motorcycle and Cyborgs advanced T-Car invited itself into Beast Boys ears. The familiar sounds pushed him to run faster. Bound after bound and stride after stride.
His cheetah paws ached and his body was screaming at him to stop, but he ignored the warnings.
"Why does he run?" Starfire screamed in Ravens directed as she sped through the air by her side.
"We're going to find out!" Raven yelled back as she continued to process what was happening. How could so much happen in a matter of weeks?
A fight. A conflict. One little bump sent everything spiraling backwards. If she had accepted his apology, would he have not gone on that deadly evening walk?
Would that poor little girl have died? Been kidnapped forever? Or would Slade of left her on the streets?
If they had gotten to the scene a second later, a minute later, would they have lost him?
Where went that million dollar smile that lit up any and every room Beast Boy walked into? Or, was that million dollar smile fake...? But how could such a smile be a fake? He used to laugh at the dumbest of things.
He used to paint Starfires nails when she was feeling down, or just because he wanted to, to be nice.
He used to be that person you where so thankful to have in your life, because they knew just how to make you smile, and feel special.
Now here Raven was, flying faster than she ever has before to a place she didn't know of. All that mattered was that place is where Beast Boy will be.
Robin rode his motorcycle with determination on his face. He kept on Beast Boys tail, only allowing him to get too far ahead once or twice.
Robins eyes widened as realization stuck him like a hammer. His surroundings became more and more familiar as he ventured further.
"He's heading for Slade!" Robin yelled out loud to his team.
Raven flew even faster. "Garfield, stop! Let us help you!"
Beast Boy came to an abrupt stop, Slades lair in view, but still far off.
Robin swiftly skid his motorcycle to the side and planted his foot on the ground. Cyborg slammed on the breaks and jumped out of the car, while Starfire and Raven met their feet with the ground.
Beast Boy reverted and clenched his bare side, quickly turning to his friends. "I told you not to follow me! Look, you don't understand. Just let me protect you guys!"
"Help us understand!" Raven pleaded, her voice breaking. "Protect us from what? We can all figure this out together! You don't have to do... whatever this is on you own."
"Yeah. I do."  Beast Boy said as he turned his back to his friends. Before he could take a step, Robin tackled him from behind and pinned him to the ground. Beast Boy let out a cry as he hit the ground and began to struggle. Robin put a hand on the side of his face and pressed it into the ground, trying not to hurt him while attempting to contain him.
"Do not harm him Robin!" Starfire worriedly said.
"Lemme go!" Beast Boy angrily hissed through clenched teeth. "I don't wanna fight you, dude!"
"Beast Boy, your making this way more difficult than it has to be." Robin sternly said as he struggled to keep a grip on Beast Boy. "You have to let us help you!"
Beast Boy morphed into a gorilla to outgrow Robins grasp. He took a strong blow to Robins stomach, casing him to fly back, his arms and legs kicking and waving as if he was trying to catch himself by latching onto the air.
Robins breath shortened as his back hit the rocky ground. He inhaled and exhaled deeply in an attempt to retrieve the wind that was knocked out of him.
Beast Boy pounded his gorilla chest before backing up. "I'm sorry! But I warned you guys..." Beast Boy yelled as he reverted and faced himself in the direction of Slades hideaway.
Beast Boy let out that scream he uses whenever there's a jump scare in a horror movie. He quickly backed up towards his friends and held his hands low in the air.
"S-Slade... I was, I was coming I swear." Beast Boy stammered as he continued to back away.
Robin took in another breath and held himself on his elbows, his eyes widening as his vision focused on Slade.
Slade let out a low, spine chilling laugh. "I thought we had a deal, beast. You don't look very alone to me." Slade said, gesturing to the Titans. "You told them because, you thought they could protect you?"
Beast Boy put his shaking hands on the sides of his face and traced them back to his hair where his fingers became imbedded in soft green strands.
"Look, just let them go okay? This is between you and me. Let them go, and I'll come with you like I do every time." Beast Boy said, beads of sweat running down his face.
"Beast Boy...."
"Get out of here Raven, all of you." Beast Boy dryly said as he took a step towards Slade.
"He's the one who did this to you." Cyborg angrily said, his eyes shifting to Beast Boys wounds.
Beast Boy shook his head, annoyed at Cyborg for stating the obvious. "Get outta-"
"No." Robin said, cutting Beast Boy off. "We're not leaving you."
"We will stand by your side and fight." Starfire said in her sweet yet vicious voice while holding up two fiery fists.
"Sorry Gar, but you can't expect us to leave you behind like this." Raven said, throwing her hood on and narrowing her eyes in Slades direction.
Beast Boy bit his lower lip and slowly nodded. He turned around and faces Slade.
"I'm not your little science experiment." Beast Boy said with a mischievous grin before turning into a tiger and charging.
A loud siren like sound blasted in his ears, causing him to revert to human form. Beast Boy clasped both hands on his ears and fell to his knees, letting out a blood curdling scream.
He fell to his his side and curled up into a ball. He squeezed his heavy eyes shut and rocked a little, his hands still pressed against his pointy ears.
Raven darted her eyes to the little silver remote in Slades hands with the red button pressed under his thumb.
"What did you do to him?" Raven screamed at Slade as she ran to Beast Boys side. She fell to her knees and put both her hands on Beast Boys arm.
"Garfield? Gar, can you hear me?"
Beast Boy rose his violently shaking hand behind his ear. He ran his fingers over the little green chip Slade had planted there a week back.
"R-Raven... theres something wrong with me. You need to get away." He chocked out.
"I'm not leaving you, okay?!" Raven yelled, her hands still on his arm.
"GET AWAY." Beast Boy hissed, his voice amplifying. Raven picked herself up and clasped a hand over her mouth. Short green fur grew on his shoulders. His short nails became long, black claws. His once big emerald eyes, shrunk to thin slits like those of a cats, ripping through the whiteness. Though it seemed impossible, his sharp teeth became longer and sharper.
Beast Boy tilted his head and looked at the Titans.
Starfire gasped. "Beast Boy?"
"Beasty, you in there buddy?" Cyborg asked, backing up. Beast Boy continued to let his mischievous eyes linger.
Slade sauntered over to where Beast Boy stood. He took a strong hand and roughly placed it on Beast Boys bad shoulder. Beast Boy didn't flinch.
Slade lowered his hidden lips to Beast Boys ear. "Attack." He whispered loudly.
Beast Boy cocked his head to the side and flashed a crooked smile before lunging at Raven.

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